Does anyone know if you can still get one of the Actually Helping Farmers T Shirts from a while back? If so where?
The short story is Widerightnattylight used to have them, but AIB east complained about it and they can no longer make them. Wish I would've pulled the trigger on that shirt when I had the chance. You can probably design your own easy enough.
All the more reason to make about another 10 million of them. I want one BAD.
Anybody can go to their mom and pop local screenprinter and have this done. All it takes is for 10 people to want one for it to be reasonably priced with the screenprinter.
The short story is Widerightnattylight used to have them, but AIB east complained about it and they can no longer make them. Wish I would've pulled the trigger on that shirt when I had the chance. You can probably design your own easy enough.
Definitely one of my favorite shirts to wear around CR. Always get comments about it. Shockingly, about 80% of the comments from Iowa fans are them laughing and thinking it's funny because it's true.
So, can someone get this setup with custom ink or something? I'd take one.
CysRage PMd me and said he was going to try to put something together. He has some connections with some printing companies or something.
Hopefully he can get something put together and post back.
What got WRNL was that the shirts were being sold by SB Nation through their online store. U of I contacted SB Nation, who decided that even though the shirts are protected parody, selling a few shirts wasn't worth a legal battle with those butt hurt ******* in Iowa City, even if they won.