Your CRIME story


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2008
Dandy's House
I got plenty of speeding tickets until I got a car with cruise control. Since then not too many.

Back in the day, I outrun multiple city police, 1 sheriff and 2 state troopers trying to pull me over, not because I was fast but I was close to a town when they were coming after me and was able to make a bunch of quick turns to get away from them.

One summer during college a couple buddies and I got a case of beer and drove to Mason City and then from there back to the home town busted 22 traffic signs (not stop signs or other imprtant signs by the way) and then when we got back home the last one we busted was a newer 4x6 post. It took forever to break but when it did it broke about a foot above ground level, snapped back hitting my kneecap cracking it. Man that hurt like heck. Served me right I guess

Stole tappers from parties from a few places where the hosts were less then cordial when we showed up.

Didn't have much to do with him much, but I did graduate with an idiot who is now on death row for killing 5 people in northern Iowa. Try playing those what-if scenarios in your head.



Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
numerous speeding tickets. 100 mph in high school with beer in the trunk cops wrote me down for 69 to keep my license. Drag racing charge that was lowered to being stopped on a traveled part of the highway. Came close to getting the zip tie cuffs put on during veisha but was able to run like the wind.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Rochester, MN
Got a speeding ticket a few hours ago. That'd be #2. Damnit. ****ers are getting crazy expensive. My mom got a couple a few years back and they were $42. Mine were $82.80 and $114.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2006
woke up on my couch at 230 in the am to an intruder. he was literally just sitting at our dining room table, watching tv. i said-"what's up" and he stammered "you owe me a shot"

apparently, he was completely smashed, and thought he had bought me a shot at the bar earlier and i hadn't repayed him. so i give him a shot of whiskey thinking he'd leave. he didn't

he told me his name was shawn walker and to come to s&k suits in des moines and he'd hook me up with a good deal on a suit. he wouldn't leave. so i went to the bathroom thinking i'd wake my roommates up, and he left-with my playstation 2!

i look out the window, and he's getting into a car. i write the plates down, and call 911. they nailed him about 20 minutes later. his name really was shawn walker. i had told the cops every detail down to the buckles on his shoes. they couldn't believe the description including his name.

dude got b&e, theft, dui, evading, speeding, and a couple other charges(3 felonies and 7 total i believe)

so i had to go id him at story county at 5 in the am, and it aint like on tv where there's a window between you. nope, it's me and him in the same room. i said yup, that's him, he responds man i've never seen you before in my life.

popped the game out of the ps2(told the cops it was madden '02) and low and behold that's what was in there.

then as they haul him off, they asked if he had anything in his pants to which he said "no, but i ****** em cuz the cop wouldn't pull over to let me go ****"

hilarious. wonder where he is now.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
I downloaded music from Napster, in the day...

1970s. Brother and I were cruising around on Halloween with his BB gun. Honestly just for show. Drove past the HyVee where we both worked and were giving a hard time to the kid working the drive up lane there. Turns out there was an off duty cop saw us with the BB gun and couldn't tell it wasn't real. We got sandwiched between 3 of Muscatine's finest cop cars. They took us downtown. They finally let us go after imparting on us how stupid it was. We were just dumb, no malice, and out doing nothing in particular. Dad was not happy.

Went from age 16 to my 40s without ever getting a speeding ticket (not that I didn't deserve them). Was once told via cop's PA to slow down on I80, as I passed him. Also got a warning because my dog was with me and jumped up for some attention when the cop (female) walked up. Then I got two in two years. One was a speed trap where two lanes squeezed down to one. I was going slightly faster than the car in the other lane so decided to speed up and pass before it was too late. The cops were standing under a tree with a radar gun and I got nailed doing 47 in a 35.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 15, 2006
woke up on my couch at 230 in the am to an intruder. he was literally just sitting at our dining room table, watching tv. i said-"what's up" and he stammered "you owe me a shot"

apparently, he was completely smashed, and thought he had bought me a shot at the bar earlier and i hadn't repayed him. so i give him a shot of whiskey thinking he'd leave. he didn't

he told me his name was shawn walker and to come to s&k suits in des moines and he'd hook me up with a good deal on a suit. he wouldn't leave. so i went to the bathroom thinking i'd wake my roommates up, and he left-with my playstation 2!

i look out the window, and he's getting into a car. i write the plates down, and call 911. they nailed him about 20 minutes later. his name really was shawn walker. i had told the cops every detail down to the buckles on his shoes. they couldn't believe the description including his name.

dude got b&e, theft, dui, evading, speeding, and a couple other charges(3 felonies and 7 total i believe)

so i had to go id him at story county at 5 in the am, and it aint like on tv where there's a window between you. nope, it's me and him in the same room. i said yup, that's him, he responds man i've never seen you before in my life.

popped the game out of the ps2(told the cops it was madden '02) and low and behold that's what was in there.

then as they haul him off, they asked if he had anything in his pants to which he said "no, but i ****** em cuz the cop wouldn't pull over to let me go ****"

hilarious. wonder where he is now.

