This is why Prohm must go........

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Cat Stevens

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
Did I say I wanted him to get a technical? Nope, I sure didn't.

Do you realize how much a coach can get away with before getting a technical? It's a LOT. And it's funny how often coaches who get on a ref will suddenly get calls in their favor too. Look at Bill Self or Huggy Bear. Always happens for them, and they don't always have to get technicals to get the calls going their way either. It's part of coaching basketball folks. Always has been. That is why ISU and Prohm get walked on by the officials. No consequence for the ref from doing so. Prohm doesn't even say a word.

You really don’t think he gets on the refs?

This is as intelligent as the “fan” that threw a fit because in the 5 second cut ins, he’s not talking in the huddle.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 16, 2006
Menlo, Iowa
You are right. We should just blow the whole thing up and start over. Take a chance on some coach doing better that what Prohm has done. Bring someone new in that will take ISU to places only one coach has taken them. Hiring a coach is a taking a chance, more often than not it doesn't work out, and a program gets ruined. Sure there are a few cases when it does work out, but they are few and far between, when a program is where ISU is at. Baylor and KSU are 2 programs that have stayed the course with their coaches and had a good ride because of it. Okie State and Texas are programs that wanted more, 3, 4, 5 years later have those fans got more?

People also need to remember this team is so young. Not many teams not named Duke or Kentucky run this many underclassmen out there in the tourney and make a huge run.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2014
You are right. We should just blow the whole thing up and start over. Take a chance on some coach doing better that what Prohm has done. Bring someone new in that will take ISU to places only one coach has taken them. Hiring a coach is a taking a chance, more often than not it doesn't work out, and a program gets ruined. Sure there are a few cases when it does work out, but they are few and far between, when a program is where ISU is at. Baylor and KSU are 2 programs that have stayed the course with their coaches and had a good ride because of it. Okie State and Texas are programs that wanted more, 3, 4, 5 years later have those fans got more?

People also need to remember this team is so young. Not many teams not named Duke or Kentucky run this many underclassmen out there in the tourney and make a huge run.
This team is young??? Sure there are three freshmen that played (only two major minutes) and the rest of the team was two fifth year seniors (Shayok and Babb), a fourth year junior in Jacobsen, a third year sophomore in Lard, and one sophomore Wigginton.........sure there are other young players on the roster that may help in the future that are young but the line-up used by Prohm for most of the year was not extremely young. Baylor and K-State just lost in the first round also.......

Facts are that Prohm:

Took over a very strong program and has won three NCAA tournament games in four years.....NONE in the last two

Has a 35-37 record in Big 12 play in four years......13-23 the last two years with mostly his players.

Had a defensive philosophy tonight that chose not to double team Ohio State's best player and it clearly didn't work

Some people are getting angry about people "hating" on Steve Prohm and yet their defense for what he has accomplished at ISU is laughable.......he hasn't done a terrible job by any means......what he has done is mediocre.....if you are okay with mediocre then great but I'm not.......


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2013
Even if they managed to stumble their way into a victory tonight.. I just would of been pissed on Sunday when instead of rewarding the players that fought so hard for the victory prohm would of rolled out that same damn starting lineup pretending that it’s success didn’t rely on one or two player hitting selfish shots and not playing as a team... lineups have been messed up all year. And it was all on prohm.


New Member
Jul 30, 2016
Just stop?

So I guess you are okay with a 35-37 record in Big 12 over his four years and how the team has one NCAA tournament win in three years.......I guess you are okay with 9-9 mediocre records when this team CLEARLY had the talent to go 14-4 in league.......prove my points wrong......otherwise your post means didn't because you can't......end of story....
When teams shoot bad, everything looks bad. Simple as that. They shot bad tonight. To me, that is execution, not coaching.

Cat Stevens

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
This team is young??? Sure there are three freshmen that played (only two major minutes) and the rest of the team was two fifth year seniors (Shayok and Babb), a fourth year junior in Jacobsen, a third year sophomore in Lard, and one sophomore Wigginton.........sure there are other young players on the roster that may help in the future that are young but the line-up used by Prohm for most of the year was not extremely young. Baylor and K-State just lost in the first round also.......

Facts are that Prohm:

Took over a very strong program and has won three NCAA tournament games in four years.....NONE in the last two

Has a 35-37 record in Big 12 play in four years......13-23 the last two years with mostly his players.

Had a defensive philosophy tonight that chose not to double team Ohio State's best player and it clearly didn't work

Some people are getting angry about people "hating" on Steve Prohm and yet their defense for what he has accomplished at ISU is laughable.......he hasn't done a terrible job by any means......what he has done is mediocre.....if you are okay with mediocre then great but I'm not.......


I was really disappointed we hadn’t heard from the people who don’t accept mediocrity. Especially people with 4 posts since 2014. You’d think their refusal to accept mediocrity would have bubbled to the surface before then. Their aversion to mediocrity must have finally had their Network moment.

I am just disappointed that there are so many others on here that have allowed the acceptance of mediocrity to seep into their fandom. Thank goodness that this guy has come along to jolt them out of their malaise.

The acceptance of mediocrity must not be tolerated. Thank you for showing us the way Sensai. The mission going forward will be to eradicate the tacit acceptance, dare I say approval, of the slightest hint of mediocrity from our teams and coaches. As soon as we see even the slightest hint of anyone associated with Iowa State accepting anything remotely resembling even the slightest hint of mediocrity, they will need to be held accountable with the most strident consequences for having the audacity to believe that being mediocre is in any way shape or form acceptable.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2013
Dez Moy Nez

I was really disappointed we hadn’t heard from the people who don’t accept mediocrity. Especially people with 4 posts since 2014. You’d think their refusal to accept mediocrity would have bubbled to the surface before then. Their aversion to mediocrity must have finally had their Network moment.

