Why does this moron still have a job


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
On the road...
After I saw the screen shots shared on social media I decided to do something that I've never done before. I wrote an email to Pollard Thursday night, politely laying out the reasons why this guy needs to be let go. In short, this is not how a representative of ISU should conduct themselves. I received a reply from the AD on Friday -

"...Although the posts are clearly inappropriate, immature and not the type of behavior we expect out of our employees, we also do not feel that behavior, in and of itself, warrants terminating one’s employment. Please rest assured we have dealt with the situation and the embarrassment that Adam’s actions have brought on to himself and to our program are not being taken lightly."

While I was disappointed in the AD's reply, it didn't really matter because news had broke that Urness resigned.

Will he and his family (I've seen posts from the player's mother saying Urness' wife went to the school, managed to pull the message recipient out of class and continue to berate) learn from this? I can only hope so, but I think I'll rein in my hopefulness.

It was his mother, not wife. He isn't married.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 22, 2011
Not surprised, have you ever lived in small town Iowa? Locals can get very nasty when they feel they have been wronged or someone does something they don't like/agree with. I have seen this type of BS and that is why I enjoy living in a large city.

Think about what you just typed before you hit send.

You should heed your on advice.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
OT but your "professional people" comment reminded me of a story. Friend was officiating a game in a small Iowa town. Wasn't even his regular crew, he got called to sub. There was a guy in the top row by himself screaming f-bombs and everything else. At halftime he came down to where the refs were leaving the court and berated them some more. My friend spoke to the AD and asked him to have the fan removed. He responded, "I can't do that. He's our superintendent." Next day my friend's phone rings. It's the IHSAA. This upstanding superintendent with an impeccable reputation had reported to the IHSAA that one of them flipped him off. No evidence, no eyewitnesses. Suspended from post-season officiating for five years. All because he answered the call to sub on someone else's crew!

Holy ****.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Lol at the people who think that a grown man in charge of player development at a state institution shouldn't get fired for calling a 17 year old a little ***** and accusing him of doing drugs.
If that isn't a fireable offence then idk what is. Makes me sick to see people victimize him as a product of "the negative impact of social media." But please tell me again how nice he always seemed to you. Barf.

(Yes I'm triggered)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
On the official issue, there are a lot of really bad fans and parents at athletic events. But let's not totally give all officials a free pass either. I have been at my share of events where adult officials were really bad including one where one kicked a coach out because he simply quietly asked what the call was, started calling phantom penalty shots - God knows why - and then came over to the sidelines in the middle of the game and taunted the fans offering them his whistle if they thought they could do better when a few fans grumbled about what was going on. Unfortunately he got what he wanted then because one of the parents went off on him when he did that and he kicked her out. He then proceeded to kick other parents out when they asked him to please just start the game. He also continued to make very inappropriate comments to kicked out parents as they left the game area. Some may say that he was just having a bad day, but this behavior went way, way, way beyond any semblance of what is appropriate. Some people shouldn't be officials.

I'm sure any ref would gladly offer you their whistle so you can show them how it's done?

Sometimes humans act, you know, human?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
I'm sure any ref would gladly offer you their whistle so you can show them how it's done?

Sometimes humans act, you know, human?
I'm having a hard time following your post, but if you were there you would know how inappropriate his behavior was. There is a huge difference between being an asshat on a power trip and acting human.
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