On the official issue, there are a lot of really bad fans and parents at athletic events. But let's not totally give all officials a free pass either. I have been at my share of events where adult officials were really bad including one where one kicked a coach out because he simply quietly asked what the call was, started calling phantom penalty shots - God knows why - and then came over to the sidelines in the middle of the game and taunted the fans offering them his whistle if they thought they could do better when a few fans grumbled about what was going on. Unfortunately he got what he wanted then because one of the parents went off on him when he did that and he kicked her out. He then proceeded to kick other parents out when they asked him to please just start the game. He also continued to make very inappropriate comments to kicked out parents as they left the game area. Some may say that he was just having a bad day, but this behavior went way, way, way beyond any semblance of what is appropriate. Some people shouldn't be officials.