Tuition Costs Up Again?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
Let's just make college harder and harder for people to afford so only the wealthy can afford it, sounds like a great world.

Our values in this country are so backwards it isn't even funny. In other countries you have very affordable (sometimes free) college, and you also have healthcare as a right. They put a huge priority on investing in the people, and they understand how important it is to have an educated society.

Not in America, it's exactly the opposite. We're trying to dumb down the people and have them uneducated, poor, not in good health, etc..... and then they will elect guys like Trump for president because they don't know any better.

It just drives me insane what we tell the kids of this country. Yeah, you should go to college, but unfortunately only the top 5% of people can afford it, so you better hope your'e born into a wealthy family, or too bad.


Minister of Economy
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 10, 2011
Let's just make college harder and harder for people to afford so only the wealthy can afford it, sounds like a great world.

Our values in this country are so backwards it isn't even funny. In other countries you have very affordable (sometimes free) college, and you also have healthcare as a right. They put a huge priority on investing in the people, and they understand how important it is to have an educated society.

Not in America, it's exactly the opposite. We're trying to dumb down the people and have them uneducated, poor, not in good health, etc..... and then they will elect guys like Trump for president because they don't know any better.

It just drives me insane what we tell the kids of this country. Yeah, you should go to college, but unfortunately only the top 5% of people can afford it, so you better hope your'e born into a wealthy family, or too bad.

They restrict the quantities of each (of post-secondary education and healthcare) rather than trying to do "everything for everybody" that we do in this country, too.

You can make college free when you make it really hard to qualify for it.

Same thing on healthcare -- you have to portion it out very carefully.

Otherwise, it nukes your budget.

Both systems have their benefits and costs, but do not pretend there are utopias out there. Americans are not used to such restrictions in access to services.

Pitch these things if you want to, but do not pretend they lack downsides.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
Clive, Iowa
Inflation? Costs go up. My company raises the price of its products every August. I don't have a problem with this at all.

Yellow Snow

Full of nonsense....
SuperFanatic T2
Oct 19, 2006
Osage, IA
University of Iowa did just lose a recent law suit. Probably gonna lose another in a month or two.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
Let's just make college harder and harder for people to afford so only the wealthy can afford it, sounds like a great world.

Our values in this country are so backwards it isn't even funny. In other countries you have very affordable (sometimes free) college, and you also have healthcare as a right. They put a huge priority on investing in the people, and they understand how important it is to have an educated society.

Not in America, it's exactly the opposite. We're trying to dumb down the people and have them uneducated, poor, not in good health, etc..... and then they will elect guys like Trump for president because they don't know any better.

It just drives me insane what we tell the kids of this country. Yeah, you should go to college, but unfortunately only the top 5% of people can afford it, so you better hope your'e born into a wealthy family, or too bad.

What are you talking about? Iowa State is setting enrollment records every year. Any business can't raise prices if there is no demand. If you think free college is so great then you can move to New York. What they won't tell you is that you then can't leave the state for four years regardless of whether you can find a job in NY or not.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 18, 2011
My son is a Junior at Iowa State. Any tuition increase stinks. The total cost of his college will be so much more than what it cost me when I graduated from Iowa State in 1991. There needs to be some change in general to make college for affordable for everyone.

Iowa State by comparison is less expensive than similar schools we looked at with my son. For example, Purdue is very similar to Iowa State. State school, Engineering, Ag, Education, Vet school.... Below is a comparison of tuition + room/board for 2016-2017

Purdue instate = 10,002 + 10,030 = $20,032
Iowa State instate = 8,219 + 8,356 = $16,575

In our situation, my son must pay out of state tuition which is much higher at $21,583 vs $8,219. Lucky for us Iowa State offered merit scholarships for me being an Alumni and his HS academic achievements. Those dropped tuition down to about $12,000. This made it close enough in cost that he could choose Iowa State and attend the university that I love.

Given all this, I don't think Iowa State is out of line with their tuition increases, but I think there is a much great problem in that college education just costs too much in general. I don't know what the fix is, but something must change or we will see more and more kids attending community colleges or not going to school at all.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2010
Let's just make college harder and harder for people to afford so only the wealthy can afford it, sounds like a great world.

Our values in this country are so backwards it isn't even funny. In other countries you have very affordable (sometimes free) college, and you also have healthcare as a right. They put a huge priority on investing in the people, and they understand how important it is to have an educated society.

Not in America, it's exactly the opposite. We're trying to dumb down the people and have them uneducated, poor, not in good health, etc..... and then they will elect guys like Trump for president because they don't know any better.

It just drives me insane what we tell the kids of this country. Yeah, you should go to college, but unfortunately only the top 5% of people can afford it, so you better hope your'e born into a wealthy family, or too bad.