looks like he got 5 years. was his 3rd dui too i believe


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
Waco, TX
Me and about 20 other guys were having an airsoft war on an empty lot thats across the street from my house at night. My parents were there and we were having a great time. Well about 2 hours into it a cop car with two female officers pulls up and gets on a speaker phone and demands that we all come out. They shined the spot light out in the field and waited for us to come out, we were all decked out head to toe in camo and what not and they apparently call for back up (the look on the female officers' faces was priceless). As we're all coming out my friend asks "Are we going to be on Cops?!" and we all start cracking up. The officers didn't think it was that funny and started yelling at us about how airsoft guns are illegal (they aren't), we could've shot someone's dog (who walks their dog out in an abandoned lot at night?), that they look like real guns (clear and orange tipped?), and that we were trespassing (yeahhhh). So after their big long talk they just make us load up our guns and go back home. No charges or anything. One hell of a night.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2010
Me and about 20 other guys were having an airsoft war on an empty lot thats across the street from my house at night. My parents were there and we were having a great time. Well about 2 hours into it a cop car with two female officers pulls up and gets on a speaker phone and demands that we all come out. They shined the spot light out in the field and waited for us to come out, we were all decked out head to toe in camo and what not and they apparently call for back up (the look on the female officers' faces was priceless). As we're all coming out my friend asks "Are we going to be on Cops?!" and we all start cracking up. The officers didn't think it was that funny and started yelling at us about how airsoft guns are illegal (they aren't), we could've shot someone's dog (who walks their dog out in an abandoned lot at night?), that they look like real guns (clear and orange tipped?), and that we were trespassing (yeahhhh). So after their big long talk they just make us load up our guns and go back home. No charges or anything. One hell of a night.

off topic but i love the the video in your signature


Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
Driftless Region
Visit site
And not a result of you drinking underage?

Hey, I was caught red handed and served my punishment, no complaints. I didn't try and get out of it. I plead guilty and accepted my punishment.

But don't you think that when methamphetamine abuse and production was at an all time high that there was a better use of a taxpayer money than pulling over a car load of teenagers, interrogating them about what parties were going on that night, and then sending 4 squad cars to a remote farmstead?

Not all crimes are the same, and when a department makes a habit of hunting down a relatively minor/victimless crime (like underrage drinking), they're going to be spending less time fighting other crimes. There's only so many resources. Why are so many resources spent on fighting crimes that are technically criminal acts, but are extremely minor? Mitchell County, Iowa lead the nation in underage drinking arrests for per capita in the first half of the last decade. Do you really think kids there were just drinking that much more than other places? Or maybe stopping it was a much higher priority for the County than other counties.

But I guess me and some friends getting drunk in my parents house (while they were out of town) is a bigger threat to public safety than the then out of control meth problem.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
When a drunk teenager takes the life of a buddy, I hardly call underage drinking a victimless crime. Some kids can actually be responsible about it. Unfortunately, many more can't.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2006
Was pulled over once for a out head light (had the replacement in the seat beside me), was let go with a verbal warning.

Against Me:
Had my car broken into just about a month ago and the GPS stolen out of it. Also had someone put nails in my tire just a few weeks ago.

Witnessed by me:
Caught various people on several occasions climbing buildings on campus (including one guy climbing the water tower naked in the middle of winter). Caught a guy stealing a sign out of the MU. Caught a guy driving drunk (.18 BAC), had to testify for that one. Caught a guy stealing a book in Target. Chased a guy who was caught stealing grow lamps out of the green houses on campus. Chased a guy who escaped from Ames PD after punching the officer. Caught people having sex on campus, a couple of times. Had to break up numerous fights, specifically at football games. Caught a hit and run. Caught more public intox than I'm sure anyone on here would like (my highest BAC was .289).


Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
Driftless Region
Visit site
When a drunk teenager takes the life of a buddy, I hardly call underage drinking a victimless crime. Some kids can actually be responsible about it. Unfortunately, many more can't.

The crime being committed there is something else than "being a drunk teenager". Underage drinking only has a victim if that person chooses to engage in some other dangerous conduct. Drinking in a living room only poses a potential problem to the individuals choosing to engage in it.

These cops just showed up and gave everyone tickets. They didn't get a drunk driver off the road or stop any other kind of crime. They just raised some money and/or free labor for the county. All this while there were far bigger problems in their jurisdiction. It gives the appearance that they are more concerned with fighting easier to enforce criminal acts than they are in really fighting the most troublesome issues.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
Hey, I was caught red handed and served my punishment, no complaints. I didn't try and get out of it. I plead guilty and accepted my punishment.

But don't you think that when methamphetamine abuse and production was at an all time high that there was a better use of a taxpayer money than pulling over a car load of teenagers, interrogating them about what parties were going on that night, and then sending 4 squad cars to a remote farmstead?

Not all crimes are the same, and when a department makes a habit of hunting down a relatively minor/victimless crime (like underrage drinking), they're going to be spending less time fighting other crimes. There's only so many resources. Why are so many resources spent on fighting crimes that are technically criminal acts, but are extremely minor? Mitchell County, Iowa lead the nation in underage drinking arrests for per capita in the first half of the last decade. Do you really think kids there were just drinking that much more than other places? Or maybe stopping it was a much higher priority for the County than other counties.

But I guess me and some friends getting drunk in my parents house (while they were out of town) is a bigger threat to public safety than the then out of control meth problem.

Wow, I've seen some rationalization of your own behavior before, but this takes the cake.

Personally, I think they ought to give all the meth users, rapists, B&E artists, con men and mobsters a break until they round up all the murderers. :jimlad::jimlad: