Friday OT - Why are you a pain to be married to/live with/date?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2010
Madison, Wisconsin
I am not hip enough to realize that when given the choice between free Iphone S5 with a new plan or $200 WHITE Iphone S5 I should have chosen the one that does the exact same thing as the other BUT is white, and no... you can't put a white case on those things because then everyone will know you are just some poor person who bought a $20 case and slapped it on a non-white phone. Similar logic to the 3DS and anything else that there is a $100+ difference in cost based on a color.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2012
Buffalo Center
Not me, but my gf tells the worst stories ever. She adds way too much detail and blabbers on and on. She says she wants to make sure I have no questions. I have mastered zoning her voice out, it is crazy. I will never understand why women try to tell guys stories, we dont care and we dont listen.


Staff member
Apr 10, 2006
Not me, but my gf tells the worst stories ever. She adds way too much detail and blabbers on and on. She says she wants to make sure I have no questions. I have mastered zoning her voice out, it is crazy. I will never understand why women try to tell guys stories, we dont care and we dont listen.

You are going to have the best marriage ever.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
Does the internet have enough space for this answer?

1. I am funny about food. If something is open, and I can't recall exactly when it was opened, I don't eat it. Much lunch meat and cookies go to waste, and my wife is very money conscious. This kills her.

2. My wife is under the impression that the dryer/washing machine going off means that you need to immediately get up and go tend to it. She is also under the impression that if there is enough clothing for one full load, then it must be immediately taken down. We temporarily solved this by making the folding of clothes my job, but she will still do it if it takes me more than 5 minutes to get to it. Actually, I think this is her problem. :smile:

3. As I said, she is very money conscious, and I am not. I have simple tastes and don't spend too much, so it works. But I call her the Leprechaun. There is no possible possession that makes her as happy as staring at her bank statement (providing that it is a high number, otherwise it bothers her). Actually, her problem again!

4. In general, I am very light on details/organization, and she is very structured in that regard. This is a source of pretty consistent but mild irritation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
grundy center
My wife and I pick up different details about our experiences. She went to see her friend who works with the circus and lives on a train. When she came back I asked her how old the train was, is it safe at night, how do they get permission to park at a railyard, how many people are on the train, etc. Those are the things I'd ask about. If someone lives on a train you would want to know about the train, right? We already know about the person so let's find out about the train!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Fort Collins, CO
My girlfriend tells me I make the bed weird, because she doesn't make it at all and it drives me up the freaking wall. When she sleeps she doesn't want any sheets (aside from the fitted one you lay on) or anything, just one blanket that is loose on top of the bed. I prefer to have all of my sheets, blankets, everything tucked in so that when you crawl in bed everything is nice and snug and cozy. I prefer this because that way I actually end up with a few covers during the night isntead of her stealing all of the one blanket she prefers.

We have had countless arguments over this because I will make the bed in the morning and as soon as she crawls in she goes into tazmanian devil mode and completely destroys it.

I'm like your girlfriend and my wife is like you. Here's my point:

1) Tucked in sheets make me feel claustrophobic, and hot. So I will always pull the sheets out, even if they're tucked in.
2) The bed gets "unmade" every night, because you sleep in it.
3) The only reason to make the bed is so it looks nice, say if you have guests.

Therefore, there is no logical reason to ever make the bed, unless there are guests coming over.

You and my wife can agree, but you're both wrong. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2009
Nowhere and Everywhere
My wife and I get along pretty good but we do have a couple hang ups.

1. I'm 6'7" with a large build (not fat just big) and am very particular about how clothes fit, look, etc. There are very few clothes that are made to look good on some one like me. My wife has an obsession with trying to find clothes deals for the kids and me. I am not afraid to spend money on quality clothes and she grew up in a family that cheapest is best. I have yet to not return an article of clothing she buys me. She says I need to lighten up on what I like in clothes. I return everything and try to tell her that just because it says it comes in "tall" doesn't mean it is meant to fit tall people. I have even made the mistake of telling her on my birthday and Christmas that I don't even know why I'm opening these presents because I'm just going to return them. Once again I am very anal and particular about my clothes. One of these days she will realize to just stop buying clothes for me.

2. I am a big picture type of guy and my wife is one who gets wrapped up in current small details. This isn't a huge deal for some people but it is a big sticking point for us at times. My wife is great at paying the bills and finding if we were charged 5 dollars more than we should have. As I stated earlier she grew up in a family where cheapest is best and saving every penny is the best way to being rich. I grew up with a dad that is very good at sound investing and seeing the bigger picture and not letting little hiccups detour you. My wife hates how much money we have tied up in things that don't make us any money currently but will be more than worth it in about 10+ years. She thinks all money needs to be sitting in a savings account. About two months ago I bought a farm without telling her and put it into a pretty agressive finance plan to get it paid off faster meaning making little to no money on it for the next 7-10 years. I honestly thought she was going to kill me or leave me for about a week.

