Your CRIME story


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2010
1 speeding ticket for 10 over in a 65 even though i was doing closer to 80 and a warning for speed and a warning for not stopping at a stop sign. ive been in 3 accidents but only 1 was my fault (got rearended). however i was put at fault b/c the officer was too lazy to write up the ***** that hit me


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Ames/Cedar Rapids
1 speeding ticket for 10 over in a 65 even though i was doing closer to 80 and a warning for speed and a warning for not stopping at a stop sign. ive been in 3 accidents but only 1 was my fault (got rearended). however i was put at fault b/c the officer was too lazy to write up the ***** that hit me

Further proof of why I loathe state revenue generators... I mean cops...


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2010
Further proof of why I loathe state revenue generators... I mean cops...

i might have understood if the accident happened at 3:15 when their shift was almost over but it was around 1 or so. his reasoning was so that she wouldnt have to come back if she wanted to fight the ticket since she was from mizzouri...**** her its her fault


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
I'll never forget my ride along with the Ames police durning veishea. There was male drunk crossing the street (at a crosswalk) and the cop car was at the stop. The driver then took the police car and nugged the drunk while he was walking to see what he do. He ending up putting hands on the hood and wondering what the hell just nugged him. He realized it was cop car and was like oh **** and went on his way. The look on the drunks face was priceless.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 10, 2007
I'll never forget my ride along with the Ames police durning veishea. There was male drunk crossing the street (at a crosswalk) and the cop car was at the stop. The driver then took the police car and nugged the drunk while he was walking to see what he do. He ending up putting hands on the hood and wondering what the hell just nugged him. He realized it was cop car and was like oh **** and went on his way. The look on the drunks face was priceless.
I assume you mean nudged? So you are saying the cop decided to assault a pedestrian walking in a crosswalk just to see what his reaction would be?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
I assume you nudged? So you are saying the cop decided to assault a pedestrian walking in a crosswalk just to see what his reaction would be?

yes I ment nudge. I'm lazy when I internet post and don't proof read. And it was an obviously very drunk pedestrain. I didn't nudge the driving the car did it. I was in the back seat doing a ride along program.


Active Member
Dec 22, 2008
I was arrested on my 16th birthday at 7:30 AM for several alcohol related offenses. I was hand cuffed and put in the car while in my underwear oh and we lived on Duff in Ames so it was witnessed by many, many people. On the way to the cop shop I plead my innocence and finally the arresting officer (who I had known since I was 10) checked the name again and found out it was a different Thomas Sellers.

I was returned home without an apology.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 29, 2007
I shot a man dead with a bow and arrow for sexually assaulting my friend at gunpoint and making him squeal like a pig.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2010
i lost my job at ISU after my sophmore year during the summer because someone with the same name had been arrested during veishea and they thought i was covering it up. i was really surprised when i went in to get the work schedule before school started that august. my boss made a call to the police and realized they hadnt checked the birth date and assumed it was me. that is actually a true story


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
I threw an empty keg out the window from the 9th floor of the towers. That ended my stay at the towers, so it was kind of a blessing, instead of punishment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Spokane, WA
I threw an empty keg out the window from the 9th floor of the towers. That ended my stay at the towers, so it was kind of a blessing, instead of punishment.

1 regret --- I threw bricks out of my dorm window onto a mustang with a t-top in the loading zone. first brick through the top glass, second brick punctured the hood. I'm not proud and would love to find the guy if he promised not to kick my ***.

1 funny - a guy ****** me off at a bar but he happened to have driven up in a convertable chrysler -a and left the top down. I let him have several pitchers of beer delivered via my bladder all over his interior.

1 sorta - in a Chichis parking lot when a taxi pulled up. Driver went inside but left the cab running and unlocked... and with a halfrack of beer in the back. I don't consider it grand theft auto so much as grand theft beer but I did have to drive his hack a number of blocks away so my pals could pick me up.

1 not me - a guy from my dorm floor stormed a veisha float in the early 80s and the last we saw he was running down the street drunk and laughing carrying the big toe from something off the float.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2010
Multiple MIP's, sound ordinance violations, speeding tickets, open containers, reckless driving, other small misdemeanors.

