Time for a Real Discussion About Caitlin Clark


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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 29, 2013
Our beloved Georges Niang is 13th in the NBA in technical fouls with 7 this year. I'm assuming we are out on him as a role model too? All these boys looking up to Georges wont know how to treat officials.
All due respect to a Georges, but the fan following for him is nothing even remotely comparable to CC. I am not justifying him or his technicals, but he isn't on the same pedestal she is.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
The thing I love about this thread is that it's like shining a black light on all the hok trolls.
It suddenly explains some downers in game day threads and expands my ignore list. Too bad they don’t put all this energy into defending BRE or even participate in any way in threads about our women’s team.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2013
They did indeed.

It‘s actually kinda neat, players and even some of the announcers were trying shots from there before & after the game, I heard. It’s just like painting a stadium seat a different color where a record-setting home run landed.

I don't know what the issue with this is. Like her or not that was one hell of a shot.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
The thing I love about this thread is that it's like shining a black light on all the hok trolls.

Hok troll is pretty rich. I have a long history on this site, and you can feel free to check it out. I'm far from a Hok troll. All I've ever responded to is people trying to go after her character and suggest she's a "horrible role model for girls" because that's an absurd statement.

I don't much enjoy watching her play basketball, and I don't cheer for her or the Iowa women. I hope they lose every game they play. But just because you don't like her style of play or her mannerisms on the floor doesn't mean she's a bad person, or a bad role model, or someone that girls shouldn't look up to. She's been good for the sport, she's been good for women's sports in general and by all accounts she's a good person. I'd rather be known as a Hok troll then attack the character of someone I've never met based on how she plays basketball.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 22, 2020
Hok troll is pretty rich. I have a long history on this site, and you can feel free to check it out. I'm far from a Hok troll. All I've ever responded to is people trying to go after her character and suggest she's a "horrible role model for girls" because that's an absurd statement.

I don't much enjoy watching her play basketball, and I don't cheer for her or the Iowa women. I hope they lose every game they play. But just because you don't like her style of play or her mannerisms on the floor doesn't mean she's a bad person, or a bad role model, or someone that girls shouldn't look up to. She's been good for the sport, she's been good for women's sports in general and by all accounts she's a good person. I'd rather be known as a Hok troll then attack the character of someone I've never met based on how she plays basketball.
We all have opinions. I would rather my daughter not have fake injuries, get carried off a court for nothing, and then give interviews about how she was "run over" when video evidence proves otherwise. There are at least two more video examples of fake injuries, plus a blatant technical when she pushed a player to the ground.

Why is this not discussed amongst Iowa fans? I was with three Iowa fans last week and they have never seen the videos that are all over YouTube of her bizaare personal behavior. Believe it or not, they were surprised and shocked. They had never seen these videos while living in Iowa.

Can u imagine what Iowa fans would be saying about the LSU player if she did what Cc does everyday?


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2009
Behind you
Don't forget the time Fran left his seat at a high school game to go behind the bench during one of Patrick's high school games to rip into him. Refs not man enough to stand up to Fran's bizzaro antics as usual.
It's obnoxious when anyone does it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
Look at this take on that event from the other school's viewpoint. (Hint, Colfax-Mingo officials thought the whole thing was overblown. They were shocked when asked to remove Pollard.)

Yet Jamie apologized anyway.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 2, 2009
west of dm east of cb
We all have opinions. I would rather my daughter not have fake injuries, get carried off a court for nothing, and then give interviews about how she was "run over" when video evidence proves otherwise. There are at least two more video examples of fake injuries, plus a blatant technical when she pushed a player to the ground.

Why is this not discussed amongst Iowa fans? I was with three Iowa fans last week and they have never seen the videos that are all over YouTube of her bizaare personal behavior. Believe it or not, they were surprised and shocked. They had never seen these videos while living in Iowa.

Can u imagine what Iowa fans would be saying about the LSU player if she did what Cc does everyday?
This is my issue with CC. I think she is a fantastic shooter with crazy range but all some want to talk about is her shooting and forget about the rest of her game. She has been put out there as a star of the game and people say she is a role model but get upset when her bad actions on the court are pointed out.

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