Urban Exploring at ISU

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
Agreed. My old college gf and I drove out there once late at night and we both got really strange vibes from that place - very creepy/weird.

Speaking of weird vibes, my friends and I wandered into the Arboretum one night while partying. it was very dark. You couldn't see 2 feet in front of your face. And I swear the trees were moving. In fact, I was talking to one of them at one time, thinking it was one of the guys with me. Very strange night.

Of course, the herbal substance laced with the byproduct of a flowery plant we partook of may have had something to do with that. Sue me it was the ’70s and my hair was down to my beltline. Now my hair is above my ears and nowhere else and my beltline is down to the tops of my thighs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
Madison, Wisconsin
I went to the shrine back in the late nineties and it seemed like a very interesting place. We stopped the car but didn’t get out owing to rumors that the owner was missing a hinge and didn’t like trespassers. It was very hard to see anything through the trees, but the buildings seemed to glow in the moonlight. It was a very calm and peaceful summer night and the place seemed rather beautiful albeit completely bizarre.

I’ve never heard the story about the daughters or the “memorial” until now. The rumor that drove me out to see it was that the park was actually his house and he lived beneath it in an old farm cellar. Obviously a place as mysterious as this can only spawn horror narratives, but all these rumors are too “blairwitch” to be true. More likely the guy is a creative loner with a big imagination and some form of mental illness.

This shrine is not entirely unusual either; you can find all kinds of eccentric structures like “the shrine” across the US. Here are some of my favorites.

Forevertron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Watts Towers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Samuel P. Dinsmoor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Raw Vision

A lot of these guys are/were introverts who didn’t get along with their neighbors and that only added to their myth as “insane.” I hope these examples can provide a little more context to “the shrine”

Speaking of mental illness, I did visit the “Nevada Asylum” around the same time (all part of a tour de haunted story county). Since I’ve seen plenty of movies with haunted abandoned mental institutions I was already precondition to be scared. I arrive in the middle of the day in blazing sunshine, but it was still perturbing to pray open a door and step into a dim musty hallway.

The place had a strange feel to it. Perhaps, all the Lovecraft, and Stephen King I’d read was flooding up from my subconscious, but I could feel the weight of history bearing down on me. Every step I took, I thought of the patients who had put their foot in the exact same place. There were still chairs and beds in the rooms and I sat down by a big window in what appeared to be the old cafeteria. For whatever reason it felt like there were people sitting there with me, not necessarily ghosts, but rather the memories of former inhabitants. It was like the place had closed down and everyone had forgotten about the hundreds of people who had spent some or even all of their lives in this building. It just seemed like their memories had nowhere to go and were entombed in the walls. It was a very sad place and gave me the willies.

They bulldozed the building a few years ago. I think it was because people would go out there and party. When I was there it looked like the place was visited rather frequently, lots of beer cans, cigarette buts, and other trash. I couldn’t image going there at night. I might do it for $1,000, but anything below s this number I would at least stop and think about. Creepy.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
Unbelievable, I have lived north of Ames since 81 and have never heard bout this shrine. I only live a mile from county line road and will be checking this place out today.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Cedar Rapids
Holy New posters Batman! Maybe we should start threads like this more often. It sure has brought some new opinions into the mix. It sure beats the threads of a couple months ago.

And to get back on topic. Anyone ever seen the top of gilman hall? When I was a sophomore, I misread my prof's office number on webCT and thought he was on the 5th floor. Not knowing that there are only 3 (and in some places 4) floors, I went all the way up the staircase on the southwest corner and opened the door, expecting to see a hallway, but all I saw was a couple couches sitting up on the roof. Being in a rush to get my homework to my prof before it was late (and not wanting to get in trouble) I quickly went back down the stairs to the computer lab to try to find where his office was. Made it there and handed in the homework with about a minute to spare.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2006
Holy New posters Batman! Maybe we should start threads like this more often. It sure has brought some new opinions into the mix. It sure beats the threads of a couple months ago.

And to get back on topic. Anyone ever seen the top of gilman hall? When I was a sophomore, I misread my prof's office number on webCT and thought he was on the 5th floor. Not knowing that there are only 3 (and in some places 4) floors, I went all the way up the staircase on the southwest corner and opened the door, expecting to see a hallway, but all I saw was a couple couches sitting up on the roof. Being in a rush to get my homework to my prof before it was late (and not wanting to get in trouble) I quickly went back down the stairs to the computer lab to try to find where his office was. Made it there and handed in the homework with about a minute to spare.

