Yellowstone - new TV "western"

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2011
Haven't read any of this thread.

After watching commercials, it seems like it is a Montana version of Ozark. Is that off-base?


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
I'm already dreading the inevitable Rip/Beth split. Just picturing Rip's heart being yanked out of his chest.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
Haven't read any of this thread.

After watching commercials, it seems like it is a Montana version of Ozark. Is that off-base?

Kind of....

I am trying to find out what the two new cowboys (from Dutton's past) are adding to the story. Seems they are just there to antagonize with no real purpose.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2009
I saw season 1 recording season 3, can't get season 2 online. It's not available on paramount network? maybe after season 3 is over it will pop up.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
I've enjoyed the series since the very first episode; with that being written I also find it to be a bit unbelievable at times, and I really have to suspend my sense of disbelief.

So...after Walker disappears last season, with knowing that if he ever shows his face again that he might be killed by someone other than Kayce, he goes around singing at bars in the area? Come on. Anyone that dumb might deserve to be killed.

I also wonder what, if anything, is going to come of the storyline last year with Jamie's ex-girlfriend, the political consultant or whatever she was, revealing to him that she was pregnant.

I do enjoy the show and I'm glad to have something to watch during the summer, but there are points where it feels like the showrunners are throwing crap against the wall to see what sticks, and then completely ignoring what gets left behind without any sort of resolution.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
I've enjoyed the series since the very first episode; with that being written I also find it to be a bit unbelievable at times, and I really have to suspend my sense of disbelief.

So...after Walker disappears last season, with knowing that if he ever shows his face again that he might be killed by someone other than Kayce, he goes around singing at bars in the area? Come on. Anyone that dumb might deserve to be killed.

I also wonder what, if anything, is going to come of the storyline last year with Jamie's ex-girlfriend, the political consultant or whatever she was, revealing to him that she was pregnant.

I do enjoy the show and I'm glad to have something to watch during the summer, but there are points where it feels like the showrunners are throwing crap against the wall to see what sticks, and then completely ignoring what gets left behind without any sort of resolution.

This is a pretty good summary of my thoughts as well. Overall I do like the show a lot.

I love Ryan Bingham playing Walker though, that’s cool.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
I think Beth knew exactly what would happen with Market Equities and somehow she and the ranch will profit from what happened with the stock prices.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
That was one helluva way to end season 3 and leave us hanging until next summer! All I know is there probably is going to be hell to pay for someone one way or another once Rip finds out what has happened. I figured there was way too much going on with the Market Equities storyline that it would not get resolved this season and we would be left with a big cliff hanger but I didn't not expect it to be in the magnitude of what went down in the final minutes of the episode.

Won't spoil it for anyone that hasn't watched it last night but for those who watch this show would eventually love to get some thoughts on what you think will happen when they pick up the story lines to start season 4 next June? I have a few theories on what may be behind what happened last night...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
I've enjoyed the series since the very first episode; with that being written I also find it to be a bit unbelievable at times, and I really have to suspend my sense of disbelief.

So...after Walker disappears last season, with knowing that if he ever shows his face again that he might be killed by someone other than Kayce, he goes around singing at bars in the area? Come on. Anyone that dumb might deserve to be killed.

I also wonder what, if anything, is going to come of the storyline last year with Jamie's ex-girlfriend, the political consultant or whatever she was, revealing to him that she was pregnant.

I do enjoy the show and I'm glad to have something to watch during the summer, but there are points where it feels like the showrunners are throwing crap against the wall to see what sticks, and then completely ignoring what gets left behind without any sort of resolution.

I missed this post. As we know with the Walker storyline now while something seems a bit off at the time in that moment, Taylor Sheridan is pretty creative with incorporating things down the road or revealing the reason behind something with some of the flash backs to something that happened in the past that sheds light on something. For instance we finally found out why Beth hates Jamie so much then to make things even more complex we found out later this season Jamie is adopted which adds another twist to the plot with his character. With Walker I assumed they didn't kill him off the first time "aka send him to the train station" because they had plans to re-introduce him into the story again later and I'm glad they went that route because I like his character and Ryan Bingham plays it well too. I wish they would of had a flash back to what happened to Wade Morrow and John in the past as we found out he was a branded man so how did he leave the ranch alive too and also was poetic justice that it was Walker who was tasked to cut the brand off him before they killed him. It sent a message that if you cross us this could be your fate some day too. We still haven't found out exactly why Kaycee was branded other than it was said that it was a punishment so I expect that to be a flash back at some point in the future too. Honestly I think the writing for this show has been spectacular. Yeah there are a few moments they push the imagination to the limits but doesn't a lot of shows do the same to some extent? It wouldn't be entertaining if they "kept it real" all the time.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
Ok so it has been a few weeks so will share my final thoughts on the cliffhanger season finale to wrap this up until next season. I will even hide them with the spoiler quotes in case someone still has not seen it. Curious what @ChrisMWilliams thinks about this season as I know he loves this show and even mentioned on his show he didn't want to talk about the finale because he would catch crap from someone for spoiling it.

So the biggest question is did anyone die and won't be back for season 4? We pretty much assume Costner's character John is not dead because they ended it with him pulling out his cell phone that stopped a bullet. As soon as he pulled over to help that flat tire out I was already saying "don't John it's a setup!" I need to go back and find it but my wife said there was an episode that John even mentioned in a scene about his fear that one day he would pull off to help someone along the road and things would appear to be something they were not.