My favorites are the ones I was accused of that I had nothing to do with. I was questioned multiple times and taken to Omaha for a little interrogation for the robbery of a hardware store. Fun part was that the description of the offender was a 6'5" Mexican man driving a Chevy pickup. I'm 6'1", white, drove a '94 Taurus at the time and had never stepped foot in the city of Omaha.

Then there was this whole thing with the FBI that involved illegal pornography, trojan computer viruses and a guy from Pakistan who was eventually caught and thrown in a federal prison. If there is anything to be learned from that situation is to always have an up to date virus checker, otherwise you might spend a year having your internet use closely watched by the FBI and then brought in for questioning about it - kind of an awkward situation.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
Huxley, IA
Multiple MIP's, sound ordinance violations, speeding tickets, open containers, wreckless driving, other small misdemeanors.

My favorites are the ones I was accused of that I had nothing to do with. I was questioned multiple times and taken to Omaha for a little interrogation for the robbery of a hardware store. Fun part was that the description of the offender was a 6'5" Mexican man driving a Chevy pickup. I'm 6'1", white, drove a '94 Taurus at the time and had never stepped foot in the city of Omaha.

Then there was this whole thing with the FBI that involved illegal pornography, trojan computer viruses and a guy from Pakistan who was eventually caught and thrown in a federal prison. If there is anything to be learned from that situation is to always have an up to date virus checker, otherwise you might spend a year having your internet use closely watched by the FBI and then brought in for questioning about it - kind of an awkward situation.

Isn't "wreckless" driving what we're all aiming for? :wink:


Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
Driftless Region
Visit site
Best "getting out of it" story I have (probably the only)

A few years back, some buddies and I were road tripping on a friday night during the summer. A couple of us had started drinking about 7:00 at my old man's shop, and were waiting on another guy to get off work. He showed up with his 1984 rear-wheel-drive, stick shift Toyota Corolla hatch back. Well, we grab a case of beer and start tearing around some gravel roads. Whip some shitties, go ditch riding, etc. We decide to go back to where we had started to meet up with some other friends. We get off the gravels and have to drive through the town of Stacyville (pop. 400). As we're getting into Stacyville, we meet a car. I notice him hit the brakes. We're screwed. Since I'm the only one over 21 @ the time (other guys were 20 or 19), we start shoving beers into the trunk.

The cop pulls over, and comes out to the car dressed in blue jeans, an untucked cop shirt and white high top sneakers. He doesn't even tell us why he's pulled his over. He just starts yelling at us "Have you boys been drinkin'? Don't lie to me! Get out of the car!" I'm sure that my buddy who was driving is going to jail for OWI (he blew right @ the legal limit, but he's 20), I'm thinking I'll get stuck with providing to minors, and the other guys are probably getting possessions/open containers. Of course the whole time I'm thinking to myself "why did he pull us over?" We weren't speeding, weren't swerving (driver hadn't drank much), and we had checked all of our lights before pulling onto the highway to avoid such a situation.

Finally, after reading us the riot act he goes "where you boys heading to anyways?" We tell him the destination and he says "well, get the hell out of here and if I see this car back on the road tonight, you're all going to jail". It was damn nice of him, but I know that the only reason he let us go is because he pulled us over out of sheer boredom, without any probable cause, and all of our charges would have likely been dropped. I probably haven't gone for a true road tripping night since then.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
Tempe, az
I'll hit the most exciting part first cause the rest isn't, at all.

Cops swarming at me from all sides, yelling, some with guns drawn, me ending up face down with a knee in my back. It happened so fast I probably reacted less than the situation warrented. If it was slower I may have peed.

Anyway, the less than exciting reason this happened - I decide to stop by my step fathers business with my buddies and a couple girls to hang for a bit and hopefully find something better to do. The problem was, I thought it best to be sneaky about it, which made neighbors who did see us nervous so they called the cops. We would have been far better off pulling right up in front of everyone, turning every light in the place on. Of course, we still may have been screwed becuase said business was in small town Iowa and a couple of my friends were black kids from DSM. I'd like to think that woulndt have been a problem, but I have my doubts.

One of us did get a ticket for buying the beer (all underage). They poured out the crap and took the case with them...