Has anyone else called 911?


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Nov 11, 2007
I've called once on purpose. Reported an absolutely hammered driver that was swerving all over the road.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Blue Grass IA-Jensen Beach FL
I called once to try to get a drunken troll pulled off of a website. They said they would get right on it. Hopefully RollsRoyce gets the banhammer very soon.

Actually, I've never called 911.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2010
Had to call 911 one time. It happened when all of my roommates had been going on a bender, and I had been working on a final project for a class in college. Well, it comes to be 7PM and I'm still working on this project, and my roommates get back from the bars for a while. I had earlier had a couple of hot dogs, which apparently weren't mine (same package as mine, and on same shelf). Anyway, one of my roommates gets absolutely outraged. Starts pounding on my door after I lock it so that I wouldn't be bothered. The door starts cracking in the middle, so I tell him to stop before he busts the door. I open it, get popped in the mouth and the eye as soon as the door is open. I go to the floor, then get kicked in the ribs. At this point I decide to leave the house. He then begins to chase me down with a kitchen knife. That's when I call 911 as I'm running down lincoln way with someone chasing me with a knife in hand.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
Had to call 911 one time. It happened when all of my roommates had been going on a bender, and I had been working on a final project for a class in college. Well, it comes to be 7PM and I'm still working on this project, and my roommates get back from the bars for a while. I had earlier had a couple of hot dogs, which apparently weren't mine (same package as mine, and on same shelf). Anyway, one of my roommates gets absolutely outraged. Starts pounding on my door after I lock it so that I wouldn't be bothered. The door starts cracking in the middle, so I tell him to stop before he busts the door. I open it, get popped in the mouth and the eye as soon as the door is open. I go to the floor, then get kicked in the ribs. At this point I decide to leave the house. He then begins to chase me down with a kitchen knife. That's when I call 911 as I'm running down lincoln way with someone chasing me with a knife in hand.

You win


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
Up north
Had to call 911 one time. It happened when all of my roommates had been going on a bender, and I had been working on a final project for a class in college. Well, it comes to be 7PM and I'm still working on this project, and my roommates get back from the bars for a while. I had earlier had a couple of hot dogs, which apparently weren't mine (same package as mine, and on same shelf). Anyway, one of my roommates gets absolutely outraged. Starts pounding on my door after I lock it so that I wouldn't be bothered. The door starts cracking in the middle, so I tell him to stop before he busts the door. I open it, get popped in the mouth and the eye as soon as the door is open. I go to the floor, then get kicked in the ribs. At this point I decide to leave the house. He then begins to chase me down with a kitchen knife. That's when I call 911 as I'm running down lincoln way with someone chasing me with a knife in hand.

:eek: That sounds like a terrible roommate or he is the type of guy that shouldn't be drinking alcohol.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
Up north
I called once when my father was having a heart attack. I believe I was connected with the dispatcher right away and I believe it only took 5-7 minutes for the first responders to get there, but it felt like an eternity.


I'm Mike Jones
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2008
Called on Christmas Eve once in a snow storm. Tan Explorer was driving in front of me on Highway 30 west of Boone, hit a black ice spot, and tumbled/rolled like a NASCAR car over and over thru the middle to the eastbound lane on 30.
Explorer was pretty mangled, pulled the wife out of it, she wasn't in too bad of shape, was able to walk. I wasn't able to pull the husband driver out, he was twisted up in there pretty bad broken bones and unconscious. Ran to my Tacoma to get an emergency blanket and cover him up, tried waking him up.
About 5 minutes later a couple fire fighters show up, and I was holding the jaws of life and helping operate it to get into the Explorer and get him out. We got him out, ambulance arrived, took him away.
Parents just arrived (they were from Jefferson), firefighter pointed them my way, and they came over and hugged me and were asking me questions. Christmas presents were all over the road, it was a nasty scene.
Finally made it home about a half hour later to my parents. Walked thru the door, and mom asked why I was covered in blood. My knees buckled and I fell onto the floor and cried.
Had only one nightmare about it, and it was the same night.

Pretty surreal life experience.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2009
Kansas City
While you were on hold for 2-3 minutes waiting for someone to come help you, did you ever think of going to check on the people in the cars of the accident you thought just happened?

We did. Neither of us have a clue when it comes to emergency/help response. We'd be of no help there. Probably something both of us should think about learning. And, it would have taken more time than she was on hold to get to the next exit, turn around, drive the opposite direction, get off at the nearest exit, and drive back to where the cars were.

Without knowing how 911 works, we both thought someone answers the call immediately. It's a very busy area near a large shopping district. I'm sure the police patrol that stretch of road heavily especially on weekend nights. I've seen quite a few cars pulled over.

