The worst customer service you've ever received

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
I thought it was fun when I had a landline installed. I started getting calls for a different number. So I called and was told that I would have to pay for the phone tech to come out and fix his installation screw up.

Some fairly choice words were exchanged and I've been landline free for a decade


With any luck we will be there by Tuesday.
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 6, 2010
Cedar Rapids, IA
When I disconnected Mediacom and they asked me why, I gave them a laundry list longer than that call.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2009
When I disconnected Mediacom and they asked me why, I gave them a laundry list longer than that call.

Which seems like a much more enjoyable way of dealing with customer service than recording and getting 15 minutes of fame.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
I cancelled Mediacom. They ask why. I said because Direct TV is cheaper. The lady tried to offer me a deal. Direct TV was till cheaper. THey said ok. It makes me think that if Mediacom ever get's cheaper or the same options. I might go back t them. However, this guy is costing the company future money. They won't get this guy back and from the sounds of it. A lot of people across the country are not exactly thrilled with the way they do CS.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 28, 2013
I hate when they ask for a phone number. I bought some clothes from a place that wanted my phone number. I told the lady, "I'm just buying clothes from you, we're not dating." And she said, "well, I just need the phone number so I can process the sale; I can't process the sale without a phone number." I said, "OK, I'll just leave these clothes here and go buy my clothes somewhere else." She said, "Oh, no need to do that, I think I can figure out a way to bypass the phone number." I said, "somehow, I thought you could."

I'm a very bad customer because I go into the experience with the credo, the customer is always right, in the back of my mind. Somehow, a lot of them don't like that.

Am I the only one that just give a made up number. I just want to buy my stuff and not hassle with explaining why I don't want to give my number, so I just string some random digits together. I thought everybody did this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
That reminds me of the whole Penny Arcade/Ocean Marketing saga.

If you're not familiar with Penny Arcade, it might be a little tough to understand what's going on, and there's a bit of NSFW language, but it's still a good read. The customer service guy had no idea the kind of "dickwolves" he was messing with.

Holy cow. I didn't think I'd read the whole thing but I couldn't stop. Always nice to see when an internet tough guy meets his match.


Just a Happily Married Man
Sep 10, 2009
Am I the only one that just give a made up number. I just want to buy my stuff and not hassle with explaining why I don't want to give my number, so I just string some random digits together. I thought everybody did this.
I've never had a problem with just saying no thanks.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2011
I knew people who worked for Mediacon (misspelling intentional) many years ago. One was a phone rep. They had a list of things they had to ask when people wanted to disconnect for another service. When she was reciting these to me, which included reasons to "convince" the person to stay, I couldn't believe my ears. Nearly everything they were supposed to say (mostly about DirecTv) was anywhere from partly to totally false! I told her that and the response was something along the lines of "really?" and "I just read what they gave me." In her defense, she was doing her job, but that "job" was basically to lie to customers to keep them from leaving Mediacon.

Mr Janny

Welcome to the Office of Secret Intelligence
Staff member
Mar 27, 2006
I knew people who worked for Mediacon (misspelling intentional) many years ago. One was a phone rep. They had a list of things they had to ask when people wanted to disconnect for another service. When she was reciting these to me, which included reasons to "convince" the person to stay, I couldn't believe my ears. Nearly everything they were supposed to say (mostly about DirecTv) was anywhere from partly to totally false! I told her that and the response was something along the lines of "really?" and "I just read what they gave me." In her defense, she was doing her job, but that "job" was basically to lie to customers to keep them from leaving Mediacon.

My buddy who worked there called them "Mediascam" because of similar stuff.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
While I certainly don't agree with how the rep went about it, it sure didn't help that the customer was being a **** from the very get go. Honestly, if I'm at work, and I'm having a rough day, then this ******** customer gets on the line and immediately starts being a ***** about everything, I'd probably antagonize him a little bit too. And the fact that he had the audacity to record and post it leads me to believe he's had many experiences like this, likely due to the fact that he seems like a miserable human being and kind of brings it upon himself. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
My buddies and I are getting mediacom in our house for the school year. Hopefully I don't run into any horror stories, but if I do, I know where I'm venting about them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2009
My youngest daughter was traveling for the first time by herself, coming home from her aunt/uncle's in Michigan. Got to the O'Hare airport, and went to her boarding area on American Airlines. She asked the ticket lady if she was in the right place -- yes she was. AA then switched gates, and (according to my daughter) did not announce it.

She got suspicious about a minute too late and missed her flight.

In tears, she asked the counter lady what she could do, and (she said) the lady acted totally put out at having to change her ticket to a flight -- the next morning.

So she spent the night at the airport.

