Financial Partners Matter Right Now ("We Will Collective" is separate from Cardinal & Gold Wrestling Collective)


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
Cyclone Fans:

Never in the history of college athletics has there been a time when the financial contributions of individuals and corporations have mattered more. The fact of the matter is: Donor dollars increase the ability to win!

I have spent hundreds of hours this past year talking about the importance of donor dollars for both the newly formed Cardinal & Gold Collective and the Cyclone Regional Training Center.

Both the Collective and the Cyclone RTC are invaluable to running a top-notch Division I wrestling program. Teams at the very top increasingly operate as their own small businesses. As the CEO of the Cyclone Wrestling program, it is on my staff and I -- along with all of our many supporters -- to find the resources to win. The ability of wrestling programs to meet this challenge will determine their chances of succeeding the highest level, which continues to be my goal.

The Cardinal & Gold Collective was formed in May 2023 and it already is having an impact on our team and athletes. The Collective is a for-profit corporation managed and run out of Okoboji, IA by Ryan and Patty Rohlk. They started the Collective to provide Name, Image, and Likeness opportunities for wrestlers. These wrestlers make appearances for payment throughout the state, around the calendar. Donation dollars to the Collective are not tax deductible, due to IRS rules.

In just one year, the Collective has become a key player in our landscape. It has helped our athletes pay their college bills and enabled the Collective to attract top competitors to Ames. I believe that showed with our 4th place finish this year at the NCAA Tournament in Kansas City.

The Collective also just hired David Carr in the position of associate director – allowing him to use his skills to communicate with key athletes and also raise money to attract and keep those athletes.

David just kicked off his first Collective campaign to encourage 500 new donors to make monthly contributions to the Collective – at the $50 and $100 levels. You can respond to that campaign HERE ( and help David towards his goal of 500!

You also can make a donation of your choice at that link.

The other major driver of our success is the Cyclone RTC – a 501©3 nonprofit organization we formed in April 2017 to support our staff and our athletes and all the expenses they incur to train and compete, mainly in freestyle wrestling events throughout the season and the off season. This provides us with a much-needed Olympic/freestyle component.

The C-RTC also currently supports four post-graduate athletes who are invaluable training partners in the practice room: R. Ortega, D Carr, M. Coleman, and D. Lee.

And the RTC offers training opportunities for other college athletes and qualified HS wrestlers within 250 miles of Ames. Hundreds of wrestlers over the past 7 years have come to Ames – and continue to come to train with the Cyclone RTC.

Next month is the kick-off of a summer full of C-RTC events and we invite you to join us at one of those. Take a look HERE ( to see if you can fit any of these into your schedule. Right now would be a great time to register for any of these events! I’ll personally be at each one with my staff and athletes and would love to see you there.

The purpose of my message today is to update and educate all of you who have supported us over the years in some form or fashion, whether that was by giving money, participating in a golf event, donating an auction item or maybe just being a fan and season ticket holder.

Finally, and most importantly, we cannot win without you – our financial partners! I truly look at every dollar coming into our two organizations as a partnership with our program. I encourage you to take the first step toward a partnership with us – and thank those of you who already help us for your continued support.

Coach Dresser


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
The thread title is not a slam on the We Will. We need to let fans know that wrestling collective is separate from the Football, Men's BB and Women's BB collective.

In addition, wrestling is still operating on a 9.9 scholarship limit for a team of 40 wrestlers. Many are getting close to nothing. We also are using a big share of our collective money to retain our current guys. (Frost, Ech, Yonger, Casey, Chittum, Paniro, Bartelt. Herrera and others)

So trying to get quality guys out of the portal such as Amine, Flynn, Barrclough, etc is tough.

Football gets 85 full scholarships, Men's and Women's BB both get 15 full scholarships.

If we want to compete with Iowa, Michigan, now Ok State, we need help.
I am not even mentioning PSU.

The staff is doing a heck of a job developing talent and finding diamonds in the rough. But they need our help.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2010
The landscape of college athletics is so unbelievably broken right now. It's not Coach Dressers fault. It just absolutely sucks that the success of every collegiate team sport is now on the backs of the fans. I can't imagine a single coach that enjoys asking us for money to field a competitive squad.

Mead For My Horses

Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 23, 2020
The frustrating part is that all of us peons don’t really even matter. We need 1 billionaire. 1,000 regular joes don’t mean anything.
I disagree. We averaged, what, 7,000 per home meet? If 7,000 each gave $100, that's $700,000. If half could give $1,000 you're at $3.5 million. If lots of us chip in, it can work. I signed up for David's $100/month challenge. I know everybody can't but if we all do something, we'll be fine. And I'm sure there are some big donors who have stepped up. That combination works for We Will and can work here. It's kind of the Iowa State way.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2016
I disagree. We averaged, what, 7,000 per home meet? If 7,000 each gave $100, that's $700,000. If half could give $1,000 you're at $3.5 million. If lots of us chip in, it can work. I signed up for David's $100/month challenge. I know everybody can't but if we all do something, we'll be fine. And I'm sure there are some big donors who have stepped up. That combination works for We Will and can work here. It's kind of the Iowa State way.
But that’s a pipe dream. Out of 7,000 maybe what 1,000 are dedicated enough to give? That’s probably high. Each of them give $500 and we have enough money for Chad Richisom to wipe his a$$ with.

Mead For My Horses

Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 23, 2020
The landscape of college athletics is so unbelievably broken right now. It's not Coach Dressers fault. It just absolutely sucks that the success of every collegiate team sport is now on the backs of the fans. I can't imagine a single coach that enjoys asking us for money to field a competitive squad.
Totally agree and it has to get fixed. I've shifted my giving around. Less to the Cyclone Club, more to C&G, CRTC & We Will so I'm not spending more than I was.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2013
The problem with this model is it will be a struggle every year to go to your fans and ask for money every single season. Not just for wrestling, I don’t think it’s sustainable for any sport to go every year and ask fans to donate on theoretical wrestlers/players. We really need a corporate sponsor to set something up. Michigan doesn’t have their financial strength bc of individuals.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
I am definitely not lecturing and Dresser isn't either.

I am more stating the fact that the We Will is separate from the the Cardinal & Gold Collective.

All American transfer wrestlers cost close to top level basketball and football players.

And the average fan may think the We Will is for all sports and it isn't. I really don't know if volleyball gets any money from We Will.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2010
Meh, i have kids. Rather pay for them to go to college than pay for full ride scholarship athlete to have a nicer car. Owning a sports team is a rich mans game, and pro owners get a return on their investment.
One thing I wanted casual fans to know it that very few wrestlers are on a full ride. 9.9 scholarship over 40 guys doesn't go very far.

I do understand about paying for my on kids college education. Also have grandkids going to be starting at Iowa State and going to have to get loans.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
But, why?

Why does wrestling need their own? Why not one for Soccer, Mens BB, womens BB etc, why not one for each sport?

Why not just be a part of one?
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