Might want to slow down on that whole making health care a "right" concept. It it's truly your right to have it, then someone has to be compelled to provide it to you. I'd rather have a voluntary exchange of those goods and services myself. That seems to work very well in the rest of life. As for tuition, yes the rate of increase in higher education costs is much higher than the rate of inflation. But what's causing it? Very little discussion of that in the public policy debate. Hint: study the increase in non-teaching staff positions that have been added at universities over the past two to three decades. After that, check out all the amenities that have been added on a lot of campuses. It's probably very emotionally satisfying to rail about evil forces conspiring to deny health care and education but it doesn't get you any closer to an answer as to how to actually address the problems we face in these areas.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Might want to slow down on that whole making health care a "right" concept. It it's truly your right to have it, then someone has to be compelled to provide it to you. I'd rather have a voluntary exchange of those goods and services myself. That seems to work very well in the rest of life. As for tuition, yes the rate of increase in higher education costs is much higher than the rate of inflation. But what's causing it? Very little discussion of that in the public policy debate. Hint: study the increase in non-teaching staff positions that have been added at universities over the past two to three decades. After that, check out all the amenities that have been added on a lot of campuses. It's probably very emotionally satisfying to rail about evil forces conspiring to deny health care and education but it doesn't get you any closer to an answer as to how to actually address the problems we face in these areas.

Health Care Providers are already compelled to give people Health Care under EMTALA.

Health Care is not a Free Market.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
Time to Cut Taxes for the Wealthy?

Of course! Then they will voluntarily pass it down to the rest of us out of the goodness of their hearts. This new Trumpcare takes millions off of healthcare while padding the pockets of the wealthy, and at the same time college costs are skyrocketing and becoming unaffordable for all but the rich.

Someone earlier pointed to ISU's increases in enrollment as evidence that it isn't unaffordable..... uh..... wut? Just because you go to college doesn't mean it's affordable. More and more kids are graduating 100's of thousands in debt and not making enough money to ever climb out of it.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
Let's just make college harder and harder for people to afford so only the wealthy can afford it, sounds like a great world.

Our values in this country are so backwards it isn't even funny. In other countries you have very affordable (sometimes free) college, and you also have healthcare as a right. They put a huge priority on investing in the people, and they understand how important it is to have an educated society.

Not in America, it's exactly the opposite. We're trying to dumb down the people and have them uneducated, poor, not in good health, etc..... and then they will elect guys like Trump for president because they don't know any better.

It just drives me insane what we tell the kids of this country. Yeah, you should go to college, but unfortunately only the top 5% of people can afford it, so you better hope your'e born into a wealthy family, or too bad.

Well, have an entire country, including corporations, tell kids they all need degrees to ever get anywhere in life and this is what you get. Also, have those kids stay there for 5 years to get a degree that should take no more than 4 and add another 25% to what those degrees cost. Then, make sure you subsidize a significant portion of it so that the demand side isn't affected by any increasing costs since it's just a marginal increase to the student. Once you've done all of those things, you then give a University no reason not to increase tuition.

Quit with the "one experience" fits all ******** and start educating people instead being degree factories.

The wealthy people in this country didn't conjure up this whole scheme to keep the little guy down. Your government and schools did when they were telling everyone you had to go to college. Furthermore, people don't find themselves unable to afford or go to college after high school or while they are in college. People find themselves unable to afford it when they have a degree that isn't applicable to a career that pays that degree off. IMO, college isn't a right, it's an investment and this whole "do something you love" ******** needs to be put to rest. Sure, you should find something you enjoy, but at the same time it has to be feasible.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
Of course! Then they will voluntarily pass it down to the rest of us out of the goodness of their hearts. This new Trumpcare takes millions off of healthcare while padding the pockets of the wealthy, and at the same time college costs are skyrocketing and becoming unaffordable for all but the rich.

Someone earlier pointed to ISU's increases in enrollment as evidence that it isn't unaffordable..... uh..... wut? Just because you go to college doesn't mean it's affordable. More and more kids are graduating 100's of thousands in debt and not making enough money to ever climb out of it.

So you don't understand supply and demand, then.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Oct 19, 2012
Of course! Then they will voluntarily pass it down to the rest of us out of the goodness of their hearts. This new Trumpcare takes millions off of healthcare while padding the pockets of the wealthy, and at the same time college costs are skyrocketing and becoming unaffordable for all but the rich.

Someone earlier pointed to ISU's increases in enrollment as evidence that it isn't unaffordable..... uh..... wut? Just because you go to college doesn't mean it's affordable. More and more kids are graduating 100's of thousands in debt and not making enough money to ever climb out of it.

If you're graduating with 100s of thousands of dollars of debt from attending Iowa State you're a moron. Just about anyone can afford 2 years of CC and two years at a state college. Unfortunately too many people think they have a right to attend a 30k-40k/year college and when they graduate with 100k plus in debt they're the "victim" when in reality they're just morons with no common sense.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
So you don't understand supply and demand, then.

I understand how tuition will go up as the demand for college keeps going up, however, that has nothing to do with whether or not it's affordable.

In the 2000's many, many people were buying houses they could never afford too, and we all saw how that worked out for the country in 2008, didn't we.

Also, a question for some of you.... is a K-12 education a right in this country? It's not only a right, it's required by law. But why does that stop at grade 12? That's all Bernie Sanders was asking.