Kansas State fans are madder than I have ever seen


SuperFanatic T2
Feb 5, 2013
Des Moines
Agreed, that needs to be more than an ejection. Is that even a possibility?

F2's need to at least follow football targeting rules. If it happens in the 2nd half they should be out for the 1st half of the next game. Otherwise cheap shots like this have almost no penalty.
Especially with it happening at the end of the game. It seems he needs to at least miss their next game.

Add in that this is the second F2 of his season and maybe he needs to be out for a while.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Sure they are. Outside of two message boards and a couple of blowhard podcasters, no one is talking about this. Gorging on every available piece of information from any source possible is not a requirement of fandom.
OK, they don't watch games. Sorry I came after the cherished KState fans.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2019
Sandy Springs, GA
That's a bit much. Outside of AI Sports Illustrated and ESPN throwing up notes you needed to be very online for this to have registered. Doesn't mean the players and staff aren't going to bring it up inside the locker-room when they head to the hexagon of dumb

It was the lead story on a national college basketball podcast lmao. Their own media members really bought into the story before realizing how dumb it sounded. You can't call yourself a KState fan if you weren't even remotely aware of what was going on.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 4, 2020
Savannah, GA
It was the lead story on a national college basketball podcast lmao. Their own media members really bought into the story before realizing how dumb it sounded. You can't call yourself a KState fan if you weren't even remotely aware of what was going on.
I think this is GROSSLY overestimating how much attention casual fans pay between games.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 25, 2007
It was the lead story on a national college basketball podcast lmao. Their own media members really bought into the story before realizing how dumb it sounded. You can't call yourself a KState fan if you weren't even remotely aware of what was going on.
I'd suggest you significantly overestimate the number of people that listen to podcasts.

Again, to say somebody's golfing buddies aren't much fans because they didn't remember a stupid incident that happened during but off the court of a road game is a bit much


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2019
Sandy Springs, GA
I'd suggest you significantly overestimate the number of people that listen to podcasts.

Again, to say somebody's golfing buddies aren't much fans because they didn't remember a stupid incident that happened during but off the court of a road game is a bit much

That wasn't implying everyone listens to podcasts or that one specifically. They could have simply watched the game to figure out what was going on. Point being, it would be tough to not know what was going on in today's world if they are truly a fan and follow the team.


SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
Eastern Iowa
Maybe if K-State decided to join the rest of the Big 12 by being cheating m-fers instead of being all pious, they would win a few more games. They had two ways to play this:

Option A: Cheat like the rest of the Big 12. I'm talking a full blown espionage operation. Cameras everywhere in every arena recording all of the other team's plays and then having a group of basketball personnel on your team chop up the footage and use it to help your team prepare for a game. I think the word is called "scouting" but I'm not sure if I'm spelling it correctly.

Option B: Call out refs publicly, play with swords, pick fights with opposing coaching staffs, have players get thrown out of games for dirty plays, lose 7 of 8 games, but do it with "dignity".
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
SW Iowa
I played golf with a couple of K-State fans this weekend (they're friends of mine). One of them referred to Tang as "Poon", which is more a reflection of a 45 year old having the maturity of a 14 year old than adoration of the coach. Neither of them were even aware of the "cheating scandal" and they both said it sounded stupid.
Poon isn't a teenage maturity issue' putang is another word for prostitute. someone who sells their body or integrety for money.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Not even close to being a basketball play. What did classy Tang have to say about that?

Texas players wanted blood, but held it in check. Can't blame them. Official basically told KState to get their asses down by their bench, pronto.
Definitely a really rough foul. Deserved some sort of flagrant but I think people are overreacting. It was similar to one against our guys in Hilton earlier this year. Maybe Jones?

I actually think everybody handled themselves well there. KState tried to separate the guy that fouled. Texas coaches held the team back. Player fouled didn’t overreact. Officials split the teams up.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 9, 2012
Definitely a really rough foul. Deserved some sort of flagrant but I think people are overreacting. It was similar to one against our guys in Hilton earlier this year. Maybe Jones?

I actually think everybody handled themselves well there. KState tried to separate the guy that fouled. Texas coaches held the team back. Player fouled didn’t overreact. Officials split the teams up.
I believe the similar play you're thinking of happened in the Houston home game with a foul on Jones. I think the difference with that play was that the Houston player was at least trying to go for the ball, but Jones sort of went up in a way that resulted in the defender getting all face on his block attempt. On the KSU play, I don't think there's any way the KSU player could have reasonably expected to block the shot coming from behind like that rather than the side. I can't find a clip of the Houston/Jones play without looking too much through highlights, though, so I can't say for sure.

I agree, though, that everyone handled themselves well on the KSU/Texas play.


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
Heard retailers in Kansas were ecstatic when the chiefs won the SB because sales of Velcro and knee boots had came to a standstill due to no victory celebrations.