I've been. Got to be careful with Gilman though. It is attached to federal buildings and while getting caught on most of the roofs on campus might result in a slap on the wrist, getting on Gilman might result in Federal charges against you. The ISU Police officers are not even allowed to get up there with first getting approval.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
i drove bye i saw the old man diging something up i wonder what it was mabey it was doughters


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2007
West Des Moines
what about all of the history with respect to the bomb...i've heard about the tunnels, etc. We also lived up in Ames when there was the big controversy about the soccer fields that are now down by Dayton and highway 30. Apparently that is where all of the radio active material from the a-bomb was dumped so there was concern about kids getting radiation, etc.


New Member
Feb 3, 2011
Soooo I actually had the pleasure of meeting this mystery man who built "Sun Park."
I'm a student at ISU currently, and last spring when I was driving around on some gravel roads northwest of Ames when I stumbled upon this gem.

I had never heard aaanything about the place before because I'd only been living in the area for around 7 months. Because I knew nothing of the story, I thought nothing of going to this man's door and asking if I could take some pictures. We talked for what drug on to be somewhere around an hour. One minute he sounded like he thought it was an okay idea for me to take pictures, and then was completely against it the next. Finally when he stopped yammering, he let me take some pictures around his farm of his cats and stuff... his place is pretty run down, so I got some pretty rustic looking pictures of his cats on his front steps...

After this, I figured he thought it would be okay for me to take pictures across the road, I thought maybe I'd gained some sort of trust from him talking for an hour like that, but as soon as I was about to cross the fence, he came back from inside his house and yelled, "what do you think you're doing? I thought I told you to stay out of there!!" I was pretty embarrassed after this exchange... and honestly a little freaked out so I booked it out of there.

What I gathered from my conversation is that this guy is definitely a recluse. I think he mentioned something about being in the war at some point. I don't remember if he had said anything about a wife or not... it seemed like he lived alone. He was very suspicious of me- he told me lots of students had been poking around wanting to take pictures before and he was wondering if I had heard about his place from one of them. I said no, because honestly I hadn't. I don't think he believed me, but he told me not to talk about it with my classmates or teacher because he didn't want any more people around. When we were talking about this, I did mention how I didn't know how he could believe no one would want to stop and ask him questions or look at the park because it is so awe-inspiring. I've never seen anything like it in my life.

I would LOVE to get into the park someday and explore, just because I love exploring abandoned houses/ properties, but this man values his privacy so much that I would hate to take that from him...


Dec 14, 2010
Kalamazoo, MI
I’ve been on the roof of pretty much every dorm building, including all 4 towers. I worked maintenance for the res halls as a student. Unfortunately I never had a camera with me.

I was an RA in Larch and I left some "tainted" bread crumbs up on the roof for all the crows that used to rest on top of the building back when they used to swarm the campus in the thousands.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Soooo I actually had the pleasure of meeting this mystery man who built "Sun Park."
I'm a student at ISU currently, and last spring when I was driving around on some gravel roads northwest of Ames when I stumbled upon this gem.

I had never heard aaanything about the place before because I'd only been living in the area for around 7 months. Because I knew nothing of the story, I thought nothing of going to this man's door and asking if I could take some pictures. We talked for what drug on to be somewhere around an hour. One minute he sounded like he thought it was an okay idea for me to take pictures, and then was completely against it the next. Finally when he stopped yammering, he let me take some pictures around his farm of his cats and stuff... his place is pretty run down, so I got some pretty rustic looking pictures of his cats on his front steps...

After this, I figured he thought it would be okay for me to take pictures across the road, I thought maybe I'd gained some sort of trust from him talking for an hour like that, but as soon as I was about to cross the fence, he came back from inside his house and yelled, "what do you think you're doing? I thought I told you to stay out of there!!" I was pretty embarrassed after this exchange... and honestly a little freaked out so I booked it out of there.

What I gathered from my conversation is that this guy is definitely a recluse. I think he mentioned something about being in the war at some point. I don't remember if he had said anything about a wife or not... it seemed like he lived alone. He was very suspicious of me- he told me lots of students had been poking around wanting to take pictures before and he was wondering if I had heard about his place from one of them. I said no, because honestly I hadn't. I don't think he believed me, but he told me not to talk about it with my classmates or teacher because he didn't want any more people around. When we were talking about this, I did mention how I didn't know how he could believe no one would want to stop and ask him questions or look at the park because it is so awe-inspiring. I've never seen anything like it in my life.

I would LOVE to get into the park someday and explore, just because I love exploring abandoned houses/ properties, but this man values his privacy so much that I would hate to take that from him...



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2010
Does anyone else find it strange that amkerber visted the shrine/sun park, made 1 post, and than disapreared?

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