***Official 2024 Chicago Cubs Thread***


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2011
My Playhouse
My $0.02

Madrigal still is great at a specific role. If you need someone just to get the damn thing in play, he’s the man. Runner on 3rd with less than 2 outs and Gomes/Amaya are up, he’s the man. And I have zero issue if he steps in for a Swanson/Hoerner day off.

Mastro has zero role that translates to the big league level. You will never use his bat off the bench because he’s an automatic out, and he’s a decent but not great defender, which are easy to find at the AAA level. If he wants to play in the big leagues, the only real shot he should ever be getting are for small market organizations hoping for a minor contributor


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
Des Moines
My $0.02

Madrigal still is great at a specific role. If you need someone just to get the damn thing in play, he’s the man. Runner on 3rd with less than 2 outs and Gomes/Amaya are up, he’s the man. And I have zero issue if he steps in for a Swanson/Hoerner day off.

Mastro has zero role that translates to the big league level. You will never use his bat off the bench because he’s an automatic out, and he’s a decent but not great defender, which are easy to find at the AAA level. If he wants to play in the big leagues, the only real shot he should ever be getting are for small market organizations hoping for a minor contributor
If we keep one for awhile I'd go with Mastrobuoni. Little more pop, I don't think there's a measurable difference of the 2 at 2nd. MM gives us a lefty option.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
Des Moines
Here's my additional thought on middle infield. Triantos is hitting at AA just like he has at every level. It's time to get the guys at AAA a look. If none of them workout you can always bring up Bote just needs an opening on the 40. Really seems like Masterbouni and Madrigal won't be on the 40 in 25 anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
It's sad that the Kimbrel trade to the White Sox is going down as a bust. Heuer looked like a nice bullpen piece then he blew out his elbow twice. Madrigal looked like he'd be a guy that wouldn't hit for power but could get on base and maybe hit around .300 but he's been injury prone too and not productive. At the time it looked liked the Cubs got a decent return on the trade. Kimbrel didn't exactly pitch that well after the trade either I guess and that may have been because LaRussa used him as a setup guy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2006
Saw this and thought I'd share regarding Vazquez. 60 rating on glove work and throwing arm.

Makes me wonder if they're positioning him to be trade bait.
Never know. But I suspect that even when Swanson & Hoeener return the Cubs will bring both along slowly. Maybe sit a couple games a week. So Vazquez could easily start 2-3 games per week. Plus there are opportunities as late game defense for Morel.

Madrigal probably has some trade value for a minor league prospect.

Plus with Hoerner's hamstring, that might preclude him from playing shortstop for an extended time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
Baseball injuries are just wild to me. Guys go from playing a full game to injured to the point it takes a month to recover. Just bizarre to me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
Des Moines
Thursday TBD article says Hendricks Imanaga or bullpen. I think I'd go with Hendricks with a quick hook first sign.of trouble then Wesneski once through the order.

Save Imanaga for the Cardinals. Shota is going to have to beat the Braves in the playoffs eventually. No reason to move him up and make it a 50/50 game with the Braves when he'd be a huge favorite v. Cards.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
Des Moines
Baseball injuries are just wild to me. Guys go from playing a full game to injured to the point it takes a month to recover. Just bizarre to me.
I think it has to do with body motion velocity. Throwing and swinging at the ML level are at 0speeds faster than the body was meant to do causing injures that aren't always noticed in the moment.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2008
Wasn’t a pretty walk off but no one else I’d rather have at the plate when you pretty much just need to put the ball in play to win


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2011
My Playhouse
Davis was DHing yesterday and was pinch hit for by a pitcher. please tell me he's not hurt again.
I’ll have to look into the rules, but Davis was actually pinch hit for by the backup catcher, who came in to pitch down 18-6, which is why he’s listed as a P in the box score.

My guess is the rule book says only guys originally listed as pitchers can have a DH and anyone else has to hit


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
Des Moines
I’ll have to look into the rules, but Davis was actually pinch hit for by the backup catcher, who came in to pitch down 18-6, which is why he’s listed as a P in the box score.

My guess is the rule book says only guys originally listed as pitchers can have a DH and anyone else has to hit
That makes more sense. And yes with that the case you lose the DH.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
Des Moines
So with Wesneski going yesterday my guess is Brown takes over the 5 spot in the rotation until Wicks returns in a couple weeks. Of course with the day off they could move Imanaga up to Thursday and push the 5 back far enough that it could be Wesneski. I hope that isn't the case. Like to see Shota open the st. Louis series with a big W.

Thankfully Milwaukee has suddenly been vulnerable allowing us to keep pace.
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