Pollard Addresses MBB


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 21, 2008
I wish JP would just shut up. His press conference supporting Mac last month, and his latest defensive letter make him look weak


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
Couple of thoughts on this from me here...

1) I do completely agree with JP on the attitudes and mindsets of today's "kids". I actually have a book titled "The Narcissism Epidemic", that I haven't started yet, but I'm sure it will mention many of the same things that JP did in that letter.

I've seen it firsthand. A few years ago when I was compiling evaluations from the staff at the camp I used to work at, one of the comments left by one of these 18-22 year olds was "Give staff incentives to do their job"....I was floored. Huh? Isn't getting a paycheck enough incentive to do your job that YOU signed up for? I wanted to give them a kick in the ***, their's your incentive....

2) I wonder how BF feels about having his name thrown under the bus like that. Transfers in all sports are going to happen, but to compare the number of BF's transfers and GM's transfers is really unfair to BF, IMO. I've read that the two don't get along, and after reading this letter, I can see why.

Again, while I do whole-heartedly agree with JP on college kids these days, it does feel like a CYA statement.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 21, 2008
Couple of thoughts on this from me here...

1) I do completely agree with JP on the attitudes and mindsets of today's "kids". I actually have a book titled "The Narcissism Epidemic", that I haven't started yet, but I'm sure it will mention many of the same things that JP did in that letter.

I've seen it firsthand. A few years ago when I was compiling evaluations from the staff at the camp I used to work at, one of the comments left by one of these 18-22 year olds was "Give staff incentives to do their job"....I was floored. Huh? Isn't getting a paycheck enough incentive to do your job that YOU signed up for? I wanted to give them a kick in the ***, their's your incentive....

2) I wonder how BF feels about having his name thrown under the bus like that. Transfers in all sports are going to happen, but to compare the number of BF's transfers and GM's transfers is really unfair to BF, IMO. I've read that the two don't get along, and after reading this letter, I can see why.

Again, while I do whole-heartedly agree with JP on college kids these days, it does feel like a CYA statement.

Who does GM get along with (except Pollard)?

CYlent Bob

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
The Winterset Metroplex
Immature kid? I'm 42, and I'm old enough to know that blaming the kids for this problem is just ignorant. Unless you have a valid reason as to why ISU seems to wind up with more of these immature brats as a percentage of starters than almost every other team in a BCS conference.

I don't think that Pollard should be fired, but he's darn sure not covered himself in glory here. When it comes to the demolition of the MBB program, the buck stops with GMac; however, when the damage starts to spread to the fanbase at large, then the AD should step up and take care of the problem.


Apr 10, 2006
sorry, i think jp is right on.
the transfers all over the country are way out of hand.
i dont think i ever had a coach that didnt love you one day,
and call you a ahole the next.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
Once again, people are ignoring the main problem here - yes, transfers are bad. Yes, they are increasing. But it's WORSE AT ISU THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY. Don't believe me? Trust me, I'm working on it right now.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2009
JP vaildated my complaints with GMac. The problems that face ISU are no different than any other college. The exception is, is that other progams have overcome those problems and found ways into the postseason. ISU is one of a few (maybe 6) teams from BCS conferences that have not gone to any postseason the past 4 years.


June is National Camping Month
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 29, 2007
I get around
I respect the hell out of JP, he gets it...I feel sorry for those that don't understand what JP is saying.
There's only a relatively few "sour grapes" people on this board compared to the whole Cyclone fanbase. They continually try to infect the rest of us with their attitude. It's frustrating to them that they can't succeed. They are mired in the DMac-Wayne situation and just can't get over it. They don't by any means represent the Cyclone fanbase.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
I'm 24, and I agree with what he's saying. I just think it was stupid of him to put out a letter saying this, ignoring the fact that this had been MUCH worse at ISU than other schools.

He isn't wrong when he says this generation has a sense of entitlement, which, I'd like to add, was instilled in them by their parents (the generation complaining) by telling them that they're the center of the universe, perfect, better than they really are etc. I'm thankful every day that my parents didn't raise me to expect the world on a platter, because a lot of my peers were.

