Cy-Hawk Dual

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Active Member
Jan 3, 2017
I don't care if fans want to call it a rivalry or not because of the lack of W's for the Cyclones, but you could tell the hostility was there between the teams and coaches. I haven't seen something like that since the 2009 season at Hilton between these 2 teams. They didn't like each other then (and the dual was a toss-up) and they don't like each other now.

A few things:
1. I think Iowa gets good recruits because they have a great coaching staff, rich tradition, and funds to do so. I believe the Brands' would go to Hell & back for their athletes & it is a big pull for recruits. Listen to Marinelli's story about Eli Stickley and you know Tom has the respect & admiration of his athletes.
2. Terry, while he may be a great coach and person (I don't have knowledge on the person front), is the worst behaved assistant coach I have ever seen in collegiate wrestling. From talking to other wrestlers during matches, to pointing to the other team and coaches constantly, to "trying to shake hands early and get out of there", he shows a lot of characteristics of someone I wouldn't want representing my program. This is nothing to do with his knowledge of the sport, his passion, or anything that I believe he excels at.
3. Bringing up Marinelli and his wife's income as a way to say that's helping their program isn't a great thing to point out after Nate Carr got a position, which he is qualified for, to help get David Carr to Ames. She is qualified for her position, NC is qualified for his. Same type of thing from an outsider's perspective.
4. I don't think we need to dig into the Brands' behavior from high school or college to try to prove they are bad people. Neither seem to have done anything since then. They seem to have grown up, and I truly enjoy Tom now as a coach relative to 10+ years ago.
5. Good on the state and its fans for making this meet what it was. It has been the talk about the wrestling world for the past couple of days. No one would have thought that prior to the meet. Kudos to both sides.
6. I love what I saw from the Cyclones. Hopefully get 149 figured out (I would have sent Degan vs Murin btw for style match ups). Midlands would be great for that and then let that person have the spot for the remainder.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2010
Tulsa, OK
The buffoonery is celebrated. Wrestling culture, and especially Iowa wrestling culture, is very intense, especially in the state's smaller communities. A lot of Iowa wrestling fans are of the Brands' generation. The fandom is then passed down to their kids.

Weekend wrestling tournaments at any age level in our state have always been a circus. Yes, it's an extremely competitive and intense sport, but the behavior of parents, coaches, and fans comes from the perfect mix of dumb people and wrestling buffoon culture that we've seen in Iowa City for decades.

While we see the arrogance of Fry reflected in their current football fanbase, we see the ugliness of Brands reflected in their current wrestling fanbase.
You should go on YouTube and watch some wrestling tutorials. I found one for Gable and one from Eastbay featuring Jordan Burroughs. The Gable videos had Zadick and Ironside just basically trying to physically dominate each other. My son whos 8 is watching this and told me "this is not what we do in the Tulsa wrestling club". Jordan Burroughs walks through the strategies, form, execution, and use of leverage when he demonstrated the single and double leg takedown. One was instructive and the other was just silly.

Ocy Docy

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2018
TK isn’t very good and I hope they find a replacement but I guess I thought the person they had doing it instead was worse. He was constantly interrupting Kyven. He was unpleasant to listen to and didn’t seem to have any flow to his commentating.

If you had left out then first sentence, I would have guessed you were talking about TK. TK has a very deliberate (slow) cadence to his speech, reminisces during the match, and Kyven has to interrupt him to talk about the match when something happens. I did not find Sunday's Play by Play guy a distraction and did not have to mute him.

I forgot to add that I think Kyven does a terrific job and we're lucky to have him. He knows the wrestlers, describes what is going on during the match (both on and off the mat, which was greatly needed on Sunday), and explains it all in a concise and easily understood way.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
If you had left out then first sentence, I would have guessed you were talking about TK. TK has a very deliberate (slow) cadence to his speech, reminisces during the match, and Kyven has to interrupt him to talk about the match when something happens. I did not find Sunday's Play by Play guy a distraction and did not have to mute him.
Wrestling requires more informational stuff for more casual viewers. Neither TK or the pxp for Iowa are very good. TK at least makes the broadcast approachable for non wrestling people. As someone who likes wrestling and generally understands it I understood what was going on but I would have been lost as a new viewer. If everyone understood wrestling this guy would probably be better but still poor.


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
Wrestling requires more informational stuff for more casual viewers. Neither TK or the pxp for Iowa are very good. TK at least makes the broadcast approachable for non wrestling people. As someone who likes wrestling and generally understands it I understood what was going on but I would have been lost as a new viewer. If everyone understood wrestling this guy would probably be better but still poor.
I worked a HS broadcast with a highly detailed pxp guy. He was calling things that I hadn't even heard before. I'm far from a pro, and was the color guy. I literally had to time my first things with him taking a breath of hardcore wrestling details. I made a joke about one of the wrestlers at a meet, it was a well known one that even the wrestler laughed about (my son was on the team so I knew the kids well). You would have thought I had peed in a baptismal font at church with his expression. I told him during a break that most listeners are your average listener that don't understand the fine details and want a general idea. If he told basics I would fill dead air with whatever was needed due to my high internal knowledge of the team and wrestlers. He relaxed and would start to explain what certain moves were during slow spots and really evolved. Sometimes the announcers try too hard.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
Des Moines
I have been involved with wrestling and basketball tournaments. Have you been to AAU basketball tournaments? The ones my daughter participated in weren't that much different than the wrestling tournaments I was around. In fact, as the wrestling tournaments became more advanced (as the competition level was higher) it became a less circus atmosphere, whereas basketball was the exact opposite. The local BB tourneys are kinda soft, but the AAU ones (the girl ones at least) are a complete sheetshow.
Years ago I'd run the score table at four mile in Des Moines Sunday morning for little kids league. (Book and scoreboard). Problem was they split the gym in half and ran side to side putting the scoreboard to my back. Every so often one side would be convinced I missed a basket. I explained to the coaches and asked them to tell their fans the book was official and I'll verify the scoreboard was right every timeout. Didn't matter they'd scream and cuss over an eight year old league game. Not saying I was perfect but 95% I was right. Told George Davis I'd finish the year but it's not worth the aggravation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2008
Wrestling requires more informational stuff for more casual viewers. Neither TK or the pxp for Iowa are very good. TK at least makes the broadcast approachable for non wrestling people. As someone who likes wrestling and generally understands it I understood what was going on but I would have been lost as a new viewer. If everyone understood wrestling this guy would probably be better but still poor.
I don't mean to derail this thread as this is a topic that has been discussed many times on here. I completely disagree with the 'dumbing down' of the broadcast to appeal to the casual viewer. However, TK doesn't even do that. His explanations or questions to Kyven about different things are nonsensical or completely irrelevant to what is happening on the mat.

The ESPN PxP guy was not the best, but he was miles beyond TK and I thought had a good rapport with Kyven.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 23, 2012
How many doctorate degrees does he have? I turned 23 right before graduating and I was sick of school by then.


New Member
Nov 28, 2021
Yeah, the 35/45% rules would come into play possibility and that’s if they haven’t lowered them in the last 15 years since I was at a bank.

I would imagine cash flow being something taken into account, hence the revenue streams comment. Also, it’s not out of the realm off possibility that there was a sizable down payment or gift involved.


New Member
Nov 28, 2021
White privilege? Keep the politics out.

Has nothing to do with politics but reality. Just like 25 yr old farm kids being able to buy 60 acres of grandpa’s land due to not being charged for inputs/equipment usage and receiving a $50k gift to put down.

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