Worst Fans in the Big 12?

Flag Guy

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
I've never met a... ummm.... what do you call him?... A Colorado basketball fan?!... I think he is a myth, like the Loch Ness Monster.

Then I have a money winning photo

Grant you this was a women's BBall game, and the guy was from Iowa City I think but...

And no, I am not the other guy in the photo...


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 2, 2007
Ankeny, IA
I'd have to say I have a lot of respect K-State fans. I went to Manhattan with a couple friends of mine from work who were K-State grads for our football game in '04. That was the year when we had a chance to win the Big XII North if we won out and we scored 28 points in the 4th Quarter to win the game.

I sat with the K-Staters in their Season tickets in my full ISU gear and cheered my heart out for our guys in that game. Not once did I hear a single disparaging thing from the fans around me, and they were all very courteous and gracious in defeat. After the game we hit Aggieville and proceded to get completely wasted. The K-Staters were a blast to drink with, and wishing us nothing but luck to win the conference and to beat the hell out of Mizzou who we had at home the next week. We all know how that ended (horribly)...but I have to say that Manhattan was a blast.

Also...I've never been to another collegetown that reminds me so much of Ames than Manhattan.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Des Moines
I have found that k - state fans are the most arrogant for no reason at all which makes them the worst in my mind. also, i really can't stand the superiority of nebraska fans. one of my friends was telling me how excited he was that bo pellini was coming to nebraska because he "knows the nebraska way", what exactly is that?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
City by the Bay
I always thought the CU fans were by far the worst. The difference between other teams fans and CU fans....is that CU fans are obnoxious while being violent, and generally not cheering for CU, while others might be obnoxious cheering for there teams...at least they are cheering for there teams. Thats the way I see it.


New Member
Mar 5, 2008
Rowdy Creek, Texas
Personally, I'd put OU fans at the top of the list, but I notice that CU fans are, across the board, the one group that keeps popping up as the worst over and over again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
WDM Side of Waukee
I haven't had too many experiences with Texas Tech fans, but the ones I've had have been bad...either total redneck idiots or just trash! I suppose that's why Bob Knight fit in so well there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2006
League City, TX
Having been to most of the schools in the conference (in full gear, nonetheless - so I get the worst of it), here's my rankings, from worst to best:

Texas Tech - As a friend of mine said, "Every person here wants to have sex with us." I was called a f*g more times than I thought possible. Alums wouldn't even stand for fight song, everyone leaves early to hit the strip and get booze before end-of-sales at 9 since Lubbock is dry.

*Honorable mention: Toledo - would be right around here above Tech. First words a Toledo "fan" said to me: "I'm going to key your Honda." Everyone there is either an OSU fan or a Michigan fan. They're just too dumb to get into either school.


Mizzou - Good tailgating. Fans were OK before the game, rather hostile afterwards (the tailgating may have something to do with it). Good amount of hell thrown our way, not near as much as TT or Toledo, but enough to get annoying.

Kansas - Football only. I think it's because they're not used to winning. Got a little grief, but not that much, mostly general ribbing. I imagine KU basketball fans would be much worse. I'd put them at "neutral" between good and bad.

Kansas St. - Experience was pretty good with the exception of my car getting trashed. Nothing serious, just rubbed off some of the window chalk and put some trash on it. Gets a boost over Mizzou for people offering us free beer after the game and being generally kind.

Oklahoma - Alumni were very nice. All the people around us tailgating were kind, giving us directions out of town, conversation, tips, etc. Got some crap heading into the stadium, but it was a pretty good experience.

The only two things I'd dock them for is some 5-year old running his mouth (he probably didn't know any better), and the following incident:

Flag Guy is around 10 feet in front of me on our way into the stadium. Drunk OU fan (a student) sees him and starts cussing him out, "F*** YOU CYCLONE!" and starts moving towards him to pick a fight. His buddy, grinning, all of a sudden notices that the Cyclone his friend is messing with (who's smaller than him) has some very big backup just behind him (yours truly) who's glaring a hole through his head. The grin goes into a look of "Oh, Shi.." and he grabs his friend and says, "No, man, it's cool. They're just supporting their school..." while glancing over at me. Fun times.

