UNI to drop baseball


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 24, 2006
Title IX would work out fine if it doesn't include football. Football is its own animal and just cannot be likened to other sports including other mens sports. No other team has an 80+ member roster and no one else can put 50-100000 in the stands. Maybe there should be a title IX exemption if you are revenue generating.


Nov 11, 2008
Where is the argument from a son's perspective. The college male athlete is the one who is struggling here.

Men swimmers, baseball players, tennis players, and soccer players have a much harder time than almost any woman's sport. And that is because of Title IX.

Want some perspective?

I'm a D1 athlete (track and field.)

Because of Title IX, it didn't matter that I was a pretty darn good recruit coming out of high school. The men's T&F team at a given university gets 12.6 scholarships for around 50 guys. The women get 18 for the EXACT SAME SPORT.


Women can play football. Why is it classified as just a men's sport? I know it's not the norm, but if a girl were good enough (Say, even as a kicker) she could take away a scholarship from a guy.

And it would count against MEN?

The legislation is flawed inherently. End of story.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
haha... you talk about feminism like it's a bad thing. I read a book once that refered to feminism as the "f-word" because it has such a negative connotation with close-minded, Midwestern, sister-loving hillbillies like you. If feminist equals equality, I'm a feminist. Stop being so close-minded. Get an education.

haha... hit a nerve? haha... You think names like hippie and feminist are insults. Get some perspective.

I feel bad for them. I genuinely do. To have a father who hates his daughters so much is a truly sad thing. Love your daughters, be pro-Tiltle IX.

Jane Velez Mitchell - is that you? Because if it is I think I'm going to need to take another shower... :chatterbox:


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2006
As a college baseball fan (yeah, I know there aren't many in Iowa), i'm sad to hear about UNI dropping baseball.

These kids who play baseball, make alot of sacafrices (sp?) to play the game they love. Full ride scholarships are rare, not to mention the extensive travel is probably the most in all of college sports, espcially for Northern schools.

I was at the UNI/Nebraska baseball game that was played at Sec Taylor in Des Moines a couple of years ago and the Panthers had a great fan base in attendance.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2006
Des Moines, IA
Minnesota did the whole 'sport elimination' better than anyone. Before cutting anything they let it known that the department was in trouble and they MAY have to eliminate men's and women's golf. I don't think it was even a week later and they had enough money to fund the programs for years... Both Iowa State and UNI denied there were any problems for years before finally just coming in with the axe. What good does that do?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
Minnesota did the whole 'sport elimination' better than anyone. Before cutting anything they let it known that the department was in trouble and they MAY have to eliminate men's and women's golf. I don't think it was even a week later and they had enough money to fund the programs for years... Both Iowa State and UNI denied there were any problems for years before finally just coming in with the axe. What good does that do?

...and people still think that BVDV was this "excellent" athletic director... :no:


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2006
BVD had the money he needed to keep the program just days later and wouldn't take it...

Ugh...way to go Bruce! I was still in HS when bball was dropped and I lived too far way to attend games, but living in WDM would love to attend a few ISU games now, maybe sometime in the future:mask:


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
BVD had the money he needed to keep the program just days later and wouldn't take it...

Yeah, BVD took a machete to the to the athletic department and went all "Jason" all over it. I think the guy was wanting to leave a legacy in any way possible and the only way to do that was to destroy things instead of build them. Yeah, he DID build that Bergstrom Practice Facility - only after about a decade of begging by McCarney...

Yes, we did go to bowl games (only because there are now far too many of them) and NCAA tournaments (we had an incredible two year stretch) under his watch. Does that mean I want to go back to his reign of terror? Not really - the guy had nothing to do with hiring McCarney or the original stadium improvements, and he canned Eustachy, the guy that came closest to bringing a major NCAA championship to ISU ever. As far as I'm concerned the guy really had nothing to do with our "success" in athletics while he was here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2008
Heads in the sky
Want some perspective?

I'm a D1 athlete (track and field.)

Because of Title IX, it didn't matter that I was a pretty darn good recruit coming out of high school. The men's T&F team at a given university gets 12.6 scholarships for around 50 guys. The women get 18 for the EXACT SAME SPORT.


Women can play football. Why is it classified as just a men's sport? I know it's not the norm, but if a girl were good enough (Say, even as a kicker) she could take away a scholarship from a guy.

And it would count against MEN?

The legislation is flawed inherently. End of story.

Doesn't this break some compliance rules with you posting on here? I'm pretty sure you aren't a fan of ISU, because I remember you talking smack on a number of occasions.


Nov 11, 2008
Yep, it actually violates compliance rules to say things about what is happening. In fact, only 41 percent of comments can come from males in order to make it "Title IX Compliant."

Get a freaking grip.

This is a TRAVESTY.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2006
Des Moines, IA
Not only do I think UNI Baseball will raise the 1.2 million to save baseball for three years but I really think they will secure the endowment needed to save it for good. I also don't think Dannen will do a thing to help them find the money...


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2008
North Carolina
This is Bull ****. I hate Title IX. I want baseball back everywhere... that's so stupid. What a STUPID rule Title IX is... it discriminates more than it helps. Total BULL ****.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2006
Iowa City
Interesting article in today's IC Press-Citizen about Cody Strang of Solon, who signed his LOI to play baseball for UNI in November, 2008. I'm sure he'll be able to pursue his love of baseball somewhere, but the article does highlight the "downstream effects" the announcement brought about.

I hope UNI is able to garner the money to save their program, but a successful effort will be bittersweet to those of us from ISU considering the BVD decision. I can't imagine Dannen would've left the door open if he plans to use "Title IX" as an excuse...


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2006
Des Moines, IA
I hope UNI is able to garner the money to save their program, but a successful effort will be bittersweet to those of us from ISU considering the BVD decision. I can't imagine Dannen would've left the door open if he plans to use "Title IX" as an excuse...

At the end of the meeting when BVD cut baseball we asked if there was anything that we could do to save the program. He said that we needed $2 million, enough to run the program for 4 years. We had that pledged by the end of the day. BVD then changed his tune and said we would have to come up with over $12 million, enough to rebuild the surplus and endow baseball...by the end of the day... Of course he wouldn't let any of that go public...


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
Women can play football. Why is it classified as just a men's sport? I know it's not the norm, but if a girl were good enough (Say, even as a kicker) she could take away a scholarship from a guy.

It's not a matter of number of scholarships a women could get. It's the number they do get. If a football team gave half of their scholarships to women, then football (for that school) would be considered 50/50.

I tend to agree with those calling for a football exception or a "revenue sport" exception. Fact is, some school could try to argue it if they wanted to.

Title IX has nothing to do with athletics directly. It only states: "No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

Wikipedia said:
In 1979, the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare under Jimmy Carter's administration issued a policy interpretation for Title IX, including what has become known as the "three-prong test" of an institution's compliance.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_IX#cite_note-8http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_IX#cite_note-cato3731-10

  1. Prong one - Providing athletic opportunities that are substantially proportionate to the student enrollment, OR
  2. Prong two - Demonstrate a continual expansion of athletic opportunities for the underrepresented sex, OR
  3. Prong three - Full and effective accommodation of the interest and ability of underrepresented sex.
Using prong three, a school could try to prove compliance regarding football by investigating the percentage of male students who have varsity athletics experience and wish to play at a college level compared to the percentage of females fitting that description. The hard part is determining how best to do that, and most schools would rather stay away from the legal mess.


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