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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2009
For the record, you are wrong. Panchero's pressed tortillas trump all and that is a fact. Sure Chipotle warms up their tortillas, but that is nothing, NOTHING, like a nice, warm, chewy, pressed tortilla.

For the record, Pancheros is an IC-based restaurant and its ownership backs the hoks big time. That trumps all in my book. And Fighting Burrito's owner is the gyro guy, who is a major DB on city council (the only Smart Growth guy left). That means that I'm not going there either. It'll be Chipotle for me if I want a burrito. I do wonder how Taco Bell is going to survive on Duff.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
For the record, Pancheros is an IC-based restaurant and its ownership backs the hoks big time. That trumps all in my book. And Fighting Burrito's owner is the gyro guy, who is a major DB on city council (the only Smart Growth guy left). That means that I'm not going there either. It'll be Chipotle for me if I want a burrito. I do wonder how Taco Bell is going to survive on Duff.

Panchero's HQ, while in Coralville, also supports the Cyclones as well, which impresses me.

I've said it before and I will say it again. The Ames Panchero's is subpar. Hopefully bringing in a new establishment spurs them to actually become as good as some of the other Panchero's that I've eaten at. If that happens, Chipotle will be #2 in Ames.


A loathsome, offensive brute. You can't look away.
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Dec 19, 2008
We have 3 mexican restaurants in a town of 10,000 catholics. I'm pretty sure ames can support 4 as long as they are all good to eat at.

Sounds like Carroll Iowa? For the Win?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2010
Omaha, NE
I think someone beat me to it but here you go.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Chipotle-away‬‏[/ame]


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
For the record, Pancheros is an IC-based restaurant and its ownership backs the hoks big time. That trumps all in my book. And Fighting Burrito's owner is the gyro guy, who is a major DB on city council (the only Smart Growth guy left). That means that I'm not going there either. It'll be Chipotle for me if I want a burrito. I do wonder how Taco Bell is going to survive on Duff.
Panchero's HQ, while in Coralville, also supports the Cyclones as well, which impresses me.

I've said it before and I will say it again. The Ames Panchero's is subpar. Hopefully bringing in a new establishment spurs them to actually become as good as some of the other Panchero's that I've eaten at. If that happens, Chipotle will be #2 in Ames.

Which is why I get tired of the played "I can't believe you shop at the name your store here - they support the Iowa Hawkeyes" argument - more often than not if they support the Hawkeyes, they're also supporting the Cyclones, and even if they didn't - if you like the product, who really gives a crap?

That being said, I've never eaten at the Panchero's in Ames, so I can't speak for the quality of the restaurant there. I can say that the one in northeast Davenport is better than good, and they don't short you on food, either. I also have never eaten at a Chipotle, so I don't exactly have an expert opinion on the comparison of Chipolte vs. Panchero's. However, if Chipotle is better than Panchero's, great - there's a Chipotle about a mile down the road from where I'm moving to in Michigan, and if they are that good they will be getting a lot of my family's business.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
Omaha, NE
IMO, the only thing Panchero's has on Chipotle is the fact that they mix the ingredients automatically while at Chipotle the meat is all on one side of the burrito so you could get a bite of entirely rice. The few times I have asked them to mix it up, they have looked at me like I'm crazy.

That being said if you're a "bang for your buck" person, Chipotle kicks Panchero's *** for quantity(just in my experience) and quality. And the chicken at Chipotle is soooooo money.

I agree that Fighting Burrito will remain completely viable, though they are a shell of the burrito juggernaut they used to be. They regulate their potions way too much due to Goodman being a DB, but as long as they have spicy corn salsa I will continue my patronage. Pretty sure I could slam 2 of these now after a night on the town now!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
All of their restaurants I see do really well, so they probably will in Ames also. Chipotle is great, and they are usually even filled with women and health conscious men eating burrito bowls, because a football sized burrito for lunch is not for everybody (I love em though, with some tabasco on them).


Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
Driftless Region
Visit site
IMO, the only thing Panchero's has on Chipotle is the fact that they mix the ingredients automatically while at Chipotle the meat is all on one side of the burrito so you could get a bite of entirely rice. The few times I have asked them to mix it up, they have looked at me like I'm crazy.

That being said if you're a "bang for your buck" person, Chipotle kicks Panchero's *** for quantity(just in my experience) and quality. And the chicken at Chipotle is soooooo money.

I agree that Fighting Burrito will remain completely viable, though they are a shell of the burrito juggernaut they used to be. They regulate their potions way too much due to Goodman being a DB, but as long as they have spicy corn salsa I will continue my patronage. Pretty sure I could slam 2 of these now after a night on the town now!

I miss the days when FB was on Lincoln Way, I was living @ the corner of Hyland and Lincoln Way (less than 100 yards away) and one of my roomates (big stoner) was working there. We'd go and get absolutely massive burritos.