Nebraska - Very respectful to us. Nothing but general, harmless ribbing. Good conversation, very welcoming. Probably because the realization that they weren't going to be very good was dawning on them.

Texas - Far and away the best fans I've dealt with. Not ONE SINGLE negative thing said to me. Lot's of "Good luck", "Thanks for coming, good to see you here," and compliments on our outfits. This was the year after their national title (so I was expecting a lot of arrogance - which I didn't see). After the game, some of their fans even invited us to tailgate with them and tossed us their extra food (since we didn't have time beforehand), showing off their friend's NC ring. Great experience, really looking forward to going back to Austin.

TBD: Texas A&M, Colorado, Oklahoma St., Baylor

I expect CU to be around Tech, they're renowned for their horrible fans. A&M I'm not sure on, hopefully somewhere around Nebraska, but may be lower around Mizzou. OSU and Baylor I'll get back to you on after the season. If I had to put our fans somewhere, I'd put us on the upper end. Unless you're Iowa, you probably won't see much trouble out of us.


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
Wasn't there an issue a couple of years ago where the officials cleared out the CU student section at Boulder. I was thinking during the NU - CU game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Toon Town, IA
superfan, in Toledo, was most of the nonsense you encountered occurring in the tailgating lot? We avoided that area but still had to walk through it to get to the game, and no one said a word to us. Just a pretty quiet (long) walk from the lots to the stadium. Didn't even get heckled after we managed to blow that lead. Surprised you had enough of a bad experience to put them up that high.

I noticed on the way out of the game that their tailgating lots looked like a warzone. I hadn't seen anything that bad in Ames but I'm probably just not going through the right lots.

The only thing about Toledo that I didn't like was that we were never able to find a "nice" side of town. It was all pretty run down and not very inviting.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2006
League City, TX
superfan, in Toledo, was most of the nonsense you encountered occurring in the tailgating lot? We avoided that area but still had to walk through it to get to the game, and no one said a word to us. Just a pretty quiet (long) walk from the lots to the stadium. Didn't even get heckled after we managed to blow that lead. Surprised you had enough of a bad experience to put them up that high.

I noticed on the way out of the game that their tailgating lots looked like a warzone. I hadn't seen anything that bad in Ames but I'm probably just not going through the right lots.

The only thing about Toledo that I didn't like was that we were never able to find a "nice" side of town. It was all pretty run down and not very inviting.

The "Key your Honda" comment was near one of the dorms. I stopped at a bookstore to pick up a shirt and shotglass (which I do for every team I visit). It wound up with us queing up FG's horn that BLARES the fight song in polytonic (or whatever you call that)...and blasting their entire dorm with OUR fight song.

Tailgating lots were still kind of bad. We got some stuff walking in (and particularly walking out after we blew that lead). There were enough Cyclone fans there to make it bearable. The lots were a warzone after, the only time I've seen ours that bad is after Iowa.

The couple of incidents that stick in my head (both were actually really funny in hindsight, but still annoying)

Before the game a guy sporting a blue Michigan coat looks over at us. He catches my glance and puts his right hand on his forehead in the classic "L for Loser" sign. He looked down real fast when I yelled at him:
"Appalachian State!"

The other was after the game. Some really drunk chick was in a car and started yelling at us. "You f****** suck! Are you embarrassed? You should be! You lost to us and we f****** suck!" (This went on for like 5 minutes)
All I could do was turn, laughing, to Flag Guy and say,
"Well, you can't argue with that kind of logic."

I do think my experience was different than most because of who we are and how we do things. Going to games the way we do is very visible and has a tendency to bring out the worst in the opposing fans. The town was really crappy, though.

