What if.....

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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Des Moines
If DG can get the hole ANYTIME he wanted to like some are saying on this board.... then why is he not averaging 40 ppg? I mean if he could do it everytime. Does anyone actually watch these games? Diante is one of the MAIN reasons that this team sucks as bad as they do. Just watch the next time we are on offense. The ball will go into CB, the double will come, kick out to SC, quick ball movement to CC, the defense is still rotating trying to catch up... CC to DG.... DG to.... to... oh wait he is now holding the ball and the defense has recovered! Awesome


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Des Moines
DG and SC can not even come close to guarding any of the other guards in the Big 12. They are the worst guard defenders that I have seen here at ISU. Why did Clemente look like a #1 overall NBA draft pick yesterday? Because he was being guarded by SC and DG. 90% of his shots were wide open without a hand in his face.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
If DG can get the hole ANYTIME he wanted to like some are saying on this board.... then why is he not averaging 40 ppg? I mean if he could do it everytime. Does anyone actually watch these games? Diante is one of the MAIN reasons that this team sucks as bad as they do. Just watch the next time we are on offense. The ball will go into CB, the double will come, kick out to SC, quick ball movement to CC, the defense is still rotating trying to catch up... CC to DG.... DG to.... to... oh wait he is now dribbling the ball and the defense has recovered! Awesome
fix it for you

I agree 100% with this. Anyone that would not trade DG for any guard in the big 12 is crazy. Balbay at Texas is close but he is a better passer and defender. I could see 5 more wins with Clemente rather than DG (NW, UNI, @Tech, @Okla, KSU).


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
Somewhere in the U.S.
DG and SC can not even come close to guarding any of the other guards in the Big 12. They are the worst guard defenders that I have seen here at ISU. Why did Clemente look like a #1 overall NBA draft pick yesterday? Because he was being guarded by SC and DG. 90% of his shots were wide open without a hand in his face.

DG could not even handle keeping a step ahead of one of KSU's big men.....I believe it was Samuels........remember that play? Samuels put the ball on the flloor, and got a step off DG on the dribble. DG ended up fouling him because he was a step behind. Also, several of Clemente's shots were wide open looks because DG either plays too far off him when KSU was setting up the half-court, or he drops back too far in help defense, then can't recover quickly enough to get a hand in Clemente's face. Not good defensively at all, but some of that is on GMac too in not coaching him better on defense, or at least not getting through to him.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
If DG can get the hole ANYTIME he wanted to like some are saying on this board.... then why is he not averaging 40 ppg? I mean if he could do it everytime. Does anyone actually watch these games? Diante is one of the MAIN reasons that this team sucks as bad as they do. Just watch the next time we are on offense. The ball will go into CB, the double will come, kick out to SC, quick ball movement to CC, the defense is still rotating trying to catch up... CC to DG.... DG to.... to... oh wait he is now holding the ball and the defense has recovered! Awesome

Exactly, they don't give 1/2 points for blown layups either else he'd be leading the Big 12 in that stat too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
DG needs to take some ten foot shots to loosen up things like SC does. He can do ity. When he drives to the bucket you know he will never dump it off because he is too focused to make the layoff. This can be changed easily also.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 16, 2006
Menlo, Iowa
If DG can get the hole ANYTIME he wanted to like some are saying on this board.... then why is he not averaging 40 ppg? I mean if he could do it everytime. Does anyone actually watch these games? Diante is one of the MAIN reasons that this team sucks as bad as they do. Just watch the next time we are on offense. The ball will go into CB, the double will come, kick out to SC, quick ball movement to CC, the defense is still rotating trying to catch up... CC to DG.... DG to.... to... oh wait he is now holding the ball and the defense has recovered! Awesome

Watch the 2000-2001 team play. They didnt have half the talent down low this team has yet they were always open for easy shots. It was all due to the fact the guards could pass the ball quick and all of them could hit 3s with a player in their face.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
Denver, CO
The better question is what if we switched coaches?

if martin was coaching this team, we would have fewer wins more losses. If Mac was the k state coach, they would have more wins.

You know exactly what you're getting when you play k state, they don't do anything special on offense and they are an okay defensive team. But, what they do is play hard and attack.

Were just a combo guard short of being real good, i think.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
Denver, CO
not true...Clemente is very emotional and can mentally throw a game out the window with one bad call or situation that doesn't go his way. Don't get me wrong he is good but he's a liability at times..likes to force things if he's off..just doesn't play smart

...and DG isn't? I mean he isn't emotional, but he can still throw the game away mentally. Did you watch him against UNI late in the game? Did you see him the way he started the second half yesterday? Pitiful, DG is the reason we struggle. When DG is on were good and we play with anyone, When DG plays terrible, we lose. We get terrible DG waaaay too much.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2006
Des Moines
What if we had a coach that was like Bobby Knight, Roy Williams, or even Bill Self+
What if we win the Big12 tournament
What if we had HB playing for us next year
What if we....


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
If DG can get the hole ANYTIME he wanted to like some are saying on this board.... then why is he not averaging 40 ppg? I mean if he could do it everytime. Does anyone actually watch these games? Diante is one of the MAIN reasons that this team sucks as bad as they do. Just watch the next time we are on offense. The ball will go into CB, the double will come, kick out to SC, quick ball movement to CC, the defense is still rotating trying to catch up... CC to DG.... DG to.... to... oh wait he is now holding the ball and the defense has recovered! Awesome

Because he isn't aggressive enough. Not many times does he try to get to the hole and not get there.