What is your ONE regret in life (so far)?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
I'm honestly surprised at the response to my "being born in a different time" thread, and it inspired me to start this one.

What is your one single regret you have in your life thus far, that you not necessarily wish could go back and change, but think about how different things could be if you had done this one thing?

Damn, that was a long question....

Not trying to get too personal, I'm really just looking at relatively small things in the grand scheme of things in your life (that sounded weird and very redundant, but you know what I mean).

Here's mine:

I didn't get my driver's license until April 10, 2009, and my first car until April, 10, 2010. I was 22 and 23 respectively. I just had no interest up to that point as I was able to get around just fine walking, and all my friends/girlfriends up to that point happily accommodated me. It wasn't until I was motivated by my ex-fiancee to finally do so in late 2008. She had never said anything, but one morning it was like a light turned on my head when I woke up and realized "if you're really serious about this relationship, and really your future in general, you should probably finally grow up a bit". Getting my car in 2010 also motivated me to go to college after taking 5 years off since High School graduation in 2005.

While all my friends and lady friends had no problem with it (I was very fortunate when I think back on it, especially the number of...... "Encounters" I had with the women I was meeting at the time. Late 2009 - Late 2010, I'll just say I had lots of fun), I kinda wish I had gotten my license and car at least a year or two sooner than I did.

It probably wouldn't have changed things too much, but when I think back on it, it would have opened things up a bit more, especially with the women I was seeing. Hell, nevermind the girls, it definitely would have opened things up much more socially in general I think.

Again, I was very fortunate enough that everyone I knew liked/loved me enough to play taxi all the time, but just another "what if" I like to look back on, and probably the one single regret I have in my life.

Other than that, I have no regrets in my life. I've had several small ones at times, but then I remind myself things always worked out. Sometimes it would take YEARS for that to happen, and it really makes me think about destiny/fate (for example, yeah, I made certain decisions back in 2010 - 2013 I wish I could go back and change at times, but then I realize things worked out in my favor GREATLY around 2016/2017. Hell, even today I am still feeling the effects. I was playing the long game, and just didn't know it).

Thanks for listening to another rant, as I am going through a bit of an early mid life crisis 10 years early at age 37. Which to be fair, I don't understand why I am, as I know I am still very young, and hell, I'm still 24 years old at heart. People still think I look 27/28 years old when they meet me the first time.

Post and flame away all you want. I know it's coming.

I love you all.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
Not doing more when I was in high school. And also some stuff I did do like why I thought an Amish neckbeard was a good look.
That's actually an extremely small regret for me. While I was never interested in Prom or Homecoming, I wish had done a little bit more my Senior year, especially going to sporting events as damn near every one on the Varsity teams was in my graduating class.

But it wouldn't really have changed my time in High School at all. So I regret it, but don't regret it.
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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
Driftless Region
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Going home to help farm the weekend of the Tornado game.

It was my junior year at ISU. My folks came down for parents weekend, and we had an all time pathetic Danny Mac stinker loss to Baylor. In my anger I told my Dad I’d be back to help with harvest that weekend. Then the Clones rip off 3 in a row, and are back in the drivers seat. My dad calls and says I can stay in Ames for this huge game. I respond that I’m a man of my word and came home.

F*ck. I’ve never had FOMO as bad as I did watching that game.


Not on weed
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 6, 2014
nothing. failed out of college... took a couple years off. bs iowa state. masters and phd...

have a great wife and 2 little kids. a good job.

plenty of work/life balance. i try and remind myself that these kids wont be little forever. (unless we just keep cranking them out)

i'm thinking of returning to western iowa and starting a veggie farm with some family land.

you only live once right?


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 10, 2009
nothing. failed out of college... took a couple years off. bs iowa state. masters and phd...

have a great wife and 2 little kids. a good job.

plenty of work/life balance. i try and remind myself that these kids wont be little forever. (unless we just keep cranking them out)

i'm thinking of returning to western iowa and starting a veggie farm with some family land.

you only live once right?
I think mine was dropped out of college my second year because I had no idea what I wanted to do. All things are great, married with 2 great kids and great work life balance as well though.
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Gameday Guru
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 13, 2008
Nevada, IA
I'm honestly surprised at the response to my "being born in a different time" thread, and it inspired me to start this one.

What is your one single regret you have in your life thus far, that you not necessarily wish could go back and change, but think about how different things could be if you had done this one thing?

Damn, that was a long question....

Not trying to get too personal, I'm really just looking at relatively small things in the grand scheme of things in your life (that sounded weird and very redundant, but you know what I mean).

