The REAL First Round Games Thread

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
Johnston, IA
Here we go


NM State trying to do what Manhattan couldn't...hits a 3 to force OT in the last of day 1 game. 13 vs 4 seed has been almost as dangerous as the dreaded 12/5 today.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
Just fill out a bracket with teams you want to win? Or intentionally make picks that are extreme... It helps you not take the bracket so seriously.

I do a little of both, along with making what I think are "competent" picks. I don't agonize about the bracket too much, but first couple of days I'll groan a little in a fun way when I've missed a game or two.

Usually, I'd rather choose a few long shots and get them wrong than playing it too safe and having a favorite bounced.