The spicy corn salsa has always been and still is laced with crack.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Chipotle was awesome until I found out that there are 1100 calories in their chicken burrito. I can't bring myself to eat there since I found that out.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
Omaha, NE
I miss the days when FB was on Lincoln Way, I was living @ the corner of Hyland and Lincoln Way (less than 100 yards away) and one of my roomates (big stoner) was working there. We'd go and get absolutely massive burritos.

The spicy corn salsa has always been and still is laced with crack.

Definitely! We lived just off Lincoln on Campus Ave., the burrito used to be right on my way home from People's(RIP). We used to literally cheer and high-five when our burrito was so big it broke the tortilla! Side note, I once saw my roommate eat an entire burrito from the door to the burrito place to the front door of our apartment building (one block west of hyland), amazing. Ah, memories...


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2009
Which is why I get tired of the played "I can't believe you shop at the name your store here - they support the Iowa Hawkeyes" argument - more often than not if they support the Hawkeyes, they're also supporting the Cyclones, and even if they didn't - if you like the product, who really gives a crap?

So you are saying that it doesn't matter who a company supports? Personally, I vote with my wallet. If Cyclone fans aren't going to patronize businesses that support ISU, why should those businesses give money to the university or sponsor radio broadcasts or buy signage at the stadium?

Let's say a Phillips 66 is right across the road from a Kum and Go. Phillips 66 sponsors Big 12 basketball, Krause is a huge hok booster (yeah, I know he gives a small amount to ISU too). I'm probably going to pull over to Phillips 66 if I need gas and the reasoning is that they support something that is important to me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
So you are saying that it doesn't matter who a company supports? Personally, I vote with my wallet. If Cyclone fans aren't going to patronize businesses that support ISU, why should those businesses give money to the university or sponsor radio broadcasts or buy signage at the stadium?

Let's say a Phillips 66 is right across the road from a Kum and Go. Phillips 66 sponsors Big 12 basketball, Krause is a huge hok booster (yeah, I know he gives a small amount to ISU too). I'm probably going to pull over to Phillips 66 if I need gas and the reasoning is that they support something that is important to me.


Personally, I'll shop where I want to shop - and if that means some of my money is going to filter to the University of Iowa, so be it. I don't allow something as petty as college rivalry dictate my everyday life decisions.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Des Moines
Chipotle uses WAY too much rice in their burritos. Also, the rice is not that good. Qdoba>Pacheros>Chipotle

Qboda's four cheese queso sauce is awesome! Also, Qdoba offers Chula hot sauce. Pancheros used to have Chula, now they are going to their own brand. Chipotle does not have Chula either, they use tobasco. Gross


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
White Bear Lake, MN
Sounds good to me. I've never eaten at a Chipotle so I don't care one way or another, but I like hearing that businesses are actually wanting to move to Ames.

The anti-growth people have already shown up in the comment sections of the OPs article. Shocking!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
Macomb, MI
Chipotle uses WAY too much rice in their burritos. Also, the rice is not that good. Qdoba>Pacheros>Chipotle

Qboda's four cheese queso sauce is awesome! Also, Qdoba offers Chula hot sauce. Pancheros used to have Chula, now they are going to their own brand. Chipotle does not have Chula either, they use tobasco. Gross

I'm sure you meant "Cholula":


And I agree that Cholula blows Tabasco out of the water, but I wouldn't call Tabasco "gross" - Tabasco, for instance, is much better than Frank's RedHot, which is basically ketchup with pepper powder in it... (and for clarification, that is not a rip on Frank's wing sauce)


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2009
Personally, I'll shop where I want to shop - and if that means some of my money is going to filter to the University of Iowa, so be it. I don't allow something as petty as college rivalry dictate my everyday life decisions.

Of course, there are limits to those decisions. I'm not going to drive across town to avoid a Kum and Go, nor would I avoid stopping there if their gas were 10c/gal cheaper. Carlos O'Kelly's sponsors the KF show while Applebees sponsors the CPR show...if I had to choose between the two, I'd choose Applebees. But in reality I think that they both suck and wouldn't go to either of them. My philosophy is that if two places are similar and one supports ISU, I'm going to go to that one. If two places are similar and one supports UI, I'm going to avoid that one. Nothing life-changing about it, just another variable to add to my decision-making matrix.


Just a Happily Married Man
Sep 10, 2009
Of course, there are limits to those decisions. I'm not going to drive across town to avoid a Kum and Go, nor would I avoid stopping there if their gas were 10c/gal cheaper. Carlos O'Kelly's sponsors the KF show while Applebees sponsors the CPR show...if I had to choose between the two, I'd choose Applebees. But in reality I think that they both suck and wouldn't go to either of them. My philosophy is that if two places are similar and one supports ISU, I'm going to go to that one. If two places are similar and one supports UI, I'm going to avoid that one. Nothing life-changing about it, just another variable to add to my decision-making matrix.
I hate Iowa as much as the next guy, but damn.