2019 Personal Goals


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SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
With my wife going back to school financial goals are pretty much out the window other than don't go further into non student loan debt and don't overdraft.

I need to lose weight. 40-50 pounds would be nice but a downward trend is all I am looking for. Haven't decided how to do this fully yet as time and money don't allow for a gym membership so I will be looking for at home workouts. Need to cut down on snacking at home as well. My metabolism seems to be non-existent as I don't have many unhealthy habits (don't eat out/fast food much at all, don't drink pop etc.) so It's not like cutting something out other than the snacks will do much. Probably going to focus on eating more salads.

Our other goal is to spend less time on our phones/social media etc.


Why are you the way that you are?
Apr 22, 2011
Less screen time, which I'm already failing at while I wait for my car to be serviced.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Des Moines
With my wife going back to school financial goals are pretty much out the window other than don't go further into non student loan debt and don't overdraft.

I need to lose weight. 40-50 pounds would be nice but a downward trend is all I am looking for. Haven't decided how to do this fully yet as time and money don't allow for a gym membership so I will be looking for at home workouts. Need to cut down on snacking at home as well. My metabolism seems to be non-existent as I don't have many unhealthy habits (don't eat out/fast food much at all, don't drink pop etc.) so It's not like cutting something out other than the snacks will do much. Probably going to focus on eating more salads.

Our other goal is to spend less time on our phones/social media etc.

Depends on what you're snacking on, how much, and how often. I bought a food scale to help with portion control when my wife and I decided to get serious about cutting weight. That and a fitness/calorie tracking app can really help in the self accountability department.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
West Des Moines
1. Join the 1000 lbs club by the end of the year.
2. Earn a promotion at work
3. Begin work on a novel
4. Be the best dog dad to my puppy that arrives in April
5. Continue to work on smiling at each person I pass
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
I don't believe in resolutions, but I thought a discussion of 2019 goals for everyone might be a worthwhile thread.

For me, I only have 2 this year:

1) Personal Health - eliminate pop from my diet altogether. I also have a goal to complete the Farrell's 10 week program.

2) Financial Health - Wife and I have gotten lax in our budget and spending habits. I've started using YNAB and have a goal to continue that on a weekly basis. Further, our goal is to cut back extra trips to Hy-Vee outside of our weekly grocery run.

What is everyone else working on in 2019?

For both, meal planning might help you a bit. That's another of mine. Right now I've got dinners planned into March. Of course it can change, but with the baby, (and even before that) we were in a bad rut of the same three weeknight sandwich meals or "what do you want, IDK, just something fast" routine. Or "well we could have X, but we didn't get Y ingredient out to thaw so we can't do that now." Planning even a week ahead means you know what you need at the grocery store and you can plan around busy nights/leftovers/etc. Like this weekend we'll make grilled chicken and I'll have DH make extra. Then on Sunday I'll use that extra to make chicken tortilla soup. The soup becomes my lunches all next week. We've been consistent with this since October and it's helped us get some variety in our diet, reduce bickering, save time at night, and reduce eating out.
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Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
For both, meal planning might help you a bit. That's another of mine. Right now I've got dinners planned into March. Of course it can change, but with the baby, (and even before that) we were in a bad rut of the same three weeknight sandwich meals or "what do you want, IDK, just something fast" routine. Or "well we could have X, but we didn't get Y ingredient out to thaw so we can't do that now." Planning even a week ahead means you know what you need at the grocery store and you can plan around busy nights/leftovers/etc. Like this weekend we'll make grilled chicken and I'll have DH make extra. Then on Sunday I'll use that extra to make chicken tortilla soup. The soup becomes my lunches all next week. We've been consistent with this since October and it's helped us get some variety in our diet, reduce bickering, save time at night, and reduce eating out.



Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
Get to bed and wake up earlier. I stay up too late and then just get up, shower, and go to work. I think getting up a half hour earlier to wake up more and eat breakfast and just generally be more productive would do wonders for me

This is something I'm constantly trying to do, as well. I usually wake up at 530, shower, eat, check my phone, and then doze of for 20 minutes by accident. Getting in the habit of drinking coffee will help, I hope. It's awfully hard in the winter time when it's so dark at 530 when I get up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
To not immediately call people that wear Colorado, aTm, Nebraska, and Mizzou gear traitors.
I mean they may not be happy with the moves made either.

(I really struggle with not telling off those last couple fanbases)
It's...like...been a while. I think it's a good goal. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
So I always like to review my goals from the prior year and see how I did. I noticed I never posted mine in the thread last year -

Jan 5, 2018
I'd like to answer this in a week or so - have some plans up in the air right now. Probably some travel later this spring but we haven't decided when or where.

I think after this past week or so, insulating our garage will be high on the list.

the goals I actually committed to last year -

  • Gain pregnancy weight within parameters (nailed it)
  • Baby prep (nursery, cleaning clutter, meal prep, insurance, registry, baby shower) (done)
  • Landscape work - expand island, put in new island, replace dead plants, put in a garden (done)
  • Trip to Hawaii for babymoon (done)
  • Work (get raise, excellent reviews, train new employee, plan for maternity leave) (all done)
  • Lose 75% of baby weight (so baby jail + staying active meant I well overachieved on this losing 120% of what I gained)
  • Insulate garage (didn't happen)
So I killed it on all but insulating the garage. Which honestly, I knew was unlikely to happen. I started a workout program meant for post partum women about six weeks after the baby and that has been really great for me. Focuses a lot on strength training and working the "mom" muscles. I had started getting some back soreness from all the carrying/hunching about the time I started and I've felt so good since then. Overall, it was a really good year for my goals.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
1. Health. Get rid of the high blood pressure and get into good shape. Not just acceptable shape. Exceptional by this date next year. Looooong way to go.
2. Add on to and completely redo the exterior of my house.

That's really it for big goals. Maybe find a significant other.
For people that want to get in shape and need inspiration, look up David Goggins. Dude is intense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009

Yep. It's pretty easy because once you get into a rhythm, you just rotate meals. I tried doing a week at a time for a while but I kept falling behind. One of my last days of maternity leave, I was stuck on the couch under napping baby and just planned out Halloween - Christmas and it worked so well that now I just go in and do a few days at a time so I sort of keep that two month buffer. Of course it can change as stuff comes up or like last week, we have more leftovers than anticipated so we're not making dinner the next two nights. And I may rotate that stuff in next week or just skip it til the next time.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
For people that want to get in shape and need inspiration, look up David Goggins. Dude is intense.

I'm about halfway through his book. I don't really need the inspiration at this point. It's about just doing it. But yeah, that guy has done some **** and people could learn a few things about what's actually possible in their life.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
Less screen time, which I'm already failing at while I wait for my car to be serviced.

If you have an iphone, the screen time feature under Settings has been great for me. I have mine set to put them idle from 6-9pm. Really keeps me from not checking my phone at home every time I hear it buzz.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2011
Good stuff here, I'd like to add mine so I can come back and see how I did.
1. Finish my debt snowball. Only $5k left to go, should be done by March, hopefully sooner.
2. Get a dog. I've wanted one forever but was waiting for the first goal to be complete.
3. Get Invisalign. Already scheduled to happen later this month. This alone will be big boost in confidence.
4. Get back in the gym and complete hit my Stronglifts goals. Combine with a healthier diet to hit weight-loss goal.
5. Finally take the DMACC motorcycle course and save up to fulfill this lifelong dream.

Here's hoping everyone can hit their goals! Good luck to all!
I’m doing 3...that’s the way to go if you want braces. It makes drinking or going out to eat difficult but not impossible. It’ll go with goal 4 since you can’t drink as much with them on.