Coronavirus Coronavirus: In-Iowa General Discussion (Not Limited)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018

Not Iowa but thought it was interesting and the general one is long gone. I didn’t independently verify the numbers but this would be a pretty stark rebuke of Newsoms handling of this as it shows frankly there was some fear mongering even if we didn’t know what would happen. I’d also like to see the amount of beds that they have.

I think this is part of the problem in Iowa. There is a big discrepancy in what people’s goals are. Frankly I think that is part of what has lead to the politicization of the topic. Democrats are advocating for trying to wipe out the virus and Republicans are more of at the idea to keep it below the resources we have.

I think maybe as a society wide thing (not just here as it’s been better than just general discussions) it would be helpful to start discussions out with that context. If someone is trying to kill the virus completely they are obviously going to support stronger restrictions than someone wanting to keep cases below our hospital resources.

Musk also tweeted this out a month ago.


And also made a really big deal about how he was going to donate a bunch of ventilators to hospitals but when they arrived turned out to be out of date CPAP machines.

So I'm not sure if Elon Musk is somebody you want to be trusting on this subject.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Musk also tweeted this out a month ago.


And also made a really big deal about how he was going to donate a bunch of ventilators to hospitals but when they arrived turned out to be out of date CPAP machines.

So I'm not sure if Elon Musk is somebody you want to be trusting on this subject.
I wouldn’t trust him much but I think the graph if accurate is bad for Newsom.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013

"Professor Didier Raoult said data on the spread of the virus suggested it had reached a “bell curve” which he claimed was a typical epidemic cycle which should rule out the prospect of a rebound.

Prof Raoult said: "The second wave story is a fantasy that was invented from the Spanish flu, which started in the summer and has nothing to do with it.

"Usually an epidemic happens in one curve. I hate to make predictions, but this way of constructing it is fairly common for epidemics.

“In the past, epidemics disappeared long before we had the means to contain them. They disappeared anyway.

"Humanity didn't die from an epidemic, that's the way it is. Epidemics start, accelerate, peak, disappear, and we don't know why.”"

I'll nitpick a bit - Raoult is not an epidemiologist, but is a physician and microbiologist. Obviously a valid voice in the discussion, but it's a little different.

Also, he's basing it on precedent, where other than symptomatic cases being quarantined, the world has never had even close to this level of widespread action to restrict spread. All other epidemics were allowed to largely run their course and spread through the community.

However, he's not really saying anything too crazy, because he's saying IF we keep practices going for a while we won't see some big second wave. He doesn't seem to be saying this is about over and we should go back to business as usual. So I don't think he's quite as contrarian as the headlines make it seem.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
Race tracks in Iowa are opening up and holding races with no fans.

Personally I think this is dumb and didn't plan to attend, but the series I race added a race for May 9 so because of points I am kind of forced to attend.

Each car is allowed to have anywhere from 8 - 10 people with it and you have to wear a mask anytime you leave your pit area.
Maybe they will allow spectators around 4th of July at some of these local tracks. Do you get any sense from race organizers if that is something they think will happen.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2014


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
The whole goal of dealing with a pandemic is to make it look like you over-reacted.
While I agree to start with, continuing that overreaction when we are at this stage is not what you should do. You still want to leave a buffer to the limits but there are still overreactions to a pandemic particularly once you get past the initial stage. We are getting to that stage where we are no longer just reacting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
Race tracks in Iowa are opening up and holding races with no fans.

Personally I think this is dumb and didn't plan to attend, but the series I race added a race for May 9 so because of points I am kind of forced to attend.

Each car is allowed to have anywhere from 8 - 10 people with it and you have to wear a mask anytime you leave your pit area.

I think that's what the actual re-opening is going to look like. We'll start to have events but no spectators. Retail stores will be open but only let people in via appointments, restaurants will continue take-out only service but open up their patios for you to sit on while eating, businesses will bring workers back but space it out so everyone only comes in one or two days a week, etc.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
Maybe they will allow spectators around 4th of July at some of these local tracks. Do you get any sense from race organizers if that is something they think will happen.

They were thinking after Memorial Day actually. But they are to impatient to just wait and see. These promoters are going to find that without fans and concessions they are going to lose their ass (even if they are broadcasting via ppv on the internet).


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2014
State of Iowa
OK CF....I need your opinion.

I work with (one) person in a closed small office space. This persons child is quarantined at my coworkers house for 2 weeks because the child worked with a person who has tested positive. My coworkers comes to work everyday in our small closed office from the same house as the child.

Should I take two weeks off myself since it's getting closer to me or I'm I over reacting??

Note....this is just a part time job for me


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011

Not Iowa but thought it was interesting and the general one is long gone. I didn’t independently verify the numbers but this would be a pretty stark rebuke of Newsoms handling of this as it shows frankly there was some fear mongering even if we didn’t know what would happen. I’d also like to see the amount of beds that they have.

I think this is part of the problem in Iowa. There is a big discrepancy in what people’s goals are. Frankly I think that is part of what has lead to the politicization of the topic. Democrats are advocating for trying to wipe out the virus and Republicans are more of at the idea to keep it below the resources we have.

