Random Thoughts the 13th: Jason Takes RTT

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Fort Dodge, IA
As a kid, I used to lose it when I'd hear voices that were either way too fast, or way too slow. Still laugh at stuff like this, though. Thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Fort Dodge, IA
Hope everyone had a great holiday season - the vixen and I spent it in northern Wisconsin with my Mom and my siblings. (No internet, so I've been AWOL.)

Had to share a Christmas story.....Oldest grandchild Casen set up his IPad Christmas Eve to catch Santa if he showed up. (Casen is old enough and smart enough to know better.) So Kylee went and got a Santa outfit and dropped some gifts under the tree after the boys were in bed, making sure she was recorded.

Needless to say, Casen was dumbfounded the next morning.....don't know if Kylee has fessed up or not!


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
Washington DC
I'd be tempted to get a trail cam or something.

I stay at a spot in the northwoods that's real remote and people ask me if I'm concerned about black bears, wolves, etc. coming around and I'd take one of those passing through any day (and I just like seeing forest friends) over some random human who knows exactly what they're doing.

Seeing humans in place where you realistically should not be seeing humans is one of the most terrifying things ever.

And as someone with high anxiety and a hatred of social interactions, sometimes even seeing humans where they’re supposed to be is terrifying.


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
Seeing humans in place where you realistically should not be seeing humans is one of the most terrifying things ever.

And as someone with high anxiety and a hatred of social interactions, sometimes even seeing humans where they’re supposed to be is terrifying.

Get a sling shot and start launching a few rocks out that way in the dark.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 10, 2007
So my main door (and the only door I use) is a patio door I’m my kitchen. It goes out to the back deck then I can swing right around the side of the building to the front. There’s a wooded area behind the patio. Big enough where it looks like a legit woods in the summer and fall and small enough that when all the leaves are down in the winter you can kind of see through it to the other side. No walking paths or anything. Just wooded area. In fact, it’s very hard to walk through from the ground cover and fallen trees. Attaching a picture I took of the snowpacalypse that shut down the city for three days last month so you can get an idea.

View attachment 61307

Anyway, Riley loves laying by the door and looking out. He’ll even go in between the glass and the curtain when it’s closed. So, it was a beautiful day today, so I just opened up the door as I did dishes so Riley could hang around out there. He tooled around for a minute and then laid down outside, but right at the door. After a few minutes, he kept looking at the gate, then started barking. Not like, an aggressive bark, but a soft one, kind of like a warning bark you might hear from a dog. I go out there to check it out. Nothing. I go back to do dishes. Riley keeps looking and barking, then comes in and gets right at my feet and won’t leave my side.

I shut the door, close the curtain, move on with my life.

So tonight, as I step outside to go to the gym, it just reaks of cigarettes. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean anything, it could be anyone walking by in the front, but I’ve never smelled it in my two months I’ve lived here. So I look out to the wooded area as I’m walking out and sure as ****, right in the middle of the wooded area, I see a red cigarette butt just glowing brightly in the dark. And it wasn’t moving.

Is smoking allowed on the grounds of the building? If not the woods might be considered off ground and you had a smoker move in. Either that or it's Slender Man. I'm going with Slender Man

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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Feb 10, 2007
Yesterday I wrote the date and actually remembered to put 19 instead of 18.
Sadly it was something for work and I left it at home.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
First day back after 15 straight off...it's going about as well as you would think.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
Napping on the job already?

It was looking likely earlier but I am doing good so far. MrsWx (she is fine now) was having some stomach issues that sent us to the ER last night. I swapped out with her mom a little before midnight to get some sleep and be semi conscious if the kids woke up early.


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
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