I am just disappointed that there are so many others on here that have allowed the acceptance of mediocrity to deep into their fandom. Thank goodness that this guy has come along to jolt them out of their malaise.

The acceptance of mediocrity must not be tolerated. Thank you for showing us the way Sensai. The mission going forward will be to eradicate the tacit acceptance, dare I say approval, of the slightest hint of mediocrity from our teams and coaches. As soon as we see even the slightest hint of anyone associated with Iowa State accepting anything remotely resembling even the slightest hint of mediocrity, they will need to be held accountable with the most strident consequences for having the audacity to believe that being mediocre is in any way shape or form acceptable.
Ya, I was thinking Self was a good coach but KU was so mediocre this year, I think he should be drawn and quartered and sent to the corners of the country to make an example.

Cat Stevens

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
The cowards have been emboldened. I really hope these people don't ruin what we have in Prohm.

Truthfully, I’m not even sure what we have in Prohm yet.

There have been many fantastic highs, but also mind boggling lows. Reality is, Iowa State is a place where people who aren’t finished products come to coach. It really is a developmental program.

But the fan base has gotten a lot coarser. And willing to eat their own. Christ go back and read this place after the first four football games. BB (before Brock), some people were after Campbell too. Pollard is still a whipping boy for some in the fan base. That stems from firing Dan McCarney a dozen years ago (speaking of accepting mediocrity, wow).

I think Prohm is knowledgeable. I think he can win here long term. He loves the place, for the most part. He appreciates the history. He is accountable, protects his guys, and doesn’t do anything to embarrass the university. He meets the values of the vast majority of the fan base, both on and off the court.

He’s also learning on the job. He’s southern, and followed the myth of a hometown icon, which meant that he will never truly be accepted by some. He was left talent. But it was incomplete. None of the crew have yet to ever claim that they saw nba rotational player in junior year Abdul Nader, or junior Deonte Burton, or a two way contract guy in Naz. Or have the candor to admit how many of them thought Matt Thomas was a bust. All of those guys benefitted from playing for Steve Prohm.

But the vitriol goes past the point of just coaching for some of these folks. That’s the sad part.

Cat Stevens

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
Ya, I was thinking Self was a good coach but KU was so mediocre this year, I think he should be drawn and quartered and sent to the corners of the country to make an example.

I just hope when the ax is coming down, Bill screams “FREEDOM” Braveheart style.

That would be the coolest thing ever

Cat Stevens

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
We had an awful lot of open looks we just couldn't knock down. Suppose that's Prohm's fault.

Hoiberg had a worse loss to UAB.....hell Tony Bennett had the worst loss of 'em all last year. Losing stinks but it's life. On to the next year.

Always though the idea of coaching offense was to get good looks.
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Active Member
May 15, 2018
The cowards have been emboldened. I really hope these people don't ruin what we have in Prohm.

Why? He will do nothing for us but provide mediocrity. Four years here 3 tournament wins against Iona, Arkansas Little Rock, Nevada. Losses in the tournament to Virginia, Purdue, and Ohio State. See the trend there? Looking back at it, it’s embarrassing. So much of Fred’s players were the reason you people think he is a good coach. A sweet sixteen was great but he had Niang, Nader, Morris, Burton, Thomas, McKay. I am missing someone else but that’s a lot of talent. If you want mediocrity that’s fine, but I expect more. He is a great recruiter but that only gets you so far when you can’t adjust anything during the game.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 16, 2008
Prohm is a great representative of the University who will stay above board and do things the right way in regards to the players. He isn't going to the final four though. If you are oK with that then you should be OK with me bitchin about it.

Oh god, this is exactly what the hoks used to sound like. We’re ******.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 16, 2008
You are right. We should just blow the whole thing up and start over. Take a chance on some coach doing better that what Prohm has done. Bring someone new in that will take ISU to places only one coach has taken them. Hiring a coach is a taking a chance, more often than not it doesn't work out, and a program gets ruined. Sure there are a few cases when it does work out, but they are few and far between, when a program is where ISU is at. Baylor and KSU are 2 programs that have stayed the course with their coaches and had a good ride because of it. Okie State and Texas are programs that wanted more, 3, 4, 5 years later have those fans got more?

People also need to remember this team is so young. Not many teams not named Duke or Kentucky run this many underclassmen out there in the tourney and make a huge run.

We literally only play 2 freshmen and 2 sophomores, and one of those is a third year. Those guys have started 30+ games minimum. We ain’t “young” lol.

Cat Stevens

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
Why? He will do nothing for us but provide mediocrity. Four years here 3 tournament wins against Iona, Arkansas Little Rock, Nevada. Losses in the tournament to Virginia, Purdue, and Ohio State. See the trend there? Looking back at it, it’s embarrassing. So much of Fred’s players were the reason you people think he is a good coach. A sweet sixteen was great but he had Niang, Nader, Morris, Burton, Thomas, McKay. I am missing someone else but that’s a lot of talent. If you want mediocrity that’s fine, but I expect more. He is a great recruiter but that only gets you so far when you can’t adjust anything during the game.

Well thank goodness the guys that don’t accept mediocrity support group has arrived.

I just really wish you guys could be honest. But as we’ve seen in all genres, group think is based upon partial truths, and propaganda designed to target the folks unwilling to do the work and critically think for themselves.

That is the very essence of what it means to be mediocre. So the irony is strong.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2009
It’s obvious Prohm has his faults. Adjustments coming slowly or seemingly not at all is his biggest and most noticeable. Few coaches are perfect products and they grow and learn as seasons go, just like we do in our own jobs. A couple more made 3s, a couple FTs, a couple no calls get called and Prohm is a nonissue. It sucks though. I wanted a shot Houston and Kansas City