That's right. There are some kids out there who are just idiots, plain and simple. Apparently a lot of you have run into them. But then, I think a lot of you are also forgetting your college days as well. During college everyone knows it's ok to miss an 8am class every now and then if it's not important. If you're not an idiot, you know what you can get away with in college and you know that you can't do that once you reach the workplace.

I'm 23, just graduated a year ago and I have to say I think a lot of you are overstating this. Maybe it's just that my major and friends were full of people who were more responsible, but I didn't see a lot of people who would flake out on work. The few flakes I did see in class were doing very poorly and everyone knew they weren't going to get a job. You can't tell me that none of you saw the same in your college days.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006
Personally, I don't have any problem mentioning BF in that letter. If he hadn't there probably would've been people complaining about the fact tha BF has had an entire recruiting class of 4 players transfer off a very successful team. That includes both starters and bench players. No if it isn't the players fault in Men's basketball, then do you find yourself saying that its not the players fault in the Women's program as well?

IMO, we can't sit here and play double standard with this situation. If you want to claim that no matter what JP says, its Gmacs fault and the kids are all innocent, then there must be a problem with BF as well. I've heard that BF is a demanding coach to play for that will hold you accountable for you actions on and off the court.

If the kids don't like playing for a coach thats tough on them, is it the coaches fault for being too tough?

All I ask is that people look at all the facts when making outlandish claims. If you are going to characterize a problem on way for someone, what makes you certain that that problem isn't the same problem with someone else.

I think that Bill is an amazing coach and that players are just not willing to work hard to be successful. I also think that there are some problems with the men's program, but I am smart enough and realistic enough to realize that GMAC is our coach next year and no ******* and moaning on a message board is going to change that. I honestly think that the majority of people who constantly complain on this message board would probably complain about anything if they had the chance. That attitude has really made this online community of fans a terrible place to be.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
The other issue here is that if transfers are such a big deal all over the country, like JP says, then why can other programs get by and at least make the NIT's once every 4 years? I think it's been mentioned before that we one of like 3 D1 programs that hasn't had any postseason play in 4 years...

Would anyone really care if we had as many transfers if we could replace them with talent? and get to the postseason? I think JP was ignoring the fact that the main complaint of most people who wrote to him is the fact that we suck, AND we are losing so many players (esp. starters) we can't get any better, not the singular fact that we are losing players.


Apr 11, 2006
Pollard's response is accurate...

Maybe I'm showing my age, but we (society) are experiencing an age of entitlement, and "I want it my way... or I'm going to take my ball and go home." Maybe I'm living in la la land, but I believe a) in the value of a "commitment" and b) when things get tough, or don’t go exactly how you want it... you work your butt off to fix things.

Too often I hear people on this board say... "I don’t blame them for leaving" or "I have no idea why that player sticks around" or "I hope they leave, because they deserve better." All that implies they are here as a visitor...or the recipient of something. Booo...when they put on an
ISU jersey, they are part of a "program." They are saying, I AM part of the program (good or bad), and if things go bad... it's partly my responsibility to be the solution.

Oh, sure there are justifiable reasons to leave... but "the coach was hard on me" or "I suddenly don’t like the style of play," or “I want more playing time," or “me, me, me, meâ€... do not cut it for me.

It's called sacrifice. Sometimes sacrifice, actually means sacrifice for the good of the whole. Brackins had that mentality…so does DG.

I manage a team of professionals. If something does not go right... I expect my staff to step up to the plate and roll their sleeves up (with me) to figure things out. I work like heck to not hire people that expect a company to give, and give and give... or people that are happy during the good times, and run when things don’t go well. I see it as a "partnership" where we all have a stake in the good... and the bad….and the solutions to our problems. Oh, and yes… we all get to revel in the success too.

I worry for these kids that simply run from problems… I worry well beyond basketball. How can they be prepared for the pot holes of life with this mentality?

Now, does McD hold responsibility? You bet! There are coaching deficiencies and he's obviously not doing a good job at bringing in people with the characteristics that breeds commitment and the values I describe above...and yes... at some point; the "leader" must be held responsible. So, please don’t reply back saying I'm letting him off the hook. I just get frustrated when people on this board so easily give the leaving players a free pass. I'm not giving McD a free pass, but I'm sure as heck not giving the players free passes.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Looks like we had four transfer and led the nation the year before last. So far we have three more transfers and may lead or tie the nation. That is seven in two years and will lead the nation.

