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  • Cyrocks, dont know if you will care or not but I enjoy the humor in your posts. We are probably opposite on quite a few topics, but because of your humor when you post something serious I give it serious thought. Just a shout out to you, keep it up.
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    Reactions: cyrocksmypants
    I never thought I needed to tell me to keep being a sarcastic ******* until it actually happened. Thanks!
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    Reactions: JaCyn
    I have no freaking idea how to reply again. But I like where you're going with that.
    Dude, I have to keep our sitch on the DL, don't I? I have to keep it low-key. ;)
    Sorry for calling you a borderline sociopath. I was like goddamnit please stop torturing these poor souls.
    No worries. Not even top ten worst things I've been called this week.
    I agree - "oh, we'll spend three weeks a year here." Puke, but totally intoxicatingly addictive.
    He's clear and descriptive, if nothing else. I figure that I don't have any questions after listening to that song once - it's a how-to guide.
    "My name is 'Humpty,' pronounced with an 'umpty.'" That is, perhaps, the best line in any song ever. I may be overstating, but not by much! :wink:
    I actually wasn't online much this weekend - so, in a way, you were right! ;) Fist-bumping the bathroom mirror definitely deserved some rep.
    LOL - well, you make good posts, so I figure I should give them lots of props. :)
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