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  • I visited your toxic boss thread, and just wanted to commiserate with you a little bit. I have always appreciated your measured posts. I too have a boss that is toxic - it's way too long to go into here (if you trust me enough to give me your email, I can give you the entire story, if you're interested), but suffice to say he lies and demeans everyone he meets. Just a horrible, narcissistic person. I feel your pain.
    I’m so sorry I just saw this. Thanks for reaching out. Hope your work situation has somehow improved since January. I got lucky and am working from home most of the week and my boss has calmed the **** down since COVID hit. Anyway, hope you are well. Thanks again.
    I just confirmed with Come Back Inn, and they will be showing the game at 7. I'll be there with 2 of my sisters so just look for the table with three people avidly staring at the game.

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