Poor Sportsmanship - ISU vs. Texas Edition


Dec 28, 2008
I was originally going to post this in the "voices from the stands" thread, but the intent of that thread appeared to be humorous comments.

I sit in section 17. There were numerous incidents in sections 17 and 18 last night where security/police had to intervene, and it was extremely disappointing. I had three kids with me at the game, and am ashamed of some of the things they had to witness.

In the row in front of me, there was a female Longhorn fan who was extremely obnoxious. Several ISU fans told her so, coming from several rows away to do so. While I don't condone the way she was behaving, she wasn't doing anything terribly wrong other than being annoying. After Texas scored to go up 20-0, a female ISU fan from about 6 rows back came down the stairs and kicked her, and ran back to her seat. The Texas fan chased her back to her seat yelling obscenities, while other fans held her back from kicking the girl's a**. She then came back to her seat in front of me and started yelling obscenities back up at the lady, right in front of the kids. I asked her to please shut up because I had kids with me, and she then cleaned up her language. Eventually, police and security were called, and they had to take statements from her, and I'm not sure, but I think they kicked the other lady out.

Did anyone else experience incidents like this?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
Was this Texas fan that ran up the stairs a large woman?

That was just a couple of rows away. Suddenly, some large woman was shouting at some much smaller woman, but I haven't known (unless your post is that story) any of the backstory to it.

Honestly, this is at least three such incidents in section 18 so far this season. If you're describing a different one that the one I'm thinking of, that would bring us to 4. Either way, that part is really getting old.


Dec 28, 2008
Was this Texas fan that ran up the stairs a large woman?

That was just a couple of rows away. Suddenly, some large woman was shouting at some much smaller woman, but I haven't known (unless your post is that story) any of the backstory to it.

Honestly, this is at least three such incidents in section 18 so far this season. If you're describing a different one that the one I'm thinking of, that would bring us to 4. Either way, that part is really getting old.

Yes, she was very large and had a black shirt on. I also saw security talking to 2 ISU fans who were yelling right in each other's faces at the top of the stairs by 17/18.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2010
I posted this in the voices thread but i will also post it here

not really funny but isu fans throwing food and yelling at texas fans who were standing in section L then an usher came and talked to the texas fans and they either left or got kicked out...just becuase they were standing...really? There were 5 cyclone fans that were standing in front of me for most of the game and no one made a peep about them?

Very disappionted in everyone for that...it was uncalled for and the texas fans were not doing anything they shouldnt have been as far as i could tell


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
Yes, she was very large and had a black shirt on. I also saw security talking to 2 ISU fans who were yelling right in each other's faces at the top of the stairs by 17/18.

If the second part was at halftime, that's when I started thinking of COPS. Mostly because of the police involvement.

I guess someone could argue that it adds to the atmosphere, but it really takes away from the game to experience moron after moron fighting in the section.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
In the student section people were throwing bottles on the field, but that was just because of the officiating I think. Also a student probably in 10th row or so made a plastic soda bottle fly on the field probably about 25 yards or so. That was actually pretty cool just to see the distance the guy got on it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2010
Council Bluffs, IA
Last night was a perfect storm, 6 PM kickoff (a lot of time to drink), and a early blowout. It's too bad this stuff happened but it isn't surprising.

I was impressed with our section(right on the wall in the SE corner), fans from both teams and for the most part everyone behaved themselves.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2010
In the student section people were throwing bottles on the field, but that was just because of the officiating I think. Also a student probably in 10th row or so made a plastic soda bottle fly on the field probably about 25 yards or so. That was actually pretty cool just to see the distance the guy got on it.
Does he know when tryouts are :spinny:


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2009
Dayton via Austin
In the student section people were throwing bottles on the field, but that was just because of the officiating I think. Also a student probably in 10th row or so made a plastic soda bottle fly on the field probably about 25 yards or so. That was actually pretty cool just to see the distance the guy got on it.

Also somebody got taken away by an officer(s) in the student section towards the end of the 4th quarter, no?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
In the student section people were throwing bottles on the field, but that was just because of the officiating I think. Also a student probably in 10th row or so made a plastic soda bottle fly on the field probably about 25 yards or so. That was actually pretty cool just to see the distance the guy got on it.

I saw this from the band. Got nearly all the way to the goal post. One heck of a throw, I will say. Soda spilling out everywhere too. I remember thinking that **** was about to go down. :p