Yeah. I've had less experience with that stuff. Being a avid hiker and triker through back country and state and national parks...
there's been some wierd stuff I've seen or sensed in the woods. Nothing concrete just - weird. Not to be cliche but there are times I clutch my sharp friend a little tighter even with the dog. Its always creepy when you go through a thicket and there's no or very little wind and or noise, bugs, birds, nothing. That's happened a few times. Sure, they know we're there but usually the birds are chirping away and a deer will just look at us like so what, etc... when its that still and quiet, I always feel funny. Not threatened per say but funny. Like there's something there and Shiloh generally acts weird too in those instances. That's when I trust him to tell me where to go.
There could 100% be aliens. And I think there is a 100% chance of some of the "mythical" creatures of old. Too many stories. Too many accounts from different people over long periods of time and distances who describe the same thing with no real way of knowing what someone said 2,000 miles away.
That's why I don't know what comes after life - but I think there's something. What I have no idea for sure. But there is just too much out there that I've seen, experienced or talked to people - like what you are describing - for me to think this is it. What's after? Oh, I have no clue. I have what I believe and what I hope, but I certainly have no idea for sure