I went on their customer service website to file a complaint, and it looks to me like it is designed to be very difficult to navigate through. Never did get one filed.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
I took my wife to a Tim McGraw / Kenny Chesney Concert at Soldiers Field in Chicago a few years ago. We went with another couple who are really good friends. Hotel was downtown, a short walk from Soldier Field and all the places were booked solid or only vacancies were $400 a night places. We got to town plenty early. Checked in, parked the car and went down the street for drinks with our friends. **Note** we never went up to the room. A few hours later, beers are flowing and the girls decide its time to get back to the hotel and doll up. So we head back and head up to the room. About 5 minutes later our friends knock on door. They had absolutely nothing in their room. Just bare carpet and windows. No bed, No TV, No table, No lights, No chairs, No coffee maker, nothing. Obviously a mistake so we head down to the check in desk to get it correced. First they didnt believe us, Secondly, the place was completely booked and had no other room available, 3rd they didnt even have a cot or a lamp they could give us to put in the empty room and finally they refused to refund the money but were willing to give them a voucher for a free nights stay in the future. So we all bunked up in our room that night. I work in a bank and our friends are customers of mine so that next Monday we filed a chargeback on the debit card transaction. My friends got the money back right away from my bank and Shazam got the money back from the hotel a week later and refunded the bank. The worst part was the hotel screwed up and booked a room under remodel, but then to not even have the moral obligation to attempt to make it right is what boiled us.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
Parts Unknown
cox's is just as bad

Just dumped Cox. They tried to tell me the internet connection I was leaving them for was 10 times slower. Somehow the new internet connection works more often and at a higher speed. So was I charged for a higher speed when I wasn't getting it? Very possible

A Cox sales guy stopped by and I told him that. He said Cox probably should've upgraded my equipment at some point. Why? I'll pay more for less, Cox! *Head slap*


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Twin Cities, MN
I've had trouble with Toyota Financial Services/Toyota for the last 6 months... Long story short:

-We leased a vehicle.
-We bought excess wear and tear insurance for about $500 based on the fact we lived in Brooklyn and get lots of bumper damage from idiots parallel parking. Seemed like a good investment since we had just paid to repaint the bumper on the care we turned in.
-3 years later we turn in the lease with no issues. It was a bit of spur of the moment thing as we bought a new car while we were turning in the lease. Thus I didn't have the tonneau cover in the car at the time.
-I dropped off the cover a day later, handed it directly to the guy I had worked with the day before who told me he'd go put it in the car.
-This was in April. In September we get a bill from Collections Corp or something (not TFS or Toyota). Figured it was a scam, but called in to confirm, found out they were a 3rd party company that TFS hires to deal with excess wear and tear claims. I provide them with our excess wear and tear waiver/policy number and ask for an itemized description of the damage.
-Don't hear anything back until March of 2014, from a collections company. We explain the situation and dispute the claim.
-I contact TFS directly to square it away. Rep is helpful, and I figure we're all good. I call back the next day to follow up and confirm it has been dealt with and get a supervisor who informs me it was our fault for not following up with the original company to confirm the claim was taken care of and that they won't remove the collections item.
-I call every day for a week with no success, but I do find out that the charge is for the missing tonneau cover...
-We were in the process of applying for home loans, so at this point I cave and pay the $450 (May).
-Home loan prequalified for, all good. Go to underwrite the loan on the house we're buying and TFS pops up again...
-Takes me literally 2.5 weeks of daily phone calls with TFS and the collections company so that they can figure out the glitch in their system that won't allow my payment to be transferred to TFS. In the process I sent them bank statements, copies of the honored check, a letter from my bank confirming the check was honored and etc. All said and done it took them 7 weeks with literally a half month of daily phone calls from me to them since they couldn't apparently talk directly to each other before they figured it out and credited the payment.
- It's done as of last week, but we're still waiting on the credit rescore for my wife, and loan underwriting is due tomorrow. (at which point the seller can walk if they have another offer). If we lose this house because of this fiasco, I'll probably pursue legal options... Once the loan is secured and we close on the house, I'll be disputing with the credit agencies, but frankly, the system is stacked in their favor. I was completely powerless despite rock solid documentation.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Time Warner Cable, by far. It took me over a dozen phone calls to get them to shut off my old service after I moved... and they lied to me about the deal they gave me at my new house! So I signed up with U-Verse last Friday, way better deals and I can't freaking wait to call TWC and cancel my service.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
I should have known Mediacom was a disaster when we moved into our current house and attempted to get their internet service. After a week and a half the service guy said he just couldn't get it to work and we went to a different provider. The cable was worse though. For five or six months, the cable would go out for most of the block, sometimes for weeks at a time. Paying for nonexistent cable, we and the neighbors tried to get someone to fix it repeatedly. When the service guy was telling his coworker on the phone that I was a lying biotch right in my own home in front of my kids, the entire neighborhood finally dropped Mediacom and complained about the service guy, with no response. The 80 year old down the street wanted to punch the guy when he was leaving.

Next to that, worst I can think of is going into our newly remodeled Hy-Vee and asking where the ice was, to get a nonchalant shrug and no suggestions or help from the friendly smile in the aisle. Really didn't compare to Mediacom.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
Marion, IA
I decided to cancel my subscription to Angie's List last month. I literally could not do it on their website and had to call and talk to a customer service rep to accomplish a cancellation. She (the rep) was not pushy but when I asked why I had to call she informed me that most people "Don't really want to cancel and usually change their mind" . Not me.

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