These aren't really deal breakers but they are ones where my wife and I are like oil and water. And about 100 other things but I don't feel like typing anymore.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
Also, I have been reading a lot of these thinking to myself "Hey, that applies to me too". I have come to the conclusion that I must be a terrible person to live with.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2009
Nowhere and Everywhere
I'm like your girlfriend and my wife is like you. Here's my point:

1) Tucked in sheets make me feel claustrophobic, and hot. So I will always pull the sheets out, even if they're tucked in.
2) The bed gets "unmade" every night, because you sleep in it.
3) The only reason to make the bed is so it looks nice, say if you have guests.

Therefore, there is no logical reason to ever make the bed, unless there are guests coming over.

You and my wife can agree, but you're both wrong. :smile:

Tucked in sheets are the devil. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy that. Although my problem with them is that I'm taller than most beds and like to stretch out.

And yes making the bed is a complete waste of time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
Also, I have been reading a lot of these thinking to myself "Hey, that applies to me too". I have come to the conclusion that I must be a terrible person to live with.

I too have come to the realization that I would be awful to live with. That must mean there is only one reason she keeps me around...:wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
I'm like your girlfriend and my wife is like you. Here's my point:

1) Tucked in sheets make me feel claustrophobic, and hot. So I will always pull the sheets out, even if they're tucked in.
2) The bed gets "unmade" every night, because you sleep in it.
3) The only reason to make the bed is so it looks nice, say if you have guests.

Therefore, there is no logical reason to ever make the bed, unless there are guests coming over.

You and my wife can agree, but you're both wrong. :smile:

I guess I could have worded it better. I don't necissarily make the bed every morning. By make the bed I mean I just tuck the sheets and blankets back in that have been destroyed from the night before. Very rarely do I go all out and actually make it look presentable, so its not like I'm unmaking it every night.

If she would just keep the blankets tucked in I would never have to make the bed.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Des Moines
I'm a serial procrastinator and I get kind of mean if I don't get at least an hour or so to myself during the weekend. With my wife and a two year old free time is hard to come by.


This is it Morty
Aug 6, 2006
With as many engineers as there are on here this will be a common theme.

Haha, yeah. I've been two dates with a sociology/professor and we've talked quite a bit about engineers. I say we're analytic and logical and she says we're anal, dogmatic, and that our logic isn't always that valuable since we're trained to make assumptions about things we don't understand.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
My wife and I get along pretty good but we do have a couple hang ups.

1. I'm 6'7" with a large build (not fat just big) and am very particular about how clothes fit, look, etc. There are very few clothes that are made to look good on some one like me. My wife has an obsession with trying to find clothes deals for the kids and me. I am not afraid to spend money on quality clothes and she grew up in a family that cheapest is best. I have yet to not return an article of clothing she buys me. She says I need to lighten up on what I like in clothes. I return everything and try to tell her that just because it says it comes in "tall" doesn't mean it is meant to fit tall people. I have even made the mistake of telling her on my birthday and Christmas that I don't even know why I'm opening these presents because I'm just going to return them. Once again I am very anal and particular about my clothes. One of these days she will realize to just stop buying clothes for me.

2. I am a big picture type of guy and my wife is one who gets wrapped up in current small details. This isn't a huge deal for some people but it is a big sticking point for us at times. My wife is great at paying the bills and finding if we were charged 5 dollars more than we should have. As I stated earlier she grew up in a family where cheapest is best and saving every penny is the best way to being rich. I grew up with a dad that is very good at sound investing and seeing the bigger picture and not letting little hiccups detour you. My wife hates how much money we have tied up in things that don't make us any money currently but will be more than worth it in about 10+ years. She thinks all money needs to be sitting in a savings account. About two months ago I bought a farm without telling her and put it into a pretty agressive finance plan to get it paid off faster meaning making little to no money on it for the next 7-10 years. I honestly thought she was going to kill me or leave me for about a week.

These aren't really deal breakers but they are ones where my wife and I are like oil and water. And about 100 other things but I don't feel like typing anymore.

I think I may be on your wife's side on #2...buying a farm sounds like something you may want to run past her.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 23, 2008
My wife would likely say my biggest issue is her not getting enough of my time because I spend to much time with my other "wives" (i.e. the five computers in the house). And then there are the two "concubines" (work and personal smartphone)...they don't get as much attention and aren't treated as well as the "wives", but they demand time nonetheless.

I obsess over things that aren't working properly and need fixing, which devotes further time and attention that should be given to her.

Also, when I hop into bed (she is usually in bed first and all snuggled and tucked in), I torment her with my cold feet.

I do this as well... it makes her furious. But I argue that if she really loved me she wouldn't want my feet to be so cold.

I have poor circulation and my feet are always cold.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Fort Collins, CO
It's not like I paid cash for it. I still had to finance the majority of it which has it's built in risks. Like I said earlier certain levels of risk don't bother me at all, all levels of risk freak my wife out. We clash big time on that.

Even so. Man, if I made a huge financial decision like that without consulting my wife, it would be a HUGE deal. Small stuff isn't a problem, but we at least have to talk about it.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 11, 2007
Mrs. FarminCy: "Hey honey, what'd you do today?"

FarminCy: "Oh you know, did some chores, ate lunch at McDonald's, fixed a tractor. Pretty routine day. Oh, and I bought a farm. What'd you do?"

Mrs. FarminCy: "You bought what?!?!"

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