I'm just glad the Tigers were tough as rain yesterday.Roger Sprague
I'm just glad the Tigers were tough as rain yesterday.Roger Sprague
Father Time is undefeated. There are two former mods (I was a mod in the early days) who are very missed. Pouring one out tonight for C.John and CTAClone. Very good dudes that were Clone to the bone. I spent many late nights discussing you miscreant CF posters with them.I sometimes wonder how many regular posters here have died. I went to a wake service for the uncle of one of my daughter's friends and the obit said he really enjoyed the community on CF. I didn't know him but I bet I did. There are several who were regular posters who just stopped cold turkey. Kinda sad.
Twins really had one guy on the Hok site threatening legal action. We all miss his insightful posts.I always enjoyed CyTwins as well who could get under hawkeye fans skins better than anyone. Sure he/she is still here some how but he’d be a fun one to talk to.
I really hope this is a reference to Norm’s podcast with The Super One."where do you get your ideas from?"
From post history, seems to obviously be BVDV. Including this classic from 2008:I think BVDV was posting as @cy1225, but I'm not sure.
The bad news is that in the universe of AD's you'll find orders of magnitude more BVDV's than Jamie Pollards.From post history, seems to obviously be BVDV. Including this classic from 2008:
"re: Reseating JTS in 2008 & 2009 Untill ISU is selling 40,000 season tickets there is no need to bowl the end zone. All you are doing is borrowing millions to build seats that will be sold once a year. How many season tickets are being sold this year ?"
What a visionary that man was!
Got busy doing motorcycle maintenance.Sometimes I wonder WTF happened to Phaedrus
C.John shows as superfanatic. I sure hope his bank account isn't still getting charged.
CapCityGuy is another I never see anymore. He had some thoughtful posts on off-topic threads but could also be an ass at times.LindenCy never posts anymore. I miss him.
Oh man that dude was annoying!LindenCy never posts anymore. I miss him.
CapCityGuy is another I never see anymore. He had some thoughtful posts on off-topic threads but could also be an ass at times.
I'm sorry, he called you? Because of stuff on CF?BDVD called me up on the phone more than once yelling at me
My favorite part is when he asked if I knew he was and I said "is this VanDeVelde?"
He responded with "yes MR. VanDeVelde."
He posts all the time on the premium boardCW really doesn’t post much anymore does he lol
Quality post.Got busy doing motorcycle maintenance.
I see he's now an associate AD at Wisconsin, so his career has been going downhill since his days at ISU.Bruce was such a bad AD
Can I have that Deere rider when u die?when I’m gone I hope you guys say the same things about me.