What is your Pet Peeve


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
When I search for the shoe, it tells me it is 59$ you get there and they are 129$ WTAF is your advertised price?
Two questions:
1) Why do you put the dollar sign at the end of the number instead of in front like everyone else?
2) Why are we supposed to put the dollar sign in front when we say it at the end?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2016
Two questions:
1) Why do you put the dollar sign at the end of the number instead of in front like everyone else?
2) Why are we supposed to put the dollar sign in front when we say it at the end?

Because is 03-05-2019 the third day of May 2019
Two questions:
1) Why do you put the dollar sign at the end of the number instead of in front like everyone else?
2) Why are we supposed to put the dollar sign in front when we say it at the end?

Because they cost 129 dollars not 59 dollars
Not dollars 129 and dollars 59?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
You speak the truth my friend lots of time spent and maybe a pet peeve expanded list:
1) crying babies ( understand they are babies its what they do but they are still loud) though noise cancelling headphones help one deal with this.
2) people who don't think showering is a good idea,
3) bladder issue people having to go to the bathroom on a 4 hour flight every 30 minutes,
4) getting crop dusted by individuals several times a flight these people must have eaten like 4 bean and cheese burritos
5) kid behind me kicking my seat and parent oblivious to it, then parent flabbergasted you ask politely if they can see if the kid can stop kicking the seat.
6) people getting upset because I wont exchange my aisle seat for a middle seat so they can sit together.
7) people getting motion sickness next to me, the sweet smell of barf..
8) sitting on a planes in India when it was 120 and they don't turn on the air.
9) Missed connections, trips that should be 5 hours turning into 24
10) Flight attendants who are just tired of their job and let you know. Most flight attendants are great though if you are simply cordial.

When I do retire I am not setting foot on another plane for at least 3 years :)
Agree strongly to these except 3. I have had pulmonary embolisms 3 times and now on blood thinners for life. Frankly I get up as much as possible just to prevent blood clots. And I drink water constantly. But I also do whatever I can to get the aisle seat. Other people have bad prostates. Others have meds that make them pee. Sometimes we don’t know what others are going through.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
Remembered one more as I observed it today. People that walk or jog on the street when we have wonderful wide sidewalks in Ankeny. When i ran a lot sometimes I would jog on blacktop instead of concrete sidewalks because of the softer impact, but made sure I was off the road when cars came.

The worst was one awful slick bad weather day and two ladies walking WITH the flow of traffic with a dog. I almost hit them as it was around a curve and visibility was bad. And it wasn’t because the snow was on the sidewalks as this was a slushy weather.
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SuperFanatic T2
Dec 3, 2012
Ames, IA
Any time someone's pet peeve got brought up at work I had a co-worker say "what's a peeve and why would you want to pet it?"

Arkansas Cyclone

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
Bentonville, Arkansas
- waiting on anything.....lines, stop lights, doctor/dentist offices, being put on hold....the list goes on and on.

- as mentioned by others, the guy in the right lane that you attempt to pass that intentionally or unintentionally speeds up as you start to pass. Also, agree with "left lane" drivers that refuse to get over.

- hair in the bathroom sink.

- people that don't say thank you when you hold the door for them or don't hold the door for you if you're literally right behind them.

- down here if a driver is trapped in a driveway/parking lot and someone is kind enough to wait and allow you to pull into the street you always acknowledge them with some sort of thank you gesture. If you don't, you're considered a jerk.

- robo calls of any kind


Active Member
Mar 3, 2010
People who sit and wait for a parking spot when they could go to the end of the row, park, get out and walk into the store while sitting and waiting for the “better spot”.

People who place insulated lunch bags in the work fridge.

It’s scientific fact that the average persons IQ drops 50 points as soon as they secure a shopping cart in hand.

People who look for the UPC code when scanning things at self checkouts. Here is a hint, the code is almost always on the bottom, back or lower side so if you just run it across the scanner at a slight angle, you are probably good.

People who make a significant investment by purchasing a home and then don't spend any time maintaining them. Personally, I don’t think much of people who don’t take care of their homes, no matter the value of the home. Show some pride of ownership for gods sakes.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
My wife loves to wait until I'm about two seconds from falling asleep to start up lengthy conversations. Moments from REM, I'll get "What do you want to do with the backyard this year?" or "You know, we need to think about the floors in the living room." What. The. Hell ?

That's brutal. I admit I chuckled, probably because I don't have to deal with that.

My spousal annoyance comes on the opposite end.

Since my work/sleep pattern is later than hers, she’s usually up for a couple of hours before I arise on weekends. As soon as I come downstairs, she likes to skip the "good morning" pleasantries and go straight into The Airing of Grievances. I get to start the day hearing about my recent failures.

Edit/clarification: I'm not against the criticism (in a majority of cases, it's warranted). Just allow me to wake up a little bit first. :)
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 30, 2016
Since my work/sleep pattern is later than hers, she’s usually up for a couple of hours before I arise on weekends. As soon as I come downstairs, she likes to skip the "good morning" pleasantries and go straight into The Airing of Grievances. I get to start the day hearing about my recent failures.

Not a spouse, but a boss would do this. My first job out of college I'd walk in to my office and sit down. It wouldn't be 30 seconds and he'd buzz me to his office. Great way to start the day.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2013
Sorry if this is a duplicate, but when I'm at a restaurant and I run out of my drink while I am eating.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't eat if I don't have drink. I drink often as I eat. And I don't care if there is a glass of water on our table I could use. I didn't pay $3 for a Coke so I can fill up on water. Ahhhh! I get mad again just thinking of all the times this happens. I swear I spend a third of my time in the restaurant just looking for our waiter/waitress. Many times I just go to where they refill drinks and just ask anyone to fill it for me as I wait for my meal to go cold. I'd better stop now.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
West Virginia
Here in West Virginia there's all this commotion about a pipeline going in. What irks me is that it's 'accepted' to just throw crap out your car window here. 'Litter', by far, is more environmentally damaging than a pipeline. And yet, it's just lazy people with no respect who do so. I've always thought I think this way because of this 1971 commercial when I was a kid: .
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 20, 2018
People who complain that they don't have any money or aren't getting promotions but they repeatedly call in sick or job hop.
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