Capello Transfering...


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
Heads in the sky
Still trying to see where he rubbed people the wrong way. He never said a bad word about others, the staff, fans, players, never...The closest thing he said was"this is the first time he was disappointed in cyclone fans." Following the spring game because even though his son moved the offense as effectively as the others, fans automatically put him behind.
People that are upset about anything Capello said, are just looking for something to be upset about.

And you don't think his frustration was increasing? I was getting the vibe that it was coming through passive aggressively and underlying in his posts. Maybe it's just me. I'm not saying he was a terrible poster, but people are blinded by posters that have a connection the program. And if the disappointment of realizing JC was never going to start, it could potentially get bad. I'm just merely saying, the vibe was off, and it just rubs me the wrong way when family members of athletes get involved on message boards.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
Or the fact, that having a family member posting has hardly ever turned out a good thing in the past. And it reminds A SMALL MINORITY OF posters of those dads who take there kids athletics far too seriously.
Fixed it for you.

FWIW- There have been plenty of parents that have posted on ISU message boardds. I can't think of any that it turned out bad. Austin Flynn's parents posted, Money's brother, Hamilton's dad, Kris Means dad, etc, etc, etc. Most of them are cordial. Walk lightly and join to make a connection with a fanbase that they just became mebers of.


Sep 22, 2007
Never got that vibe form his posts. Never. I am perplexed at how people got that vibe.

I got that vibe every time Capello posted. Maybe it's just because I've experienced "that parent" all too often when playing and coaching.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
Waukee, IA
And you don't think his frustration was increasing? I was getting the vibe that it was coming through passive aggressively and underlying in his posts. Maybe it's just me. I'm not saying he was a terrible poster, but people are blinded by posters that have a connection the program. And if the disappointment of realizing JC was never going to start, it could potentially get bad. I'm just merely saying, the vibe was off, and it just rubs me the wrong way when family members of athletes get involved on message boards.

Your post is full of "hard evidence". I hope your not a lawyer or a detective.

If you dont like it when family members get on the board, fine. Capello didnt DO anything to warrant your negativity other than just becoming a member of CF and posting his thoughts and feelings. What kind of idiot does that on a message board? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
Oh wow, he scored a td against Utah's back-ups, considered me thoroughly impressed. He didn't even have a collegiate throw. Just cause someone does something in practice doesn't mean they can do it in games. Wasn't that the mantra of the anti-AA crowd last year because he would do well in practice, but some games would falter?
  1. He did it in a game that no other Cyclone QB could.
  2. I am just quoting Rhoads. Not saying he could or could not do it in a game.
  3. Just pointing out that fans that have no insight and no connections to the program, immediately put Capello #4. Because, well, ummm, no reason.
  4. No AA has never been called a great practice player. People generally think he was in the wrong system.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
Heads in the sky
I got that vibe every time Capello posted. Maybe it's just because I've experienced "this parent" all too often when playing and coaching.

Out of rep... But this is exactly how I felt. Throughout playing sports in my life, there were numerous parents like that. And I also saw it since my dad coached for years and had to deal with these type of parents.
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Year-round tailgater
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 17, 2009
Even a third string QB is only two plays (with injuries) away from being the starter for the rest of the season. Remember the Ohio State senior QB a few years ago who got benched for the season behind Pryor, then came through at the end of the season. I wish him the best, but also kind of wish he had stayed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
Des Moines
I always have mixed feelings on these things. Double edged sword.
I totally understand kids wanting the opportunity to play more. Ater all, you only get one shot at college ball.
However, I also like when players accept their roles for the greater good of the team. Every team needs a couple capable back-up QBs.
But again, I understand the desire to play. These kids are competitors. They wouldnt be at this level if they werent. And, we will still have capable back-ups.
Good luck James!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
Obviously there may be a minority (not as small as you believe) but numerous posters have shared the same opinion on the subject, just not on this thread.
From my count, three posters in this thread. And like I have said, I have found many parents onmessage boards to be great posters. Many more good posters than bad. Austins Flynn's family never said a bad thing even when he lost the job to Meyer. Kris Mean's parents never said a bad thing even when he transferred. The City is pretty open when money makes mistakes. I guess i have far more examples of family members being good posters than over the top. I can't even think of a bad family memeber posting. They generally keep their mouth shut about internal things and support the program. Even when most fans thought Capello was #4, tom was complimenting the staff and saying he believed in them. I once said I really don't have a lot of faith in the offensive staff and Tom came on and said to trust them. They know what they are doing and are making decisions for the good of the team. I don't see you guys posting those posts.