I think Kayce will be fine, he has military training and has killed plenty of people on the show already and we see him flip over his desk with his gun drawn as a gunman enters his office so my guess is he kills the gunman and is just fine.

I sure would hate to see them kill off Beth as she is one of the favorite characters on the show but it will be amazing to see how they have her survive a bomb blast like that. They finally got to a good spot with the Beth and Rip relationship that it would suck if we don't have that dynamic in the show anymore as both have delivered some memorable scenes through the first 3 seasons.

If I had to put odds an any character dying it would be Jimmy. Just don't know where they are going to go with his storyline after his lady friend pretty much told him she wouldn't be with him if he gave it up plus he's not a crucial part of the show either. Seems like once he has something good going for him it always comes crashing down.

All I know is whoever was behind the hits sure made a big mistake by not taking out Rip as there sure is going to be hell to pay once he finds out what happened. My assumption is that there isn't just 1 person behind who put the hits out on everyone but there are a lot of theories floating around about who could have. I think the Market Equities folks are behind Beth's, we saw Willa tell Rourke to treat this like an oil deal in Yemen before that happened so I could see them playing dirty and just seems the most logical. Some people are saying Jamie is behind 1 or more hits. If he is I think John would be the most likely then Beth but I also think maybe his biological dad could be behind that one too because Jamie has a lot to gain if John dies. I don't see how Jamie would want to kill Kayce as we had that scene where Kayce told Jamie no matter what he can always call him brother and I don't see an angle how there is any friction between those 2 as they have been pretty civil to each other throughout the show so that hit is the most baffling of them all on who it could be unless you think Market Equities was behind all 3. One theory I have seen is that maybe Rainwater was behind one of them as there was that scene in the car after the big meeting where his lawyer gal was telling him he can't play by their rules because they will always be the ones that makes or changes the rules. Saw another observation that someone thought that when Monica was talking to Kayce on the phone there might have been an explosion in the background that startled her. I can't quite tell but can't rule out that maybe the bunkhouse or something on the ranch was under attack at the same time too.

It's going to be a LONG wait to find out who survived and who was behind it but it sure left a lot of unfinished business that should lead to some good storylines for season 4. The interesting thing will be how they handle the promos when the new season gets near because they usually have some great online content from the actors talking about the new season and I doubt we will see anything from characters involved in the dramatic ending to season 3 in any of those so they don't tip us off about their fates. Hoping some of the new characters like Teeter or the return of Walker aren't just and done thing for this season too and are back.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
It's really weird seeing the actor who plays Rip in this show knowing that he also played Carter Verone in 2 Fast 2 Furious. He's a way better Rip, though.

Cole Hauser plays the role so well and I would say he probably has become most people's favorite character on the show even overshadowing Costner who is supposed to be the biggest name and draw. I watched an interview somewhere on YouTube where he even says Rip is the favorite character he's ever played. I know a lot of females who watch the show are big Beth fans too so it's pretty cool to see how 2 of the lesser knowns when the show started both are probably the favorite 2 actors/characters on the show now.

I didn't know this until someone pointed it out to me but Luke Grimes who plays Kayce apparently was in the Fifty Shades of Grey movies. Wes Bentley I still always see him as the game master of the original Hunger Games movie.


TJ's spy team member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 2, 2009
Ames Via Cedar Falls
Cole Hauser plays the role so well and I would say he probably has become most people's favorite character on the show even overshadowing Costner who is supposed to be the biggest name and draw. I watched an interview somewhere on YouTube where he even says Rip is the favorite character he's ever played. I know a lot of females who watch the show are big Beth fans too so it's pretty cool to see how 2 of the lesser knowns when the show started both are probably the favorite 2 actors/characters on the show now.

I didn't know this until someone pointed it out to me but Luke Grimes who plays Kayce apparently was in the Fifty Shades of Grey movies. Wes Bentley I still always see him as the game master of the original Hunger Games movie.
Luke Grimes will always be the guy in American Sniper to me. And Wes Bentley is that weird kid infatuated with a plastic sack in American Beauty.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2006
Albia, IA
I'm old enough to remember the hype with the show "Dallas" and the whole "who shot JR?" thing. This is better, with the story lines of who is injured, and who is behind the various attacks at the show's end. Quite the cliffhanger.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
I can say that I rarely think about what has happened or will happen on a TV show. Yellowstone might be the first time, actually. I've thought about it several times since watching the season 3 finale. Waiting until next summer is going to suck if nothing changes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
I'm old enough to remember the hype with the show "Dallas" and the whole "who shot JR?" thing. This is better, with the story lines of who is injured, and who is behind the various attacks at the show's end. Quite the cliffhanger.

That was kind of my thoughts too for a comparison and Dallas was a great show as well. Even the reboot of it in 2012-14 was pretty decent.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
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That was kind of my thoughts too for a comparison and Dallas was a great show as well. Even the reboot of it in 2012-14 was pretty decent.

I've thought this whole show is similar to Dallas. Instead of the family fighting ith each other for control of Ewing Oil, and protecting it from outsiders, Yellowstone is doing the same with the ranch.

John = Jock - the patriarch
Beth = JR - ruthless and wants control
Kaycee = Bobby - spouse (Monica/Pam) wasn't initially welcomed. The good guy.
Jamie = Gary - pushed away by most of the family
Chief Rainwater = Cliff Barnes - trying to get back what was taken from his people
Rip = Ray - characters aren't quite the same, but both are the ranch foreman

Still need a Sue Ellen and Miss Ellie.
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