Two Things I Honestly Don't Understand

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006

A Big 12 AD: hoping Notre Dame will reconsider and accept B10 berth, maybe causing B10 to "yank its invitation to Nebraska" and save B12.

So once again we're back to "everything hinges on NU" from the state of Texas? Not that we ever really left that position.

Further proof this A&M and Texas meeting today is bogus. It's image damage control.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2008
Des Moines
I don't get you, jdoggivjc. This is not as though I'm looking at Iowa State as a "good little sibling." I have tremendous respect for Iowa State. I have a daughter who is a proud graduate of ISU. It is an outstanding institution. And when I don't cheer for Nebraska, I cheer for both Iowa State (as much as many of you think I am a hater) and Iowa.

I am simply trying to get people to look at this situation logically. Trying to get Iowa State fans to see the cup as half full instead of half empty.
The cup is half-full all right, half-full of ****.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
Runnells, IA
As all this conference realignment talk continues to swirl and possibly comes to fruition, there are two things I quite honestly, don't understand. I know some will say, "Oh, he's just a Husker fan," but I am just trying to be brutally honest.

First of all, I don't understand all of the hate for Nebraska in all of this. If the Big 12 collapses, there is no logical way the blame can be laid at the feet of Nebraska. Anyone with any sense of logic and fairness would have to admit that if Geoffrey, Pollard and the Iowa Board of Regents were provided the same opportunity as Perlman, Osborne and the Nebraska Board of Regents, their decision would have been absolutely the same. Iowa State would have jumped at the opportunity, Missouri obviously would have jumped at the opportunity and so would have Kansas, Kansas State, Colorado or any other school in the conference. There simply are a myriad of reasons why this makes sense for the University of Nebraska. How would Iowa State fans be feeling at this point if they were in this position, made the best decision for their University and saw people unjustly hurling stones at them? The Big 12 Conference could easily survive without any one of it's member, save possibly Texas (and personally I believe the Conference could survive without the Longhorns). Any number of schools from TCU to Houston to Colorado State to even Boise State would jump at the opportunity to join the Big 12 Conference. If the conference implodes, the only logical blame can be laid at the feet of Texas and the five other "lap dogs" that will eventually follow them into the Pac 10.

The second thing I don't understand is why all of the hand-wringing and knashing of teeth by Iowa State fans with regards to the possibly of the University ending up in the Mountain West Conference. I would agree that a move to the MAC could be disastrous to the University, but as I've said before, in my opinion the biggest benefactor in all of this could be the Mountain West. If you honestly don't think any combination of Big 12 schools ending up in the MWC will not immediatly move the conference to BCS or "elite" status is simply not looking at the situation logically. Yes, I understand that Iowa State may lose some of it's natural rivalries, but the MWC, with an infusion of Big 12 Conference schools, will immediately be seen as a top tier conference. Do you honestly think the University of Kansas, with it's long and storied history and with the prominence of its basketball program, is going to be interested in joining a second-rate conference? Not on your life! The MWC has been on the cusp of being considered an "elite" conference for years now. If you don't think adding say Boise State, Kansas, Kansas State and Iowa State wouldn't put them over the top, you are among the most naive of the naive.

Step back for a moment, take a deep breath and look at this thing logically. As much as many CFers love to hate Nebraska, they are not the villain here. They are simply doing what any other right-thinking University board would do...accept an incredible opportunity. Texas and their five "lap dogs" are what will ultimately bring down the Big 12 Conference. And secondly, Iowa State landing in the MWC Conference shouldn't be seen as a step down or a bad thing for the University. The Mountain West Conference stands to gain a lot of stature if all of this comes down the way we expect it to.

Now, take your best shot!

I agree with your first point.

I bolded my issue with point #2. I don't think adding Kansas, KSU, ISU and Colorado/Baylor, plus Boise State, is enough to lift the MWC to AQ status. How are you so sure it would?

The second part I bolded in your second point is the assumption people are making that makes me the most nervous. I agree...Kansas will not fall to a mid-major type of conference, but how does that have anything to do with ISU? If you think the KU/KSU situation has anything to do with ISU in a beneficial way, I would be cautious there.

The way I see this whole thing...Baylor and ISU are THE two schools in REAL trouble here, and ISU is worse off than Baylor.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 30, 2008
I agree with your first point.

I bolded my issue with point #2. I don't think adding Kansas, KSU, ISU and Colorado/Baylor, plus Boise State, is enough to lift the MWC to AQ status. How are you so sure it would?

The second part I bolded in your second point is the assumption people are making that makes me the most nervous. I agree...Kansas will not fall to a mid-major type of conference, but how does that have anything to do with ISU? If you think the KU/KSU situation has anything to do with ISU in a beneficial way, I would be cautious there.

The way I see this whole thing...Baylor and ISU are THE two schools in REAL trouble here, and ISU is worse off than Baylor.

I disagree. They are awfully small.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
Madison, Wisconsin
Here is what I don't fully understand.

Is Nebraska leaving because of revenue sharing or because they don't like being 3rd string to the southern schools? If they are mad about how money is distributed, then I can understand their move. If they are upset about being little brother to Texas (which seems to be the main reason mentioned on this board) then I don't see how joining the Big 10 helps them. Do they really think they are going to take the Big Ten by storm and steal all the power from Ohio State and Michigan? They would just be switching a power struggle with the south for a power struggle with the East. Heck, the couldn't even keep the Big Red thing going...the Big 10 already has a Big Red, Wisconsin.

Nebraska was never going to dominate the Big XII but they aren't ever going to dominate the Big 10 either. I don't fully see how this will be a boost for their program. IMO they are upper tier like Wisconsin or Iowa, but certainly not a world beater in the Big 10.

