To: AD Pollard


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
That was probably the worst and least thought out post I have ever read. What were you expecting in a spring game? Practice to most of us is fun to watch as we can see our coaches work their magic.

Although not the most action... seeing 10-15K fans at the game was great. I had a blast. Much better than the Coach Mac era when wed leave after a stunning 3-0 win by the red team.

Todays game was very very successful. Tons of fans. Good weather. Football in the spring.

Does this post qualify for a CF award? Like the top 10 worst? or Least thought out? or poster with the least amount of knowledge with college athletics?

there were only 7000 fans there.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 20, 2006
Plano, TX
there were only 7000 fans there.
good to know attendance was counted...because when they werent counting at the gates i just figured no one was. thanks for the official number PolkCityClone
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2006
Des Moines
Its really disheartning that a person would want to see what ISU has. In reference to what they have been practicing on. This is a Dog and Pony show for the fans and ALL THE SCOUTS that are at the game. They will take this back to there teams and say ha they have not improved from last year. YOU NEVER SHOW THE TRUE TEAM. like I stated this is a Dog and Pony show to satisfy the fans, community and get hecklers like you to comment. The season begins in August...NOT NOW. I also I know you did not send this to Pollard, because if you did you are pretty inferior in the brain housing group


Facebook Knows All
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 20, 2006
Urbandale, IA
Didn't go to the game, but from what I've heard from those that did, with the all of the accompanying new era hype, I'd have to agree with most of what 454 had to say.

I stopped reading right after I read the 1st 5 can you comment/confirm anyone's thoughts if you weren't even in attendance?

Makes no sense.


Active Member
Oct 18, 2006
Des Moines
I think I know this guy!

He sat right next to me last year!!!

The guy NEVER made a positive comment. Every three-and-out by the offense he either yelled "God dammit McCarney!!", or "God dammit Cotton!". Every time the other team got a first down he cursed out Skaldany.

I will make a prediction that this ISU "fan" will be one of the first to yell "God dammit Chizik!"...


May 10, 2006
Pollard and C-man missed a HUGE opportunity to promote and sell tickets for next Fall!!!

What an abortion. If that is a peak at whats ahead,I'm not buying!

I've been watching these for 55 years,and this was the worst!! They really pissed down their leg!



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
Alright, so out of the 3000 members to these boards, two decide to raise hell because they probably weren't beaten enough as children. Why are there so many responses of people trying to reason with these people?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
St Louis, MO
ISU0454, I agree with your frustration, but like most others said on here, this was a scrimmage, not a game unlike before. I totally agree with what Pollard could have done by first being there in person and saying some stuff to kick it off or have Gene say a few things to get rolling.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
St Louis, MO
Pollard and C-man missed a HUGE opportunity to promote and sell tickets for next Fall!!!

What an abortion. If that is a peak at whats ahead,I'm not buying!

I've been watching these for 55 years,and this was the worst!! They really pissed down their leg!


Keyword is opportunity and I agree with you whole-heartedly.

However, I am going to cut Pollard some slack. He has done a LOT for us..


Apr 14, 2006
Gee this board is all about group think!

One contrary opinion and the poster gets insulted. Wow and so many of the replies were so intelligent and well written also! I wish I could apologize for the immaturity of this board.

I agree Pollard did blow it -- but he is smart guy and will learn from this. I just happen to disagree with how it blew it.

The real issue which isn't being discussed is that we drew only 7000 'fans'. Way to show up and support our team! How many did Nebby have (70,000 plus) -- 10 times the number of our 'fans' who showed up. Even EIU had 3 times as many as our 'loyal' fans.

That is the travesty here.

We will never compete with the Big Boys of our league until we have better fan support. I am sorry ... but 7000 folks show up after the biggest media blitz about ISU football in the entire schools history. That is SORRY.

All you gallewags can do is disparage the poor guy who happens to point out the obvious and say the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. I bet if you talk to Pollard privately he is extremely disappointed with the lack of fan suppport here.

