***Official St Louis Cardinals vs Chicago Cubs 2015 NLDS thread***


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
Apologize if already discussed, but I was wondering how home-field advantage worked with our next series. Is it based on seed in the playoffs, in which case I'm guessing we would NOT have home field advantage. Or, is it based on overall record, which I'm guess we WOULD have home field advantage. Anyone willing to help me out?

Mets or Dodgers would have home field over the Cubs because they're the wild card.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
Bode is back in the lab trying to perfect his fluke detector because in his world the Cubs eliminating his beloved Cards had to be a fluke.



Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Mets or Dodgers would have home field over the Cubs because they're the wild card.

Bummer, that sucks. Based on the playoff setup right now, there is no doubt the Cubs are getting the short end of the stick and the hardest route possible to win the whole thing. Ok, I get how they have a setup that allows the 3 division winners and 2 wild cards in for the next two best records. However, past that, I think home field advantage should all be based on records. Shoot, if the wild card team ends up having a better record than a division winner, to me, that is even more impressive and deserving since that means they had to fight it out in a division where there was a team with more wins than either one of them. Maybe it is just sour grapes, but I don't consider the current setup to be fair and should be changed. Shoot, I could see it possible we end up right back in this same scenario next year too.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
Bode is back in the lab trying to perfect his fluke detector because in his world the Cubs eliminating his beloved Cards had to be a fluke.


I'm so confused.

I was guaranteed complete Cardinal domination by Bode. What happened?

I want to be happy the Cubs won, but if his guarantee didn't come to pass then there has to be something wrong with the world.

Doc Brown's experiments with time travel must have caused a paradox and ripped a hole in the space time continuum!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2012
Story Co.
I'm sorry, Bode can't come to the phone right now. He is busy with all of the crow.


I'm picturing him in a dark basement somewhere looking like seven shades of **** sitting in front of his computer carefully choosing his words, typing for hours on end only to delete his post because he can't get it just right. We must all be extremely patient and wait for the perfect bode comeback post. It will come. Ya just can't keep a champion down.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2011
My Playhouse
Just went for a walk at Brookside and found a man under the Bridge at Skunk River.

The man looked like a mess. Holes in his clothes. Dirt all over his face and body. He looked like he hadn't had food in weeks and streaks, presumably from tears, were the only marks on his face that wasn't covered in mud.

I knew the man had been through a lot. But I also know those who have been through failure know what it takes to succeed.

I asked what his name was. He said Bode.

I asked the man whats wrong. Why was he in this shape, and it was then that I learned...well, we'll get to that in a minute.

The man told me he had it all once. All the sources. All the money. The blackest black belt in the world. A great family that he happily provided for and a website that, despite all the haters, he provided his wealth of knowledge and blessed the peasants with his presence.

Until the site turned against him. Banished him for a bit even though he did nothing. But he came back, stronger then ever, and told the site that he knew who would win the World Series, and he even knew what the outcome would be to every game. And your champions would be the St. Louis Cardinals.

He was so confident in this, that he put all his money on them to win the World Series, risking all he was providing for his family to put food on the table, all his sources, EVERYTHING HE HAD, in the hopes that, with the money he would make in the World Series, he could cure his friend, 1970, of his erectile dysfunction.

Unfortunately, the Cardinals lost in the first series, and quite literally every prediction Bode made for the playoffs...went the opposite way. As for the bet, Bode lost everything he ever had, including internet access to the website that once banished him, but now begged for his comeback.

And, what was the lesson learned you ask? Nothing. I learned absolutely nothing from Bode.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2012
Buffalo Center
Just went for a walk at Brookside and found a man under the Bridge at Skunk River.

The man looked like a mess. Holes in his clothes. Dirt all over his face and body. He looked like he hadn't had food in weeks and streaks, presumably from tears, were the only marks on his face that wasn't covered in mud.

I knew the man had been through a lot. But I also know those who have been through failure know what it takes to succeed.

I asked what his name was. He said Bode.

I asked the man whats wrong. Why was he in this shape, and it was then that I learned...well, we'll get to that in a minute.

The man told me he had it all once. All the sources. All the money. The blackest black belt in the world. A great family that he happily provided for and a website that, despite all the haters, he provided his wealth of knowledge and blessed the peasants with his presence.

Until the site turned against him. Banished him for a bit even though he did nothing. But he came back, stronger then ever, and told the site that he knew who would win the World Series, and he even knew what the outcome would be to every game. And your champions would be the St. Louis Cardinals.

He was so confident in this, that he put all his money on them to win the World Series, risking all he was providing for his family to put food on the table, all his sources, EVERYTHING HE HAD, in the hopes that, with the money he would make in the World Series, he could cure his friend, 1970, of his erectile dysfunction.

Unfortunately, the Cardinals lost in the first series, and quite literally every prediction Bode made for the playoffs...went the opposite way. As for the bet, Bode lost everything he ever had, including internet access to the website that once banished him, but now begged for his comeback.

And, what was the lesson learned you ask? Nothing. I learned absolutely nothing from Bode.



Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
Has nothing to do with this year's team but it's one of my top Cardinal moments. Just saw that tonight is the 11 year anniversary of this:



Active Member
May 15, 2014
Has nothing to do with this year's team but it's one of my top Cardinal moments. Just saw that tonight is the 11 year anniversary of this:


Thank you Anaheim


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2011
My Playhouse
Who's trolling now? :jimlad:

I actually thought this was the St. Louis Cardinals season thread when I posted that video in it but I didn't look closely enough.

Not a bad place to put it.

Hated Edmonds as a Cardinal, loved him as a Cub. Probably my most favorite Cub rent-a-player of all time.

One of greatest memories of him was his two homerun game in 2008 in which, after the second homer, he had one of my all time favorite bat flips aimed right for the Cardinal dugout.

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