Jon Miller


Apr 21, 2006
Saint Paul, MN

'Clones Fan

Nov 13, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
Yeah, how can you not root for Haluska, he came to Iowa State after his brother was here and transfered to Iowa. It takes some serious guts to do that.

With that said, I am still frustrated with 4-26 from the field and 0-17 from behind the arc. I thought that this guy could shoot. Our biggest problem and the reason that we succeeded IMO was that we were able to easily get the ball upcourt because there was no pressure, Haluska and Peterson until recently really struggle against it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006
Probably...but there are a ton of storylines that I personally would be interested in, and I'm sure a lot of people on this board would like these things discussed. Like maybe this...Iowa has a new coach in his first big in-state rivalry game (with all due respect to UNI and Drake, lord knows they beat us down pretty good). There's a story. JM: I have 96 minutes of air time to fill each let's give this a look. Your first suggestion was bandied about today...2 minutes...94 to go. How about the first matchup of GMac and Lickliter, how did it go, any interesting observations from the stands about the chess match those two played? There's a story. JM: I talked about this in the open for a few minutes. 87 minutes to go...How about the Tony Freeman situation, will he redshirt this year, did he hurt his foot again at UNI or is it just sore? There's a story. JM: Did that in the open as well, with regards to considering the redshirt. 84 more minutes to go. Where did Jake Kelly's performance come from and do you expect to see more? JM: Went overboard on Kelly on Thursday, following his 17 point performance against UNI. How about Coach Lickliter saying something to the Iowa fanbase to get their butts to Carver and support their team? JM: I heard and typed those comments. IMO, I think ISU fans are creating a tempest in a teapot here. And that just scratches the surface from the Hawkeye side of things. JM: So far, we are talking about 12 minutes of a 96 minute program. How about GMac getting the in-state losing streak monkey off his back? JM: I spent a good ten minutes today on the show, having GMac's back...74 minutes to go...How about Wesley Johnson looking better coming off an injury? He won't redshirt now will he? JM: Not sure that I can go to the Wesley Johnson redshirt card each and every day of the program, and I will ask an ISU assistant coach those questions later this week when I speak with one of them on the program. How about Jiri Hubalek finally *hopefully* waking up and playing with a purpose? JM: If he does it a few games in a row, we are on to something. How about Diante Garrett looking like he's wanting to play some good defense and making a great case to put him in the starting lineup? What can either team learn from this win/loss?

There's plenty to talk about (JM: Yes, there are a lot of topics to talk about, but a) how long can they be discussed, and b) do people want to take part in those discussions. There are days when I think I have some great topics to discuss, and folks don't want to discuss them. Then there are days that I throw some crazy topic out there, and the phones go nuts. I hope to someday figure that out :) But it's 96 minutes of air time...and i am not going to go into a show without allotting some of that time for interviews), and I for one would care, but for the most part the media has taken the perceived apathy of the fan bases and have become apathetic themselves (although I disagree with the fanbase apathy from the ISU standpoint, I think ISU bball fans are doing their part and showing up to games, not the case with Iowa this year so far for whatever reason, not a jab, just an observation).

JM: Here is the situation, this time of year, with two basketball programs that are in rebuilding modes, football programs that are home for the holidays; basketball will be talked about each and every week on the show. I will have assistants on from Iowa and ISU each week...those will be on different days. Basketball has a longer shelf life in this state than does wrestling. I can talk about many of the things you suggest, early in this week, and people will still care and will still remember. I don't know that the wrestling meet has that long of a shelf life.

So my choice was to talk about a wrestling meet between #1 rated ISU, the first time they were #1 since 1999, and I spent 15 minutes on Monday of last week talking about them as well, plus 15 minutes later in the week, going up against #3 Iowa, in a state that loves wrestling, or cut up that time with a topic of two teams that have rebuilding jobs ahead of them this year, that i can get to on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am sure that it all seems quite simple and cut and dried riding in the car on the way home from work, or sitting in a cubicle, but with a one man show, there becomes more logistical thought that has to take place to pull it off each day.

And I love my job...but what you are suggesting is basically shooting all of your material in one day, when some of it can be discussed and spread out over the course of a week, and this time of year, the two weeks before Christmas, finals week this week, no bowl game prep to discuss, etc, it takes some planning and thought. I don't expect for folks to think about that, because its not their job. I understand. Just sharing with you some of the things that goes into it.

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Apr 19, 2006
I wonder if Andy Fales will get a gig on KXNO now that he is back in town? I'm sure he has a no-compete clause in his contract from WHO and KCCI already confirmed he's not replacing Heidi so I'm guessing either WHO finds a way to get him back or he has to wait until his no-compete clause runs out to sign with another central Iowa TV station. That's the only thing I can think of at the moment as Andy has mentioned in the past he wanted to try some radio out.

Andy Fales is still doing newscasts here in KC. I just watched one this weekend.


SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
Eastern Iowa
Thanks for the input Jon. I wasn't suggesting that you use all those questions in one day. Side note: I came up with those questions in about 5 minutes, they only scratch the surface of the amount of topics that could be covered from this weekend, they were just examples, but who knows how long they'd last. Anyway, I just think that a little more time should have been devoted to the Iowa/ISU basketball game the Monday after the big game. This game's importance within the borders of this state fall second only to the football game, and I feel they should be covered maybe a little more than they were today. And I know, I know, if I want it covered, call in right?:smile:

I don't disagree that wrestling needed to be covered today and more so than usual, I believe shelf life is the term you used. But give us basketball people more than 12 minutes the Monday after the game.

I know it's hard when people not in your profession tell you how to do your job (I know it would get to me), but that's the best part of message boards right? Seriously though, I think you do a good job, and I enjoy listening to level-headed discussion from the Iowa side of things. I'll be sure to tune in for more basketball talk later on this week right?:smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2006
I try to plan my week out on a Monday, with a rough draft...and as most people know that listen to my show, I am much bigger on college sports that pertain to the state of Iowa than I am on pro sports. I enjoy pro sports, and I used to be an NFL and NBA junkie. But the demands on my time during college football season would make committing to watching numerous NFL games something that would bring harm to my family life, and I am just not going to do that.

So I have to try and plan things out....all the while looking for even a hint of controversy :)

As for Saturday's 'big game', I just did not sense any sort of 'big game' buzz about this thing leading up to it, from either side. Maybe I just missed the mark.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Actually, it seemed to me that wrestling may not have come in second last week on this board, either. There were quite a few of us jacked up for hockey on Friday and WBB and volleyball got their share of props as well.

Wrestling deserves more attention, especially with the resurgence of the two titans of the sport in this state, but dominating the water cooler talk? No.


SuperFanatic T2
Nov 16, 2007
Yeah, how can you not root for Haluska, he came to Iowa State after his brother was here and transfered to Iowa. It takes some serious guts to do that.

With that said, I am still frustrated with 4-26 from the field and 0-17 from behind the arc. I thought that this guy could shoot. Our biggest problem and the reason that we succeeded IMO was that we were able to easily get the ball upcourt because there was no pressure, Haluska and Peterson until recently really struggle against it.

I'm also a little frustrated with his shooting so far to start the year, but he can shoot, he's just in a slump, he's shot the ball better the last two games. He also shot the ball very well in the two exhibition games. I'll have to disagree with you and say he is a D-1 player. His offense will come and his defense isn't that bad. Just because he's not as good as his brother doesn't mean he's not D-1 material.