Dowling and Valley recruiting players From all over

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
If they rent and move their residence, it still counts.

My folks did that (although it wasn't very far) my senior year so I could go to a different school. That was in 1989.

Yes I get that counts but I am not a big fan of that loophole in this situation. Kind of reminds of 2 episode in the Friday Night Lights TV series, one was the "mailbox" where boosters setup a mailbox outside of town they used to make it seem like a kid was eligible to play in their district and the other was a high profile player displaced by hurricane Katrina that the area schools were essentially recruiting for him to play for their school. I get this is a pandemic situation but I don't like how the rules could possibly get manipulated here that we could see an influx of out of state kids enrolling just so they can play FB. These kids aren't "moving" here for educational reasons which is a different scenario. I'm also curious what the protocols will be if out of state students want to open enroll into public schools how that is going to be handled.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2020
when a school that recruits plays schools that can’t recruit. It’s a legit uneven playing field. It’s fine if they recruit, however play other teams across the country that recruit also. Like the prep schools
Every school district that permits open enrollment is permitting recruiting.

Why people get bent about Catholic schools and not about the disparity between DM North and WDM Valley I'll never know. If you want something to be concerned about, make it that. Not the fact that a private school has to recruit 100% of their students 100% of the time.

There's this huge gulf between the city schools and suburbs but OH SH!T, one of those suburban schools is Catholic...get 'em!
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Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
Yes I get that counts but I am not a big fan of that loophole in this situation. Kind of reminds of 2 episode in the Friday Night Lights TV series, one was the "mailbox" where boosters setup a mailbox outside of town they used to make it seem like a kid was eligible to play in their district and the other was a high profile player displaced by hurricane Katrina that the area schools were essentially recruiting for him to play for their school. I get this is a pandemic situation but I don't like how the rules could possibly get manipulated here that we could see an influx of out of state kids enrolling just so they can play FB. These kids aren't "moving" here for educational reasons which is a different scenario. I'm also curious what the protocols will be if out of state students want to open enroll into public schools how that is going to be handled.

The HS I moved to was in the state line. There was a town on the state line and it had a run of mailboxes on the Iowa side. Those mailboxes were set up to have an Iowa address so their kids could go to an out of state school because it was a larger school than what they were in. And was actually closer.

I know this is different, but it happens a lot more than most people understand, and longer. I actually did a house inspection just a few days ago of a kid who transferred schools in the mid 80s for wrestling. People in town knew he lived with the wrestling coach, he admitted he knew no one in the school basically and that he did that. At least they are cracking down on living with coaches now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
Every school district that permits open enrollment is permitting recruiting.

Why people get bent about Catholic schools and not about the disparity between DM North and WDM Valley I'll never know. If you want something to be concerned about, make it that. Not the fact that a private school has to recruit 100% of their students 100% of the time.

There's this huge gulf between the city schools and suburbs but OH SH!T, one of those suburban schools is Catholic...get 'em!

By Iowa state law, every public school in the state must permit open enrollment either in or out of the district. A district can slow it down by putting in place certain rules like time lines to leave, but they can never stop it.

Education and money go hand in hand, its really that simple. The reason that WDM Valley has higher rated students and more of them is because of the tax base of the community, compared to any of the Des Moines inner city schools.
More money draws in better teachers, with better teaching tools, while smaller, poorer districts do without. Its like comparing recruiting football players with Alabama and ISU.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Honest question, is he catholic? If so, a transfer within churches would reduce the rate it sounds. I didn't click on the link, so I don't know if it states what that rate is.

Baptized, first confession, Eucharist and confirmation all in one day.
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Remo Gaggi

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2018
Yes. They were paying for school in Illinois anyway. It's worth it.
Not everyone that goes to Catholic/private school is rich. Every family has to make sacrifices.
We had multiple families where I went with 8 or 9 kids in the family. That's half a million dollars for high school. All the kids turned out just fine.
Most families chose the sacrifice for private school first before they chose football. We only had three kids where I went that were recruited to play, but they had to pay for the school anyway.
Dowling has a pretty good tuition funding endowment. All thru donations, not tax dollars. They give tuition assistance to a majority of their students, based on need, and not how fast they run the 40.

Remo Gaggi

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2018
By Iowa state law, every public school in the state must permit open enrollment either in or out of the district. A district can slow it down by putting in place certain rules like time lines to leave, but they can never stop it.

Education and money go hand in hand, its really that simple. The reason that WDM Valley has higher rated students and more of them is because of the tax base of the community, compared to any of the Des Moines inner city schools.
More money draws in better teachers, with better teaching tools, while smaller, poorer districts do without. Its like comparing recruiting football players with Alabama and ISU.
And that's why a big chunk of my property taxes go to the WDM schools every year.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
when a school that recruits plays schools that can’t recruit. It’s a legit uneven playing field. It’s fine if they recruit, however play other teams across the country that recruit also. Like the prep schools

It naive to think public schools don't recruit. With open enrollment, in the DM metro it isn't difficult for kids to pick a public HS based on a strength in athletics, music, etc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2013
Condon just said there’s rumblings of a 4 star QB from Colorado that may be transferring to Valley


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2012
Rural U.S.A.
Nazareth is 15k/year. I went to Catholic high school and my children will go to Catholic/Private high schools.

It's not a matter of being above everyone or what not, it is really important for children to surround themselves with other highly motivated kids. My high school was full of self-starters and kids with high aspirations. My 3 best friends from high school are a neurosurgeon resident, a lawyer and a English professor.

And until college, the quality of education is vastly different. Yes, Valley and Waukee are good schools, but when you go to farm territory or inner city, the quality drops off dramatically.

Depends on which district you attend. My kids attend a 1A school in "Farm Country" and it's an awesome district.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
Even putting the financial aide and athletics part of this conversation aside just how many here could afford 10k + to send your kid to a private school?

I can't speak for Dowling but I believe DMC has a waitlist now and Grand View Christian is growing. Sometimes it's not about what you can afford but what you decide to prioritize too.

If you want to really be shocked by private school costs check out some of the larger metro area private schools like in St. Louis. They are about double what you would pay in DSM.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 22, 2020
when a school that recruits plays schools that can’t recruit. It’s a legit uneven playing field. It’s fine if they recruit, however play other teams across the country that recruit also. Like the prep schools
That is why several states have private school championships and public school championships. This argument has been going on forever (40-50 years), but Iowa is behind the times a little bit. Public schools can and do recruit;however, it is a little more difficult for them to recruit. It's not fair, but welcome an age-old argument that won't go away until u have two state champs - public and private.

I also believe there are some states that require private schools to go up one class in the state tournaments.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
That is why several states have private school championships and public school championships. This argument has been going on forever (40-50 years), but Iowa is behind the times a little bit. Public schools can and do recruit;however, it is a little more difficult for them to recruit. It's not fair, but welcome an age-old argument that won't go away until u have two state champs - public and private.

I also believe there are some states that require private schools to go up one class in the state tournaments.

I doubt if the state of Iowa has enough private schools to actually run a public and private school athletic tournament for each. But they could easily force all private schools up a class. Now that would do nothing to the 4A schools but it would greatly help the smaller public schools that are now being forced to compete with private religious school.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 21, 2008
I'll never understand those outside of the upper-upper-class sending kids to private school unless they get significant scholarships. Dowling's tuition is $8500 if your a member of the parish and $12K if you're not. That's pushing ISU numbers (not counting room and board) why wouldn't you instead find the best public school in your area and put that tuition money into your kids college fund?