I think maybe as a society wide thing (not just here as it’s been better than just general discussions) it would be helpful to start discussions out with that context. If someone is trying to kill the virus completely they are obviously going to support stronger restrictions than someone wanting to keep cases below our hospital resources.

I've actually gotten the idea that they're more for in favor of 'herd immunity' which is wiping it out. That includes forcing people to work in unsafe environments (meat plants). Is there a plan for those with pre-existing conditions?

Resources include PPEs and staff available to be able to do anything, which are still in question even in places where the rooms aren't filled. Are those resources stocked for a surge? Is there a plan for that?

There aren't and won't be 5 million tests in a day, and there STILL isn't a plan for getting testing done efficiently for people to be able to go back to work and not put others in danger. Is there a plan for a second surge for how to operate?

It's NOT just a L/R thing--WI's governor is a Dem and he's been pretty wishy washy, and imo hasn't been great about communicating what the plans are. He's also backed off on a few restrictions and slowly let a few things open up during a SIP extension despite no indication that case numbers are on a real consistent down slide.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
While I agree to start with, continuing that overreaction when we are at this stage is not what you should do. You still want to leave a buffer to the limits but there are still overreactions to a pandemic particularly once you get past the initial stage. We are getting to that stage where we are no longer just reacting.

lol, no we aren't. We haven't solved the PPE shortage for hospitals. We don't have any treatments that have a big impact on outcomes. We aren't requiring masks in public. We haven't done anything to address the root causes of the stuff that caused this to explode.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
How is it a "rebuke" of his handling it? If he's put policies in place that preventing issues at hospitals - that was the whole goal of the policies!
I thought the goal was to prevent the system from collapsing? There has to be a balance between slowing down the virus and completely shutting down society.


Thought Police
Staff member
Apr 11, 2006
A pineapple under the sea
OK CF....I need your opinion.

I work with (one) person in a closed small office space. This persons child is quarantined at my coworkers house for 2 weeks because the child worked with a person who has tested positive. My coworkers comes to work everyday in our small closed office from the same house as the child.

Should I take two weeks off myself since it's getting closer to me or I'm I over reacting??

Note....this is just a part time job for me

That's really a highly personal decision.

We've had two situations at work that were like a couple degrees of separation, and it made some people uncomfortable, but in the end, everyone kept at it, and no one has gotten sick.


Staff member
Mar 17, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA
I thought the goal was to prevent the system from collapsing? There has to be a balance between slowing down the virus and completely shutting down society.

Of course there should be a balance, and CA would be wise to ease the restrictions in some areas, like allowing more non-urgent medical procedures, but society is not "completely shut down" - that's ridiculous hyperbole
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
I've actually gotten the idea that they're more for in favor of 'herd immunity' which is wiping it out. That includes forcing people to work in unsafe environments (meat plants). Is there a plan for those with pre-existing conditions?

Resources include PPEs and staff available to be able to do anything, which are still in question even in places where the rooms aren't filled. Are those resources stocked for a surge? Is there a plan for that?

There aren't and won't be 5 million tests in a day, and there STILL isn't a plan for getting testing done efficiently for people to be able to go back to work and not put others in danger. Is there a plan for a second surge for how to operate?

It's NOT just a L/R thing--WI's governor is a Dem and he's been pretty wishy washy, and imo hasn't been great about communicating what the plans are. He's also backed off on a few restrictions and slowly let a few things open up during a SIP extension despite no indication that case numbers are on a real consistent down slide.
I agree they are for herd immunity. I guess that is what I meant by keeping it below the resources available.

I also agree that PPE is still a bit of a concern. I guess I don’t really understand that part of it. We should have had plenty of time to obtain more PPE. We should be doing a better job here.

I guess the working in factories question is an issue that really needs addressed. I don’t want anyone who isn’t comfortable to have to work in those conditions. People with risk factors or who live with people with risk factors should be able to quit for now and receive unemployment. At the same time I think those types of places should be receiving volunteers to work there for right now. Frontline workers are the military of a war. For example Iowa is recruiting poll workers for June. They are seeking out young people to help. Maybe that can also be done for places like meat packing facilities.

I think some of the issue is the enemy is invisible and frankly people have been told all they can do to help is hide. I think providing outlets for people to assist in the response would help.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
They were thinking after Memorial Day actually. But they are to impatient to just wait and see. These promoters are going to find that without fans and concessions they are going to lose their ass (even if they are broadcasting via ppv on the internet).
It seems maybe it could happen. It's an outdoor activity plus if as a requirement of attending you had to wear a mask and protective eyeware that might not be all that bad. With all that dirt flying around people won't mind that at all. Like you stated...I don't understand from an economic standpoint why you would do it without a live gate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
I thought the goal was to prevent the system from collapsing? There has to be a balance between slowing down the virus and completely shutting down society.

We haven't shut down society. Mass gatherings are cancelled, restaurants are take out only, and some business types like gyms and hairdressers are closed. But the overwhelming majority of stuff is still open. Even stuff like airplanes aren't empty because people aren't allowed to travel, you could buy a ticket right now to go anywhere domestically or internationally (though you might have to self quarantine when you get there). They are empty because nobody wants to travel right now.
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