BTW- if I ever find myself agreeing with cyclonesoulja, I generally know I am wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
Heads in the sky
  1. He did it in a game that no other Cyclone QB could.
  2. I am just quoting Rhoads. Not saying he could or could not do it in a game.
  3. Just pointing out that fans that have no insight and no connections to the program, immediately put Capello #4. Because, well, ummm, no reason.
  4. No AA has never been called a great practice player. People generally think he was in the wrong system.

Wrong, AA had to TD's. I believe thats one more then JC. If my math is correct.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
Waukee, IA
From my count, three posters in this thread. And like I have said, I have found many parents onmessage boards to be great posters. They generally keep their mouth shut about internal things and support the program. Even when most fans thought Capello was #4, tom was complimenting the staff and saying he believed in them. I once said I really don't have a lot of faith in the offensive staff and Tom came on and said to trust them. They know what they are doing and are making decisions for the good of the team. I don't see you guys posting those posts.

BTW- if I ever find myself agreeing with cyclonesoulja, I generally know I am wrong.

Cant give you rep but this is right on IMO.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2006
I just hope Jennert doesn't follow. It looked like these two were pretty close and I'd like to have Jennerts height catching some balls this year.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
Waukee, IA
It sounds like the people who are bothered by JC's dad posting on here have had a bad personal experience with OTHER parents and them muddling in their childrens athletic endevors. I get that, I think we all do, some have just had to deal with it personally. This personal experience is causing you to stereotype all parents who take an active (sometimes too active) role.

I would venture to guess behind nearly every great athelete (not saying that JC was) there was a parental figure that was heavily involved in their developement.

Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods are just two that come to mind.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
Des Moines
I'd be curious to see what the age breakdowns are of the "pro" and "anti" parents on message boards camps. I'd guess that the "anti" crowd is heavily younger people who feel like they'd be mortified and embarassed if their parents talked about them to complete strangers in a public forum like this.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 11, 2006
Mr. Capello and The City have been good posters IMO.

I agree with this 100%.

Unfortunately, whether intentional or not, by posting here, a huge (larger than normal) target gets placed on the player. So when something comes up, that player is going to hear it from every angle, due to the perceived attention the player/family wants.

Like others have said, if im in a similar situation, there is no way I would allow a close friend or family member to post without doing so anonomously. The player has a tough enough gig already, why enhance the microscope?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
Wrong, AA had to TD's. I believe thats one more then JC. If my math is correct.
Ah yes, two in three qurters compared to one in one series. Nice comparison.

Did you know that Capello has as many TDs as Tiller had last year?

Listen, Iam just going by what Rhoads said. He was impressed by Capello and Barnett in practice when they finally got the opportunity to run with the ones. They both had as good a spring game as anyone. That is it. If you don't want to take Rhoads word or listen to him then fine. I for one want a QB that moves the ball. I don't care if he does it running, drop kicking, passing, flying, whatever. Move the ball don't turn it over and score points. That is it. There isn't a single person on here that knows if Capello could do that in a game or not. A lot of speculation/favorites/hype/etc with no facts.

It absolutely cracks me up when people clamor that this offense needs an accurate QB and that is it. Someone that can hit guys in stride on short passes, etc. Then they automatically throw the most accurate QB at the back of the pack.

Personally, I don't care who wins the QB battle. I don't have a favorite. I do think it is silly for people to discount anyone at this time. And I also think it is unfair people to criticize a parent of a kid that did nothing but be a good poster.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
Nashville, TN
I'd be curious to see what the age breakdowns are of the "pro" and "anti" parents on message boards camps. I'd guess that the "anti" crowd is heavily younger people who feel like they'd be mortified and embarassed if their parents talked about them to complete strangers in a public forum like this.

I'm 21 and I would not want my parents posting on here. However, I never had a problem with any of Capello's posts. It's always interesting to get a different view of the team and the university.