I was there -- took 5 hours but I was there. It was an ugly showing. But what was uglier was the near empty parking lot and the lack of fans in the seats!

BTW, I really like all the people in this thread who chimed in to 'diss' the original poster and who said , ' I couldn't make it ... but'.



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
BTW, I really like all the people in this thread who chimed in to 'diss' the original poster and who said , ' I couldn't make it ... but'.


Well, I truly apologize for not being in attendence... I should have weighed the situation before I arrived at such a decision to take my academics as a higher priority than a spring practice. Wow, please take my Fan Card away from me now. I also would like to point out your superior intellect by using a thesaurus for the big/intelligent words carefully placed throughout your post. Kudos to you sir.



Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 24, 2007
Urbandale, IA
First of All, it is really difficult to analyze a scrimmage for most fans. If the first team offense was playing the first team defense, its hard to tell if one side is playing good or the other side is just playing poorly. The analyzing should be done by the coaches because they really know whats going on.

Also, when installing a knew system, the defense is going to be ahead of the offense. The offense needs a lot of time to be syncronized and work well together. The offense will get a lot better with more work and time. I also wanted to note that we don't even have some of those JUCOs like JJ Bass and Wallace Franklin as well as some freshman that might be able to contribute.

The final thing I wanted to say is that this was a practice, this will be totally different come August when they play a real opponent. The first few games will help determine what this team will be like. This team has been practicing for only a few weeks! The coach has been here for only 5 months or so! I'm sure that learning a new system isn't exactly easy.

Please, before making any conclusions about Chizik and this football team, save it until this fall.


Oct 19, 2006
If youre such a marketing genius, instead of bitchin and moanin about what you hated and how disappointed you were, what would you have done to make it that much better?!?!
What exactly were you expecting? Fireworks and strippers?!? Im all for those, but they wont win us football games come fall.

I completely agree with ripvdub, but if the strippers and fireworks could come out of the inflatable cyclone helment I for one would buy season tickets every year!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Toon Town, IA
I think there were quite a few more than 7,000 there yesterday. I'd estimate somewhere in the 10,000-12,000 range. Think about it. If you were there, you saw nearly the entire lower level of the east side of the stadium was full and there were a lot of people in the upper deck as well. If JTS seats about 50,000 (not including the hillsides), then each of the decks would hold about 12,500, as all 4 of them are nearly the same size.

There were definitely a lot more than 7,000 people there yesterday, and I think there were only about 5,000 there last year (crappy weather, though), so we're moving in the right direction.

To the poster who mentioned NU's spring game.....when you consider that there has never been a regular season crowd that even approached 70,000, don't you think its a little ridiculous to verbally bitchslap our fanbase for not bringing out 70,000 to the game yesterday?


Nov 24, 2006
While we may not agree with

Lets dispute and attack the opinion, not the poster.

I mean, he seems to think everything our coach does should be only about selling tickets, not making his players better and working on his system.

We all know winning won't sell any tickets....

I agree. He is just expressing his opinion; although, i think few would agree with it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
I think there were quite a few more than 7,000 there yesterday. I'd estimate somewhere in the 10,000-12,000 range. Think about it. If you were there, you saw nearly the entire lower level of the east side of the stadium was full and there were a lot of people in the upper deck as well. If JTS seats about 50,000 (not including the hillsides), then each of the decks would hold about 12,500, as all 4 of them are nearly the same size.

There were definitely a lot more than 7,000 people there yesterday, and I think there were only about 5,000 there last year (crappy weather, though), so we're moving in the right direction.

To the poster who mentioned NU's spring game.....when you consider that there has never been a regular season crowd that even approached 70,000, don't you think its a little ridiculous to verbally bitchslap our fanbase for not bringing out 70,000 to the game yesterday?

Actually, the south end from the 20 yard line down was empty. I didn't have time to count the people, but it was better than last year by far. I would trust the 7,000 estimate, give or take a 1000.