Plus, they're Big 10 fans, so what do you expect?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Oklahoma - Alumni were very nice. All the people around us tailgating were kind, giving us directions out of town, conversation, tips, etc. Got some crap heading into the stadium, but it was a pretty good experience.

I have to say that my experience at Oklahoma and with Oklahoma fans have been uniformly positive.

Especially since I was staying on campus and met this amazing young lady with red hair and freckles all over....:biggrin:

Plus the accent just killed me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
I have only had a problem with one school in the Big 12 and they have been consistent with a 5-0 record and that is the Mildkittens of K-State Community College.

1. Paint bomb thrown at ISU Cheer Squad
2. Fans (> 50 years old) being restrained from assaulting the ISU band
3. Car with ISU license plate egged
4. Car with ISU license plate having the wind shield demolished
5. Scrapping with KSU alumni (as in fistocuffs) for refusing to sit down when ISU had a good play. "Sit down or we'll sit you down." Luckily for me they are not very tough.

I have been to every other Big 12 school and have nothing less than positive experiences.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2006
I'd have to agree with Superfan about Texas fans, at least for football. A group of Texas faithful tailgated next to us prior to last years game. They were very knowledgable and respectful and commended ISU for having one of the best if not the best pregame environment they had ever seen. Nothing but good lucks and thanks for having us down.

Of course they then beat us 56-3, im sure if we were Oklahoma or a more feasible threat they may not have been so kind. The CU fans I saw were also pretty cool. Lots of trashing kNebraska and what not. The worst fans I've been around are not in the Big 12, they are of course Iowa fans. A lot of this is because the majority of their fans don't go there and are generally borderline ********. Last time we played in IC I had a Jack Trice shirt on and not once, not twice, but three times a Hawk fan told me that JT was a "racial slur" who got what he had coming to him, the real quote was much worse. Then again, EIU fans think that tailgating is getting hammered in some court you have to pay to get into at least a mile from the stadium. Yeah, not really.

Flag Guy

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
The "Key your Honda" comment was near one of the dorms. I stopped at a bookstore to pick up a shirt and shotglass (which I do for every team I visit). It wound up with us queing up FG's horn that BLARES the fight song in polytonic (or whatever you call that)...and blasting their entire dorm with OUR fight song.

I freak'n love that horn :yes:

Other part of that story... the guy that threatened to key his Honda got pissed, but his buddy picked something up... we couldn't well what it was at first through the window but to us it kind of looked like some kind of gun initially... until he started rocking out. Turns out it was his Guitar Hero guitar, and he was rocking to the fight song :biglaugh:

Tailgating lots were still kind of bad. We got some stuff walking in (and particularly walking out after we blew that lead). There were enough Cyclone fans there to make it bearable. The lots were a warzone after, the only time I've seen ours that bad is after Iowa.

Bunch of Cyclone fans walked back to the lots in a group... somewhat for protection :eek: We had decent tickets along the 40 or 45 yard line right behind our bench... I guess their big time spenders haven't stepped up in a while and the visitors section was full (it was only like an 800 ticket allotmont, which was sold out when we ordered), so we bought it through their office and they gave us best available seats.

I tell that story to tell this one: We were around people that generally treated us decent through out the game, as they were the older/more intelligent and better off crowd, and after the game they thanked us because our cheering during the game was enough to get people a section or two over cheering, even if it was just to mock our efforts. Guy said he hadn't seen that much noise in a while... apperently the rest of the stadium was in rare form for excitment as well :eek: (That isn't saying much)

On the way back to the parking lot like I said a bunch of us banded together, but we still got a lot of crap thrown our way (atleast no beer bottles like I expected). The parking lot did not have nearly as much discarded alcohol containers as we do after the Iowa game, but there is a difference. One, we're on grass, and two (this is more important) WE HAVE CRUSHED ALUMINUM CANS, NOT BROKEN GLASS BEER BOTTLES lying around. Suprised we didn't have to change a tire leaving there...

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