What class did you hate the most in college?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2006
Clive, Iowa
The first time I took Math 165 I got an F, the second time I got an A. The difference? Style of instruction.

The first guy (I don't remember his name but it was more than 11 years ago now. The only thing I know is he smoked like a chimney and liked to have the class solve "mental problem" riddles - such as Pete was found dead on the floor. The only sign of foul play was broken glass and water was found near the body. What happened?) was only interested in teaching math theory. While I'll admit that is a good way to teach it, not all of us are geared to think that way. And if you didn't subscribe to his teaching of math theory, he really had no time for you. The second time I took it it was taught in a much more traditional sense and I got much more out of the class. It's actually the reason why my MBA-level Econ classes have been so much easier for me (lots of limits and derivatives taught in those classes).

On 166, I got a D+ as well the 1st go around (needed C- to move on) and an A 2nd time around (was ridiculously easy).

When I walked in 267 the 1st day of class and saw I had the same guy as I did for 166, I immediately tried to get in another 267 class, but couldn't do it. I even got an A on the 1st 267 test and ended with a D+...LOL.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2008
West Des Moines, IA
I hated my two stat classes as well (226/326). I managed to not dislike 226 that much since I never went and got an A in the class. I just have no interest in statistics and a class at 8 AM with a first semester TA teaching the course.

326 was a much different story. Duckworth is an idiot and a pompous ***. The labs are pointless to have for two hours when they are completed in one and part of that time is spent waiting for the printer. What sealed the deal for me in 326 was our 2nd test.

The essay questions were different for each section and Duckworth admitted that our section got the worst of the bunch. The actual 3 hardest questions in the whole essay, so our grades were skewed by at least a full 10 points than the other sections. Instead of adjusting it for us he made us argue all of our points to get points back.

My roommate and I were in the same section and had studied for the exam so we had very similar answers in the essays. Brian went in there and argued his point on the last question and got full credit. I went in about two people after that, argued the same points and got no credit added to my score. Apparently this was consistent with people throughout. Some got credit, others did not.

Worthless worthless worthless.


Asst. Regional Manager
Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
I had him for a 400 level math course...he was very "hands off."

He always always faced the board....mumbled into it....wrote chicken scratch all over the board with no apparent linear direction of his work. He'd quickly erase a number and change it and not tell us why.

My favorite was when someone asked him a question he would say "go home an learn it"

I stopped going to class, got a tutor, and took my C and left.


Me: Mea culpa. Also me: Sine cura sis.
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
May 7, 2008
Econ 241, now probably 101. Two TAs taught it, TT 12:40 to 2 p.m. Took it as a first quarter freshman. Why did no one tell me that you should never take such dry classes right after lunch?

I passed. Only econ class I took.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2007
Clarinda, IA
Bingo for me except it was Math 166 and Math 267. I was brilliant at Math in HS and on my ACT, but my HS didn't offer Calc so it was brand new to me.

165 wasn't that bad
166 had to take twice
265 wasn't that bad
267 worst grade I ever got in college (D+).

I had the same instructor for 267 and 166 (when I took it the first time) so my struggles may have been more related to the instructor than the class itself.

Was 267 Diff Eq? That would be close to my least favorite class.

Least favorite was probably electromagnetics. I can't remember the number, but I think it was EE 314 or something like that. I didn't mind the professor, but it was just a difficult class for me.


Jul 16, 2007
Wow everyone seems to be bashing Stat 226 and 326. Personally I liked them both since I had Dr. Genschel. She does an amazing job for how dry the material is.

My worst class would have to be English 302 last spring. Our teacher spoke broken English and we had to correct her many a time. I don't even know why that course is required. If you are a business major and if you haven't figured out how to write a resume and coverletter by your sophomore year you don't belong in college.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
As someone who taught Math at ISU for 5 years (3 years as a TA and 2 years as a full-time instructor), reading that some of you hated your math classes at ISU brings a tear to my eye. :sad:


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
For me it was philosphy 230. The professor made it one of the most intellectually painful classes I ever took. He would ask questions in class like "In your opinion what was the main point of the reading assingment?" and then proceed to berate the student who answered for not agreeing with him. He was a pompous *** and I banished his name from my memory. Waste of time and money. I found the subject itself useless. Anyone who can't think freely for themselves by time they get to college then perhaps they shouldn't be wasting thier time in college? Damn arts and humanities requirement.

I remember taking that class from Tony Smith back in 1992 or 1993.

He argued with the conservative folks in class, which struck a lot of us as a sort of hint, and there was a rumor floating around about his belief system.

For the last class session, he told us that he was going to share with us his worldview. He started with the sentence, "I am a Marxist."

That was awesome, and more than a little awkward.


Active Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 14, 2006
Des Moines
My least favorite class was probably ComS 103 or whatever that joke class was. Sure, it was a reeeeeally easy 4 credit A, it just always got on my nerves because it was an online class with surprisingly a lot of work and I had the habit of doing all the work for the week on the Sunday it was due hungover from the night before...


Active Member
Aug 3, 2006
I had to take Math 166 and 167 in a ******* ICN room. Needless to say, it was ******** and very difficult to learn through a tv.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 11, 2006
Russian Foreign Policy. I can't really tell you what I hated the most the class or the instructor (can't remember his name, it is repressed memory now)


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
Cornlands of Ayuxwa
How can you not like Com Si 104? That class is a joke.

A genetics class - liked it so much I took it twice.

Don't get me started on Genetics. They are completely stupid. A bunch of theories that are completely useless, taught by a bunch of too smart nerds who don't understand the real world. Do transposable elements have any application to the real business world.... nope.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
Physics 221 FTL. I took that class twice. I got a D in it the first time. Had I known that engineering schools were willing to take that, I would have never retaken it and gotten the F the second time...

Did you post that for me?

Same deal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
Heads in the sky
Economics 102 sucks- probably more with the teacher
Com sci 103- It's easy sure, but a pain in the ***

oh and math sucks just because i haven't taken it since junior year of high school.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
Cornlands of Ayuxwa
I do not understand the complaints over Com Si 104. That class was the easiest 4 credits I ever earned. How is changing fonts or making stuff bold on Microsoft Word hard? I'm sorry but if you can't get an A in that class, please have someone smack you over the head.

San Francisco Cy

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2008
San Francisco
Toughest was probably Chem 177. Although, I did end up dropping it after about a month, and it sure made Chem 163 more bearable. Most brutal lectures had to be the home decorating class I had to take as an elective. Every M-W-F at 8am. If I ever get depressed about life in general, I just remember that I never have to sit through that lecture again with that crazy lady, and life seems more worth living...


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
Heads in the sky
I do not understand the complaints over Com Si 104. That class was the easiest 4 credits I ever earned. How is changing fonts or making stuff bold on Microsoft Word hard? I'm sorry but if you can't get an A in that class, please have someone smack you over the head.

It's not that its hard, and its actually 103 now, but its just a pain in the *** to listen to a online lecture, and then do basically three homework assignments especially when you procrastinate until sunday to do it. :biglaugh: