Friday OT - Worst Advice You've Ever Received

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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
From my roommate at the time: You really should go out with my friend Neal, he's a great guy and he really likes you.

So the date: I met him at a decent, inexpensive chain restaurant. I offered on going dutch but he insisted on paying. This was the year 1983, so my portion of the bill was $3.89. While he was waiting for the waitress to return with his change, he announced that since he had paid, it was time to go back to his place (his mom's basement) and do it every which way. After I was able to speak, I told him that was ridiculous and I was going home. I started walking to a nearby subway stop through an alley behind the restaurant. He ran up behind me calling my name, and I thought maybe he was going to apologize or say he was just kidding. He threw me against a wall and tried to assault me. I screamed and kneed him where it counts and he grabbed my hair and punched me. Two very large men (I think they were the bouncers) came out of a nearby bar and saved me, beating the guy to a pulp. They hailed me a cab, gave the driver some cash, gave me a phone number to call when I was safely home.

My roommate wound up marrying the guy I set her up with, but I never really forgave her for Neal.

Also, for the record, I love The Big Bang Theory and laughed until I cried when Bob Newhart was on again last night.

At least you hit so hard in the crotch that he had to NEAL!


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 22, 2007
Los Angeles
Try the Habanero Salsa, its pretty mild. Paid twice for that advice, if you know what I mean
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
It won't be bad taking an 8am class, no different than what you have been doing the last 4 years in high school.

I had one semester in 4 years that did not include an 8 am class. Every other semester I had one at minimum 2 days/week.


Ancient Argumentative and Accidental Assassin Ape
SuperFanatic T2
Jun 18, 2013
traipsing thru the treetops
For me I just don't watch much TV, so watching the prototypical sitcom with the laugh track is kind of painful. Also, as I get older I find it harder to get in to things that don't have a story arc (some sort of plot and resolution, rather than a formula)--not saying I don't or haven't watched things like this, but I struggle to start a new one up.

My problem is that they are half hour shows...and usually one that I might like is paired with one that makes me want to puke. I rarely watch sitcoms any more, but I will watch them on live streaming occasionally.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Coming out of high school I had multiple opportunities to run track at the D1 College level. My dad told me that I didn't want to take out any loans because I would fail in life if I had debt after college. Not knowing that majority of college students graduate with debt, I listened and stayed home for a semester going to CC and working to be able to pay for college. Granted I worked my butt off, graduated without any debt, but I also never got the opportunity to reach my full potential. I did walk on to the track team once I got to college, but a year of inactivity really killed my drive.

He also told me that credit cards were the devil...buying a car for the first time is fun with no credit.

Your dad was right on a lot of things.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Med City, MN
It's a pretty great show. Usually the people that don't think it is funny are the people that they they are "above" sit-com nerd humor, don't get the jokes, or it too accuratly reflects their lives.

I will say that it has been going down hill the last couple seasons though. It has probably about run its course. Seasons 1-5 are great though.

I actually thought last night's was great! One of the best ones in quite a while. Professor Proton and Bill Nye! And light saber belt buckles!


Aug 2, 2013


Doesn't wipe standing up
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2010
Chicago, IL
One I didn't follow "There is no way we can beat Oklahoma State. Come to my hometown and we'll get drunk at a bonfire with my high school buddies"

I laughed when he called me that night

One I did follow "Go ahead and meet that hot girl on Tinder. She can't be that crazy"

She was that crazy...


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2006
What's so terrible about that?

Because I lost a crap load of money. My account balance after all was said and done (and that included employer contributed funds) was thousands less than I had contributed.

If I had withdrawn my money before the stock went to crap I would have been ahead money wise. The tax/withdrawal fee would have been less than what I lost.

Worst part, I became unemployed during at that same point and remained so for a while. I had to deplete my savings to stay up with bills. All the while watching as $70k dwindled and I couldn't touch it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2006
On the flip side, best advice I ever received...

Don't max out your mortgage amount on what the banker says you can afford.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Because I lost a crap load of money. My account balance after all was said and done (and that included employer contributed funds) was thousands less than I had contributed.

If I had withdrawn my money before the stock went to crap I would have been ahead money wise. The tax/withdrawal fee would have been less than what I lost.

Worst part, I became unemployed during at that same point and remained so for a while. I had to deplete my savings to stay up with bills. All the while watching as $70k dwindled and I couldn't touch it.

You don't lose until you take it out. If you would have have put $75k in a 401k in January of 1999 and not put in one more cent you would have $100k today and that's after the worst 2 crashes in the last 80 years.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2013
If someone advised you to drink something and you did not get arrested, pregnant, killed, raped, or married, chances are that was not the worst advice you received. You may have gotten a headache, but at least you got a story out of it.

Worst advice I received: Let's just stay at this table. The dealer can't stay hot forever.