Tyrus in trouble?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
Rag article indicates he nabbed a couple hundred bucks out of a stray wallet. I say it was legally abandoned property and his actions were completely legal.

The real question is, what college student is leaving their wallet laying around with $220 in it? I think bad choices were made on both sides of that fence.

pppssshhh, it wasn't Tyrus' fault, the kid shouldn't have left the money laying around. My opinion is he deserved to have it stolen. In fact Tyrus was doing him a favor. Doubt the kid ever makes that mistake again. :eek:

Haha, you guys are a hoot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
My question back to you, if you are an ISU fan, why don't you? Personally, I want to see the best for all the athletes at ISU, when they are here, and in their futures. Maybe you don't. I hate seeing them making stupid mistakes like this.

As someone who made stupid mistakes in my youth I hope he learns from it. People sometimes do stupid things in the spur of the moment they later regret.

As an 18 year old high school student I was ticketed for 5th degree theft after a girl at a party asked that I go to the store and get a bottle of $10 schnapps and meet her at the park. Thinking with the "wrong head" I decided I would attempt to use my older brothers expired license to buy it (I kept it in my wallet but had never attempted to use it as he looked nothing like me). Well when I approached the checkout line I saw a friend of my parents, I quickly turned around and instictually concealed the bottle in my front belt under my coat. I made it two steps before someone grabbed me by the shoulder and took me to the back room. When a police officer came I explained that Ireally had no intention of stealing (I have never stolen anything in my life) and actually told him the whole story. Showed him my brothers ID and he said "well it's your choice I can give you a $30 ticket for 5th degree theft and you can leave right now or I can haul you down to the station and charge you with using a fake id, probably get a $90 fine and you will lose your drivers licence for 6 months". I opted for the $30 ticket. Nobody knew about it at the time, parents didnt find out etc. But 17 years later I wish I had never been such an idiot and i wish I har taken the fake ID charge. It Would have meant a lot more trouble at the time (on a lot if fronts) I had a scholarship offer I was afraid of losing etc. But now I have a "character crime" on my record because of a few impulse decisions as an 18 year old. Now I get to tell that story every time I apply for a job. To my knowledge it hasnt cost me a job but as someone who considers themself an honest person it is something I hate to have associated with me and I hate that my character is inevitably in question.

Who knows what was going through tyrus's head but a lot of 16-24 year olds have done dumb things and gone on to be quality people. The male brain doesnt fully mature until 21-24 years of age and the last part to develope is the part if our frontal lobe that fully connects long term consequences to our short term actions in real time (we become less impulsive). It is why young males engage in risky behavior (they dont condider ther own mortality), why crime is most likely to occur before the 25th birthday and why we have the term "youthful indiscretions".

I am glad you never did something you later regretted but you asked why these guys make dumb mistakes... well 3 true had it right or maybe he does have some major charector flaws. I for one am willing to give a college kid the benifit of the doubt and hope he learns from it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
Not sure about the people giving him a free pass because he's a kid, pretty sure 16 year old kids are tried as adults because they know right from wrong. Tyrus is 6 years passed that and supposed to be somewhat of a role model. But hey kids make stupid mistakes so it's alright.

Not alright, but its why I give a lot of the stuff you say a pass too. Fact is most 22 year olds are more impulsive. He did it and will and should pay the cosequences for it. That's how we learn. But the fact remains if you or tyrus applied to work for me 20 years from now when your 42 and I am 55 and yo had a 4th degree theft charge on your record I am hoing to judge it differently as a 22 mistake than if you had done it as a 32 year old (as a 16 year old even less).

Point is maturity does not excuse a crime, but it is a mitigating factor. I know I thought I was the most mature person in the world too at 22 but fact is I wasn't. Mark twain had it right when he said something like "when I was 16 my father was so ignorant I couldnt stand to have him around. But when I was 23 I was astonished at how much he had learned in 7 years"


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
Not alright, but its why I give a lot of the stuff you say a pass too. Fact is most 22 year olds are more impulsive. He did it and will and should pay the cosequences for it. That's how we learn. But the fact remains if you or tyrus applied to work for me 20 years from now when your 42 and I am 55 and yo had a 4th degree theft charge on your record I am hoing to judge it differently as a 22 mistake than if you had done it as a 32 year old (as a 16 year old even less).

Point is maturity does not excuse a crime, but it is a mitigating factor. I know I thought I was the most mature person in the world too at 22 but fact is I wasn't. Mark twain had it right when he said something like "when I was 16 my father was so ignorant I couldnt stand to have him around. But when I was 23 I was astonished at how much he had learned in 7 years"
I wouldn't ever steal anything so a moot point.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
Ames, IA
I saw Tyrus and some other guys at the MU today. As they walked past, they were talking about chargers and having too many of them. You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

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