Can Nebraska fans explain the logic here. :confused:


Mar 19, 2006
First of all, I don't understand all of the hate for Nebraska in all of this. If the Big 12 collapses, there is no logical way the blame can be laid at the feet of Nebraska. Anyone with any sense of logic and fairness would have to admit that if Geoffrey, Pollard and the Iowa Board of Regents were provided the same opportunity as Perlman, Osborne and the Nebraska Board of Regents, their decision would have been absolutely the same. Iowa State would have jumped at the opportunity,

I agree that ISU would have jumped at the chance to go to the Big 10. The difference is that if ISU would have jumped ship, the Big 12 would have fairly easily replaced us with a different school and the conference would keep going as is. Nebraska's leaving is the beginning of the end for the Big 12. I think people were hoping that Nebraska would show some loyalty towards their Big 12 brothers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
So once again we're back to "everything hinges on NU" from the state of Texas? Not that we ever really left that position.

Further proof this A&M and Texas meeting today is bogus. It's image damage control.

I don't think the meeting is entirely bogus. It seems UT might be concerned that A&M's heart is not really in the move to the Pac-10, at least it was mentioned on local sports talk radio last night that some vibes are coming out of College Station indicating such.

Also, very interesting that OU/OSU aren't saying anything. Is OU really that scared that they can't make it without being hip-tied to to UT?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
I don't think the meeting is entirely bogus. It seems UT might be concerned that A&M's heart is not really in the move to the Pac-10, at least it was mentioned on local sports talk radio last night that some vibes are coming out of College Station indicating such.

Also, very interesting that OU/OSU aren't saying anything. Is OU really that scared that they can't make it without being hip-tied to to UT?

Even so, it's bogus from the "trying to save the BigXII" standpoint.

Perhaps it should read, "trying to save our Pac10 payday"?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Okay...I can buy that. Would you agree though, we are really just splitting hairs?

They are smaller, but given the fact they're located in the football-crazy, populated state of Texas, and the south in general - they have more options readily available to them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
Madison, Wisconsin
Step back for a moment, take a deep breath and look at this thing logically. As much as many CFers love to hate Nebraska, they are not the villain here. They are simply doing what any other right-thinking University board would do...accept an incredible opportunity. Texas and their five "lap dogs" are what will ultimately bring down the Big 12 Conference. And secondly, Iowa State landing in the MWC Conference shouldn't be seen as a step down or a bad thing for the University. The Mountain West Conference stands to gain a lot of stature if all of this comes down the way we expect it to.

Now, take your best shot!

Well okay, if you ask for it. ISU might do the same thing IF our roles were reversed. However NEBRASKA is the school leaving and ISU is the school getting screwed. thus WE get to be mad at you.

I know you don’t want Nebraska to be the bad guy but they will become the villain as soon as they join the Big 10. By accepting "an incredible opportunity" your school will be potentially ruining several other school’s athletic programs. I know it is nice to pretend that your school can do whatever it wants and no one gets hurt but this isn't reality. While moving to the Big 10 MIGHT be a good thing for Nebraska it could easily expose some of the most vulnerable schools in the Big XII to a terrible situation. I know you don't really care, but at least admit that this decision will likely have adverse effects for ISU, KU, KSU, and BU. Don't pretend that we will all be singing kumbaya when this is all over.

I simply can’t respect Nebraska because instead of using what remains of their football clout to stand up for the Big XII north, they’ve whined, complained and finally tried to bolt to another conference at the first opportunity. Your school has done nothing to help the other north teams who could really use it, so why shouldn't I be mad at your avaricious athletic department?

If ISU looses its place in the Big XII we don’t have any fallback conference. ISU to the MWC is a horrible fit. We have no natural rivals and travel will be expensive. ISU is a basketball and Wrestling school and the MWC sucks for those sports. Also the MWC is non BCS which will be a big blow to our prestige and recruiting. The Big XII is our natural home and we want to keep it afloat.

Finally, are the Texas schools a bunch of ******? Sure, but Nebraska isn't any better. Instead of doing something positive for the Big XII north, Nebraska is cutting and running. At least Texas wants to keep the Big XII afloat which is in ISU's best interest. Nebraska on the other hand couldn't give a crap.

Nebraska reminds me of the neighborhood bully who takes away your cool new fire truck but tries to make you feel better by giving you an old crappy match-box car to play with. Maybe the bully doesn’t even realize how mean he is being but it sure stinks to loose our fire truck.

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Active Member
Apr 11, 2006
Nebraska is the hero on this. They are the first one with the kahoneys to stand up to the arrogance that is Texas.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2006
Arlington, TX
Nebraska is the hero on this. They are the first one with the kahoneys to stand up to the arrogance that is Texas.

They've had the vote to do it for the last 14 years. Nice of them to finally get around to it, and then screw their neighbors in the process...


Active Member
Dec 26, 2008
My goodness, some of you act as if Nebraska is the only school that has moved from one conference to another. It has happened in the past and will happen in the future. That is the nature of college athletics. The difference is that most conferences pick up the pieces and move forward. The WAC did it when Arizona and Arizona state left. The Big East did it recently. Most conferences simply move forward. Apparently Beebee doesn't have the resolve to take that approach.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
Here nor there
My goodness, some of you act as if Nebraska is the only school that has moved from one conference to another. It has happened in the past and will happen in the future. That is the nature of college athletics. The difference is that most conferences pick up the pieces and move forward. The WAC did it when Arizona and Arizona state left. The Big East did it recently. Most conferences simply move forward. Apparently Beebee doesn't have the resolve to take that approach.

Any university has the right to change conferences, especially when a pawn, like Un-L is in this expansion mess, gets lucky. However, they do not have the right to dictate how others should feel about it.
However, many Cyclone fans, myself included, enjoy the comic relief your posts provide. Please keep posting.

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