Paranormal Activity 2

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
St Louis, MO
I loved the sequel of Paranormal Activity. Personally I am sick of bloody horrors these days. I wanted something original and a well thought out horro movie to hit the theatre this Halloween. PA2 delivered just that. Did any of you guys watch it? What did you think? What was the scariest part? Mine was the sudden stuff :)
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
Loved it, but I think "prequel" would be more fitting. Not going to give anything away, but the last 15-20 minutes were very well done and downright spooky, scary, creepy, etc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
We watched it at a matinee yesterday. I thought it was cool. I think my favorite part was in the kitchen - the first time things start to get real bad. Yeah, the ending was pretty cool. Any chance of a part 3?

There is just something creepy about watching a house at night. It doesn't need to be really gory or bloody to be scary.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
My question is, did you guys also enjoy the first one? I thought it was terrible and nothing about it was scary, and the sequel looked like it was the exact same thing, just with a kid and dog added. Was I wrong? How'd you feel about the first one? I love scary movies (non-gore anyway) and I just dismissed this one because the first was so bad, in my opinion.


Staff member
Apr 10, 2006
Bondurant, Iowa
I liked both movies. The wife and I went to the second one yesterday afternoon because we are too cheap to pay full price. Very good writing IMO. I heard so much about how bad the first one was but we enjoyed it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
St Louis, MO
My question is, did you guys also enjoy the first one? I thought it was terrible and nothing about it was scary, and the sequel looked like it was the exact same thing, just with a kid and dog added. Was I wrong? How'd you feel about the first one? I love scary movies (non-gore anyway) and I just dismissed this one because the first was so bad, in my opinion.

I watched and enjoyed the first one knowing that its a low budget independently made movie. I always try to pick out the much deserving low budget movie and it seems like Hollywood did some justice to PA by bringing it to audience globally.

The second one was done really well in my opinion. They stayed true to the concept/material and did not put more emphasis on added characters than necessary. We clearly see a plot building and we had no idea after the first one how and where they would be adding the next storyline. The movie had just enough scare factor to stand out on its own. I think the baby/dog/daughter adds another dimension to the movie. I loved that the scary stuff was somewhat sudden and without the need of blood or added drama.

It seems like you didn't enjoy the first one either.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
I thought it was boring compared to the first one. There were few scary parts and pics of the pool at night were repeated too many time. Count me disappointed, although I am glad many people liked it. I want it to make money.

Of course, Ghost Hunter can be boring too.

P.S. bring on the action.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
I was talking about the first one. I haven't seen the second one. The first one just didn't scare me. A door creaking closed doesn't scare me. A woman standing over a man while sleeping doesn't scare me (though it'd scare the **** out of me if it actually happened to me). A Ouija board starting on fire doesn't scare me. Footprints in baby powder don't scare me.

I hate gore-porn, torture-porn or whatever you want to call it. Normally, things that go bump in the dark-type movies are my favorite, but in the first movie, you knew everything that was going to happen before it happened. There was no suspense because you could see it coming from a mile away.

As for Hollywood bringing it globally, don't fool yourself, that was planned all along. The whole "limited release" thing was just to get people to go to their website. It was almost going to get a hige release, they just wanted to build the hype. Heck, I still get emails from them because you had to give an email address to "sign the petition" to have it released in your area.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
Des Moines, IA
My question is, did you guys also enjoy the first one? I thought it was terrible and nothing about it was scary, and the sequel looked like it was the exact same thing, just with a kid and dog added. Was I wrong? How'd you feel about the first one? I love scary movies (non-gore anyway) and I just dismissed this one because the first was so bad, in my opinion.
I didn't like the first one, either. The first 45 minutes or so were like a bad home video and the scary parts toward the end everyone knew were coming because it was all over the previews.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2008
Saw it tonight...really liked it. Left ne feeling real uneasy, especially involving the kid. I'm not a fan of the horror flicks like Saw that rely on blood and corny gimmicks. Pretty sure everyone has had a night alone at home and heard somethin creepy. That's what makes PA "real" for me


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
St Louis, MO
Saw it tonight...really liked it. Left ne feeling real uneasy, especially involving the kid. I'm not a fan of the horror flicks like Saw that rely on blood and corny gimmicks. Pretty sure everyone has had a night alone at home and heard somethin creepy. That's what makes PA "real" for me

That's exactly why I loved this movie! Thanks for your feedback.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 10, 2007
I enjoyed both of them. I felt the second took a little too long to get going, but once it did, you got some great jumps. I thought they did a great job of connecting the 2 movies.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
I saw it yesterday afternoon, in a dark theatre that I had all to myself no less, so I think that added to the "creep" factor for me, especially when I heard some noises around me.

I enjoyed it. Lots of blood and gore doesn't scare me at all, just disgusts me more than anything else. Unseen things that go "bump" in the night though....

I think they did a terrific job of blending the two movies together and keeping the story going. I've read online that they are considering a third part to it as well, so it will be interesting to see if that happens or not.