2019 Personal Goals


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Sep 1, 2011
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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2012
Quit my current job that I loathe. Potentially even find another one.

Hey, I accomplished something! I don't even remember posting this, and I actually quit within a couple weeks of my original post. My last day was Jan. 25.

Turned into a pretty wild ride. The place was in quite a pickle when I left (due to previous outsourcing, lots of folks were angry about me leaving but weren't angry AT ME for leaving) and I previously managed the person who ended up getting hired for my position. With me in his corner, he knew a lot of things he probably shouldn't have, and negotiated a pretty hefty raise.

I'm working for myself now and it's going well.

Got numerous phone calls begging for help in the couple of months after I left, but the last one was the strangest. One of my former employees called me and asked to borrow money. I've never met him in person. He lived in Mumbai. We had no personal relationship, it was strictly work. 'Twas a really strange call, and he never gave me an amount or reason, and I declined.

Talked to the guy that replaced me a couple weeks later. I did not tell him about the rupee request. Said rupee requester had no showed for the last couple of weeks. Uhhhhh....that's weird. Made me really curious, what did the guy need? Was he dying? Did a family member mess with the wrong people?

RR was gone for TWO MONTHS, without a peep. No phone calls, no emails, nothing. Management in India had no idea where he was. Then one day, he shows back up to work. Mgmt asked him where he was, he said he had some things to take care of. And because India is weird and outsourcing only requires a warm body, he started working again. And that was the end of that.

That was over six months ago. The guy that replaced me still has no idea where he was or what he was doing. Maybe I'll tell him about the rupee request the next time I talk to him.
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Sep 3, 2009
Finally doing look into how these all went!

2019 goals - I was telling spouse that this is the first year in a while I haven't had big things I wanted to accomplish in the year. It feels weird. I still ended up with a giant list though....some stuff still needs fleshing out. This looks super long but several are connected to each other. I'm a very goal-oriented person if that wasn't obvious :p

  • Quality time with spouse.....not sure how to make this SMART but we're still kinda in survival mode and while we're ok, I want to put time into our relationship. I'm not sure what that looks like though. Spending time talking after little monster is in bed? Weekend trip without baby? Post-work walks once the weather is nice? This one needs work. Suggestions welcome. Aimed for 10 "dates" and got 9.
  • Quality time with baby - putting phone away and reading books, playing with him, enjoying this stage before he too quickly grows up. Be better about being present, enjoying this time and not having so much guilt. Already started on this by moving all his books out of his closet and next to our well-loved rocking chair. Found we weren't reading them when we had to go to the closet. This wasn't very SMART so it's hard to measure but we did stop with the tv being on when he's awake so that helps. Now I need to shut off my phone!
  • Time with friends - did not want to be that person who dropped off the face of the earth after a baby. Need to make an effort here.
    • Invite friends for 1x month board game night
    • For real, work on finding a babysitter so you can leave house at night - would allow for date nights too This went pretty well as we've made solid efforts to get out - and got a babysitter who we love! Big reason time with friends and date nights happened!
  • Fitness
    • Finish post partum exercise program - probably go back and repeat weeks at lower frequency once done in a couple months
    • Maintain current weight/decrease measurements
    • Gym class 1x week
    • Run race in April - put baby in stroller for runs once it gets nicer! Killed this except didn't do the race which was good because turns out I had some stuff yet that wasn't sorted out recovery wise and running would have been bad. Kept doing my program 3x a week, maintained weight and kept going to gym class
  • Time/household management - feel so short on time all the time when we're home. And it results in less quality time with DH and baby. So doing things like meal planning, maybe making a chore chart to keep up on cleaning a bit better, and using our marker board to note tasks/appts so we don't get surprised by them and can plan ahead better
    • Use my planner this year! DH got me one for Xmas but I always stop using it much by like Feb. I need to use it this whole year because there's too much to just expect my brain to remember and I'm dropping some balls.
    • Utilize marker board as chore chart/reminder
    • Look into pricing for house cleaner or robotic vacuum and seriously discuss
    • Meal plan dinners all year
    • Put recipes on cards so you stop having to scour the internet every time
    • Probably it's own goal - but become more of a morning person. Baby does that by default but going to bed earlier would make this easier. And can get stuff done so I don't feel so pressured to work on things in the evening. Would like to do exercise in the morning but that's just too much right now with unpredictable night wakeups still a fail on being a morning person as baby (toddler!) still doesn't really STTN. Oy. I did do morning workouts for a few months in late spring/early summer. Did meal plan, write down recipes, and now pay for a cleaner 1x a month so we can have some of that time back. And already have ALL of 2020 meal planned because I found a way to fairly quickly move all of my 2019 meals to this year and then I can move around the few that need moving. This seriously saves so much bickering and energy.
  • More yard work
    • Get section behind house leveled......maybe put in plants?
    • Plan out annual beds
    • Put in garden again,.....no muskmelon this year! held off on leveling, did the other two plus replaced a tree. Seriously thinking about leveling for this year though
  • Financial -
    • Max roth IRA's
    • Start savings & education funds for little man.
    • Have 1.25x salary in retirement? Need to check current numbers to know how reasonable that is. After the stock market's last month, it may not be :confused: done save for no separate savings account for baby. Has a 529 and the rest all done
  • Work
    • Get excellent reviews and hit the big goals you are targeting for year end
    • Work on meeting management skills,
    • Make decision on work/life balance and potentially drop down half day a week. mostly successful. Still feel like I'm late to half my meetings but the work/life integration definitely got better over 2019. Got a decent raise too.
  • Vacation............tbd - where, with or without baby? Did a long weekend to visit family, included baby.
  • Read 10 high quality books. Recommendations welcome. This is low priority but I'd like to read some good books this year Done! Read some really great books in 2019.
  • Finish Christmas cross stitch for baby. This is a real stretch, lol. But we'll try. Got a niece announced early in the year so this didn't happen as I switched to making one for that baby instead
  • Insulate garage??? Lol still no
all in all, I think that's about 80-85% of what I optimistically had planned and pretty much everything realistic.