Like someone mentioned, it turns out that this had been called in a number of times because the lady who took the call knew of the accident instantly and said help was on the way.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 2, 2008
Cedar Rapids
I have called numerous times. Drunk lady standing in road at 1:30, drunk driver by meskwawki (they ran the plate and found out he had a warrant as well), car fire in SUV (I called then helped the owner put it out with a fire extinguisher), house fire in high school, car accident that was right in front of me, car accident that I heard a block away. Each time I was the first caller, my motto is just to call and if they come out and don't have to do anything so be it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
Dallas, TX
Called on Christmas Eve once in a snow storm. Tan Explorer was driving in front of me on Highway 30 west of Boone, hit a black ice spot, and tumbled/rolled like a NASCAR car over and over thru the middle to the eastbound lane on 30.
Explorer was pretty mangled, pulled the wife out of it, she wasn't in too bad of shape, was able to walk. I wasn't able to pull the husband driver out, he was twisted up in there pretty bad broken bones and unconscious. Ran to my Tacoma to get an emergency blanket and cover him up, tried waking him up.
About 5 minutes later a couple fire fighters show up, and I was holding the jaws of life and helping operate it to get into the Explorer and get him out. We got him out, ambulance arrived, took him away.
Parents just arrived (they were from Jefferson), firefighter pointed them my way, and they came over and hugged me and were asking me questions. Christmas presents were all over the road, it was a nasty scene.
Finally made it home about a half hour later to my parents. Walked thru the door, and mom asked why I was covered in blood. My knees buckled and I fell onto the floor and cried.
Had only one nightmare about it, and it was the same night.

Pretty surreal life experience.

Wow great for you. You're a good man. I couldn't imagine seeing something like that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
West Des Moines, IA
called last week, guy had a seizure or something driving in WDM ramped his car up an embankment and was just sitting there unconsious with windows up and doors locked... called and they were on their way already... when the fire crew got there they were dead serious and had the guy out of the locked car in like 45 sec flat, that's when i decided the professionals had arrived and it was time to go to my desk job...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
called when my grandpa had a stroke at his bday party a few weeks ago. got right through and they were there in like 4 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2009
Story County
I've called 911 several times.

Bartended in college at the Tradewinds, oh around '91 or '92. It's around 11 or 12 and the place is empty so I'm cleaning up and readying to close. BJs Lucky Lady is rocking next door. A drunk guy comes in the back door and says there is major a gas leak. I look outside and the bike chained to the gas meter - and someone had stolen it by pulling it and the pipe going in the meter broke off. Gas really is spewing everywhere. I call 911 and yessiree - put on hold for what seems like an eternity, but I have no real idea how long it was. Panic! Two giant fire trucks pull up and they're all in full gear while I'm in cutoffs and a snappy t-shirt that says, "Sleeping with the bartender won't get you free drinks but its worth a shot" - promo shirts from some liquor company. They ask how many gas appliances are in the building - uh, that building was home to two bars and a couple apartments - I have no idea! Then there is a big discussion about evacuating the area. Holy moly - emptying BJs on a Saturday night would start a riot! So, they decide to take a few bar towels, stuff them down the pipe, duct tape it, call the utility company and tell them about it, and then leave. "Oh, and don't leave the bar until the gas guys get here to fix it." It takes about an hour for the utility guys to show up and fix it. In all, it was a stressful night.
After being married for a few years, we lived on an acreage with a really long lane just outside a smaller town. I woke up one night as a car drove in. Four people got out and started going into the farm buildings. I called 911 and my husband loaded a gun. Even when we turned lights on, they didn't exactly high tail it out of there. They left by going through the field, mowing down lots of knee-high corn. The cop finally showed up and drew his gun on us. Nice. The next morning people for miles reported property damage ... never found the perps. The cop was eventually fired because he didn't make it through the academy.
Last summer something went haywire with the [deafening] tornado sirens in our little town. Would got off at random, mostly in the middle of the freaking night for a solid 10 minutes. Many residents started calling 911 to let the call center know how totally POed everyone really was. Ultimately, the county 911-call center figured out they were accidently setting it off.
Other than that, I've probably called seriously-drunk drivers in 3 or 4 times in the last 20 years.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
Had to call 911 one time. It happened when all of my roommates had been going on a bender, and I had been working on a final project for a class in college. Well, it comes to be 7PM and I'm still working on this project, and my roommates get back from the bars for a while. I had earlier had a couple of hot dogs, which apparently weren't mine (same package as mine, and on same shelf). Anyway, one of my roommates gets absolutely outraged. Starts pounding on my door after I lock it so that I wouldn't be bothered. The door starts cracking in the middle, so I tell him to stop before he busts the door. I open it, get popped in the mouth and the eye as soon as the door is open. I go to the floor, then get kicked in the ribs. At this point I decide to leave the house. He then begins to chase me down with a kitchen knife. That's when I call 911 as I'm running down lincoln way with someone chasing me with a knife in hand.

There is always two sides to a story.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
When I was in high school I called once. My dad was out of town and it was just me and my mom at home. She was in bed and I was walking upstairs to go to bed and looked out the window. There was a dude walking up our driveway. We lived in the country and had a light in our barnyard. It was like 2-3am. It was really creepy. He walked up the driveway and started banging on our front door. He then walked around the back of the house and you could hear him try to get in the basement door.

Anyway, woke up my mom and she called the cops. They found the guy in the road about 5 minutes later. He claimed to have had car troubles down the road a ways. But who tries to knock on someone's door at 3 am? Stupid.