Hey dude, wondering if you've seen a horror film called Megan is Missing. Been reading about it, seems interesting.......
Sorry, I have not. Is it found footage?
Yep. About two teenage girls meeting a guy online and then disappearing. Sounds like the last 20 minutes are pretty intense. I had not heard of it before, made in 2012. Might have to give it a look.
Do you not plan on sitting in the assigned seat , because I have an extra from my group of 5 tickets?
No I would not use the assigned seat. I just need a ticket to get my kid in the game and then he could sit with me.
Would you sell one at a time of those tech tickets? A friend has 3 tickets, him, his wife, and one extra for me in section 17. So to get my fiancé in, I need just one more.
Yep. Venmo works - and my email is [email protected]

my Venmo is @jwoody32 if you wanted to request it from me.
I transferred the tickets to your e-mail and sent you a Venmo request.
Thanks Jeff, I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your podcast with Jared. You guys do a great job.
We are heading that way in October. Would love some recommendations for some breweries to visit. (Mosltly anything new within the last couple of years) We frequent Fort Collins often, we do NBB and try to find a few new places. We lean towards sours and one-offs, barrel aged, and non-IPAs usually. Not that we don't appreciate good IPAs, its just they are easy to find.

We are set on accomendations. Thanks.
Another great place for barrel aged stuff is Jessup Farm. Great taphouse (an old barn). Crooked Stave is another one, which is downtown. If you like Saison, Funkwerks is the bomb.

Best tap houses are The Forge and Tap N Handle, both in Old Town area. Some people like the Mayor but I think their beer selection isn't as good and the place is tinny loud.
I get that you're from out of town, but if you've already been to NBB, there's a ton of great places to check out with better beer. ODell has the best patio in town and most consistent quality for a large brewery IMO.

A good midtown brewery is Maxline, great owners. I live next to Intersect, they have some beers you don't find at other places like goses, raspberry berlinnerweiss, black rye IPA, etc.
Welcome to Cyclone Nation. Hope to play football this year along with playing your team.
Thanks man! I really hope we can make this matchup happen. The list of available teams is dwindling. What have you heard exactly?
Please do me a favor and control people on your site directly calling people names. I dont care if people dont see miley to eye on things but there is absolutely no need to call someone a moron..
Please use the report function to report posts that you believe violate the site rules
Kenmarke resort out of baudette is great. We go and stay there every year for a week. You hit the fish right and you can catch a lot.
We usually drive to Red Lake and then fly to Upper Goose Lake. The fishing is amazing. Still think I will go somewhere in MN for a few days. Red Lake MN looks interesting.
Statistics are the very foundation of whether football is played or not this season. While I agree 'partisanship' was emerging, and thus do not disagree about the thread being relegated to "The Cave", the ability to question the validity of Covid statistics is paramount to the very heart of sports.
Hey thanks for the heads up on Mortenson. I'm curious because I just went to their website and did see several jobs but I'm still kind of clueless as to what kind of company they are? Do you happen to have anymore knowledge of them? A lot of the job descriptions are kind of vague.
Sent you a PM
Hey Chris. Quick account question. Initially I was a Tier 1 forum member, with automatic payments to Matt Lazear through my credit card (Discover). After upgrading to the Tier 2 recently (payment via Paypal) I'm still paying both the $5 tier 1 fee and the $12 tier 2 fee. If I try to cancel the tier one subscription, it takes me to Paypal and will only let me cancel the Tier 2.
I think I've asked you this before, but I'm getting senile....how do I post pics from my phone on a post here? I'd like to show off some of our nice blooms.
I usually put them on FB as a "me only" post, then Copy/paste from there. It's hit & miss, though...sometimes I have to save them to my desktop.
If I were you I would ask someone who posts pics who does all of their CF'ing on their phones. I'm useless in that respect! :D
Thanks for the meat thermometer link and recommendation! I needed to buy a new one after forgetting mine out in rain.
No problem! I really like the one I linked.
I was wondering if you would take up a topic for me, since any topic relating to religion that I put up gets erased. It is a Christian manifesto written in a Reagan Bible which has all the issues of the Christian right.
Sure. just send me the info. I think i've seen that somewhere before.....


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