Here's mine:

I didn't get my driver's license until April 10, 2009, and my first car until April, 10, 2010. I was 22 and 23 respectively. I just had no interest up to that point as I was able to get around just fine walking, and all my friends/girlfriends up to that point happily accommodated me. It wasn't until I was motivated by my ex-fiancee to finally do so in late 2008. She had never said anything, but one morning it was like a light turned on my head when I woke up and realized "if you're really serious about this relationship, and really your future in general, you should probably finally grow up a bit". Getting my car in 2010 also motivated me to go to college after taking 5 years off since High School graduation in 2005.

While all my friends and lady friends had no problem with it (I was very fortunate when I think back on it, especially the number of...... "Encounters" I had with the women I was meeting at the time. Late 2009 - Late 2010, I'll just say I had lots of fun), I kinda wish I had gotten my license and car at least a year or two sooner than I did.

It probably wouldn't have changed things too much, but when I think back on it, it would have opened things up a bit more, especially with the women I was seeing. Hell, nevermind the girls, it definitely would have opened things up much more socially in general I think.

Again, I was very fortunate enough that everyone I knew liked/loved me enough to play taxi all the time, but just another "what if" I like to look back on, and probably the one single regret I have in my life.

Other than that, I have no regrets in my life. I've had several small ones at times, but then I remind myself things always worked out. Sometimes it would take YEARS for that to happen, and it really makes me think about destiny/fate (for example, yeah, I made certain decisions back in 2010 - 2013 I wish I could go back and change at times, but then I realize things worked out in my favor GREATLY around 2016/2017. Hell, even today I am still feeling the effects. I was playing the long game, and just didn't know it).

Thanks for listening to another rant, as I am going through a bit of an early mid life crisis 10 years early at age 37. Which to be fair, I don't understand why I am, as I know I am still very young, and hell, I'm still 24 years old at heart. People still think I look 27/28 years old when they meet me the first time.

Post and flame away all you want. I know it's coming.

I love you all.

I didn't get my permit until 17, but in my case I was just scared to learn how to drive.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2012
Not going to school longer at Iowa State. I was in such a rush thinking I needed to get done with my degree so I could get back home to help on the farm. I should have dragged it out another year.

I also regret not staying in shape and working on flexibility/mobility throughout my younger years more. It has caught up with me so now I'm having to restart everything (it's stupid getting older)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2019
Norwalk, Iowa
The Unit I was in got deployed to Iraq a couple months after I got out of the Marines. I had stress and nightmares for 7 months while they were over there fighting. I felt like such a piece of crap for not jumping back in and going back with them. I still feel shame. I did my time and all of that. It's just hard to explain when everyone else is their putting it on the line and I am at a bar trying to bang hotties. I would have to go home from the bar because I was crying like a baby thinking about my buddies. Still feel bad about that.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
Had kids older in life. Somehow I ended up living where I am and doing what I do.

All of my lifetime choices and events had to happen the way they unfolded for me to be here.

Not only that, but all of the choices in the history of by DNA had to come together to get me right here at this specific time.

Could I have done better with certain things? Sure. But it's mind blowing to consider the odds of any of this happening.

But it's all a simulation anyway.
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Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
The Unit I was in got deployed to Iraq a couple months after I got out of the Marines. I had stress and nightmares for 7 months while they were over there fighting. I felt like such a piece of crap for not jumping back in and going back with them. I still feel shame. I did my time and all of that. It's just hard to explain when everyone else is their putting it on the line and I am at a bar trying to bang hotties. I would have to go home from the bar because I was crying like a baby thinking about my buddies. Still feel bad about that.
Thanks for your service first of all. If you completed your service complete and honorably, there is nothing to feel bad about.

I look back and wish I had at least went into the guard. I come from a family where I am one of the few that didn't serve. I regret that, but at the time my dad had been drafted for Korea and when a farmer finally has a son at age 40, he doesn't want to risk losing him. I was pushed away from serving and my dad said, with all the service the BC family has given, one of us can just go to college.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
It's a really tough question, because I don't have a lot of regrets about where I've ended up, and if I had made a different decision at this point or that, I'm not convinced that I would have been mature enough to take advantage of it anyway.

If I had to pick one, it would be a phone call that I never returned from a really good friend from high school. We had pretty much torn it up when we hung out, so he was basically my best drinking buddy. I hadn't heard from him in 20 years and I had just gotten married (2008) and had an 8 year old son. He was a very good dude, but from his personality, I would have guessed that he was still the same guy then as he was in high school.

We were on the way out the door and he called and left a message, and then another one and then another one in the span of a couple minutes. There was nothing particularly urgent about the messages, but leaving three in such a short span kind of weirded me out. My life had just calmed down significantly, and I guess it just felt like a bad time to introduce a chaotic element into it, so I didn't call back and then kinda forgot about it.

About two years later, it was weighing on me, so I decided to try to find him and give him a call. Talked to a friend who had been in touch with his brother, so I got ahold of him. Turns out that he had just passed away from a heart attack while helping his brother move. I think he was maybe 41? Damn, I wish I had made that call.