Two years and a lot of schollys wasted.

The last four years of pain as we switched coaches to Greg from Wayne:

Will Blalock - junior/went pro Before Greg (BG)
Curtis Stinsoin - junior/went pro Before Greg
Shawn Taggart - soph/Memphis/NCAA
Tasheed Carr - soph/transfer/NCAA
PJ Stinnett - freshman/slipped off to Creighton only to get the boot
Anthony Davis - transfer?
Mike Evanvich - soph/transfer/NCAA
Mike Taylor - junior/fire extinguisher epidsode to D-1 to NBA
Ross Mardsden - junior?/retired/mech engr studies
Dodie Dunson - soph?/transfer
Marcus Brister - soph/Weatherford JC
Wes Eckmeier - freshman/illness/transfer
Cameron Lee - soph/transfer
La Pomlee - freshman/the big boot
Corey McIntosh - soph/Augustana
Corey Johnson - soph/Valpo/NCAA
Wes Johnson - soph/bad foot/Syracuse/NCAA
Clayton Vette - freashmna/girlfriend/Winona State
Clinton Mann - freshman/transfer
Lucca Staiger - junior/money/not NBA material/German bench
CB - junior/pro hope/stayed an extra year
Gilstrap - senior/NCAA casualty/pro hope
Dominique Buckley - soph/playing time/transfer
Justin Hamilton - soph/closer to home/LSU
Chris Colvin - freshman/style of play/transfer

I am sure theire are some better updates than this that are sitting in the JP's office, but it does indicate one to two years at our school and then they are gone. Most of the players transfer to lesser schools for level of play.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2007
Clarinda, IA
I'm 38. I don't find his answer very acceptable.

Same here. While he may be right that college students aren't handling the situation well either, he doesn't get the luxury of blaming the kids since he is one of the people that should be working on fixing the problem. Blaming the kids is simply passing the buck. He needs to hold himself and his staff accountable. As others have said, transfers are happening all over, but its worse at ISU.

I'm still very grateful for what Pollard has done financially, but I'm starting to get a little concerned with some of the things he's been saying lately, between this and the prior email "encouraging" the writer to donate more to the university.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
I've read that the two don't get along, and after reading this letter, I can see why.

Goagig, sorry, I meant JP and Bill Fennelly, not GMac and BF. I've actually read on this board that those two are pretty close.

One other thing that just occured to me; Colvin really didn't mention lack of playing time in his statement, did he? It was all about style of play, and I think even that is a red herring. So why would JP write a letter decrying the current attitude of kids complaining over lack of playing time and not being willing to be patient in this context?

Seems like an impulsively written letter the more I think about it (and again, I completely agree with JP about attitudes of entitlement these days). Kind of like a "ready, fire, aim" approach.

CYlent Bob

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
The Winterset Metroplex
The big problem with business analogies to college sports? You're comparing apples & oranges.

In college, you've got one guy who's making mad cash to coach a team, several assistants who make a respectable living helping the head guy run the program, and then a bunch of kids who are working for room, board and whatever education they can fit into their schedule around their sports commitments.

In business, you have to consider that responsibilities are delegated by upper management. Do you really think that the CEO of IBM agonizes over the decision of where to buy TP for the executive bathroom? No, he delegates that. There is no similar delegation in college sports. When was the last time you heard of a 3rd year player who was assigned game film and asked to compile pros & cons on potential recruits for the next year's class?

Plus, and this is the biggest thing, any business that FAILS in at least half of their endeavors is going to shed its workforce. It doesn't matter if they're the best people in the world, if you can't get the job done you're gone. Sorry, but that's the nature of business.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2006
Just when I was hoping that Des Moines sports radio could go a day without talking about the train wreck that is the State of Men's Basketball in Iowa, Pollard goes out and throws an entire generation and their parents under the bus.

No doubt that Pollard's comments have alot of truth to it, but how is McDermott expected to go out and recruit and try to defend the comments made by his boss?