2008 dirtiest hotels


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
Longview, TX
I've stayed in my fair share of run-down low-cost hotels, and had to put up with some less than ideal rooms. But some of that is just NASTY!


Asst. Regional Manager
Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
I'm not really seeing anything too gross in the pictures. What am I missing?

4429 mcc

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
Wall Street
We arrived in Nashville late at night and wanted to check into a hotel quickly and hurry up and see the downtown sights for 2-3 hours before turning in for the night. I probably wouldn't have stayed here if my yearning to see nashville wasn't so strong. There was what appeared to be vomit dried up on the walls of the bathroom.

Sounds great


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
The worst thing I hate are the hotel rooms that have slow shower drains, especially if you are sharing the room with 4 people. You don't want to be the last person in the shower and have to stand in nearly a foot of water that the 3 people before you showered in. Ran into more of those than we should have over the past couple years.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Fort Collins, CO
Disclaimer: long story about bad hotel

My first job out of college I was a traveling sales engineer, and many of my customers were in small towns scattered throughout the South. Because I got per diem for meals and hotels, if I lived on a budget (cheaper meals, not as nice hotels) I got to pocket the difference and would make some extra bling that way.:wink:

One time I was in a super small town in Arkansas (whose name unfortunately escapes me) and decided to stay in the local motel, only one in town (whose name also escapes me). So I stop at the gas station to grab a few beers, and there's a pretty good looking girl at the gas station waiting around. I think to myself, "self, not bad for Arkansas."

So I check into the motel. At $30/night and $70/night per diem, I just pocketed a cool $40. I walk in my hotel room that was smaller than my first dorm room, bathroom included. A twin bed with the TV propped up at the very foot of the bed (backside was against the wall), barely enough room to set my suitcase down inside. I turn on the TV, and it's set on porn (channel 69). Now this place had no PPV or anything like that, channel 69 was just porn. I walk out to my car to grab my bags, and I see the same aformentioned woman walking arm in arm with the dirtiest, snaggle-toothed redneck I'd ever seen. And in they go...to the room right next to me.:wideeyed:

I spent most of the night outside drinking beers with a line crew that had been staying at the same place for a couple weeks. One of them claimed the "lady of the night" had a "menu" inside the door to "her room" (right next to mine) that listed all she'd do and for how much.:dull:

Thank God I never had another customer call in that town. I was younger and it didn't seem like that big of a deal at the time, but if that happened today I definitely would have gone somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
I used to travel for work 4-5 days nearly every week so, needless to say, I stayed in a lot of hotels.

I had a nice expense account so I was not "slumming" in my hotel choices but I can tell you one thing for certain...whether you are paying $50 a night or $500 a night...THEY ARE ALL DIRTY!

My strategy ultimately became to look for new hotels opening up and stay at those newer ones...but they all get dirty sooner or later.

PS: Never, and I mean NEVER, walk on the carpet of a hotel with your bare feet!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Disclaimer: long story about bad hotel

My first job out of college I was a traveling sales engineer, and many of my customers were in small towns scattered throughout the South. Because I got per diem for meals and hotels, if I lived on a budget (cheaper meals, not as nice hotels) I got to pocket the difference and would make some extra bling that way.:wink:

One time I was in a super small town in Arkansas (whose name unfortunately escapes me) and decided to stay in the local motel, only one in town (whose name also escapes me). So I stop at the gas station to grab a few beers, and there's a pretty good looking girl at the gas station waiting around. I think to myself, "self, not bad for Arkansas."

So I check into the motel. At $30/night and $70/night per diem, I just pocketed a cool $40. I walk in my hotel room that was smaller than my first dorm room, bathroom included. A twin bed with the TV propped up at the very foot of the bed (backside was against the wall), barely enough room to set my suitcase down inside. I turn on the TV, and it's set on porn (channel 69). Now this place had no PPV or anything like that, channel 69 was just porn. I walk out to my car to grab my bags, and I see the same aformentioned woman walking arm in arm with the dirtiest, snaggle-toothed redneck I'd ever seen. And in they go...to the room right next to me.:wideeyed:

I spent most of the night outside drinking beers with a line crew that had been staying at the same place for a couple weeks. One of them claimed the "lady of the night" had a "menu" inside the door to "her room" (right next to mine) that listed all she'd do and for how much.:dull:

Thank God I never had another customer call in that town. I was younger and it didn't seem like that big of a deal at the time, but if that happened today I definitely would have gone somewhere else.

Classic! Thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Grimes, IA
Dirtiest hotel I stayed at was a Days Inn in Fort Worth. A group of familes from Iowa were all heading down there and to add an important detail to this trip it was for a cattle show so these people know what is truely dirty is considering we all came from farms. We left Des Moines around noon with a semi hauling the cattle and everyone else driving a car or truck down behind it. Arrived in Fort Worth around 2am, unloaded the cattle and stuff and got to the hotel around 5am so as you can imagine we all were ready for some sleep.

Well the front desk clerk (we referred to him as Apu as he reminded us of the character from The Simpsons) starts handing out the room assignments so we head to ours and the electronic key card would not open the door. After a couple tries the lights in the room come on, there is someone in there! We head back to the desk, about the same time another family was down there with the same problem so Apu calls these rooms to verify the people are still staying there! We noticed later that week all the nicer looking rooms had Mexicans staying in them and from what we can tell looked like they were probably staying there for extended time and 1 of the rooms we think was where one of the maid's family was staying from some of the observations we made.

It gets better... the next room Apu puts us in we noticed ceiling plaster that was falling off and some was on the floor and on the bed plus the room smelled like mold so we had no intent staying in that room either. So we go back down the the front desk, only rooms available now are smoking rooms so we say whatever we are tired. Pulled the car around to the other side of the hotel and a hobo was digging in the dumpster and making a mess around it as we drove by it. Finally get to sleep around 6am and the front desk calls at 8am saying they have a non-smoking room now! Thanks for the wakeup call, I just saw you 2 hours ago and didn't need anymore sleep!

So around 10am or so everyone is ready to head out and we start sharing stories of how bad our rooms are and we decide the smoking room doesn't seem so bad all the sudden than a room without a working toilet at least. Later in the week they closed the pool for a night for cleaning, great thing to do when it's been over 100 degrees all week! Well the next night all the sudden the pool water looks way more clear and the pool noticibly more clean so now we are now wondering what kind of filth we had been swimming in before! A few of the nights we basically ignored Apu trying to kick us out of the pool at 10pm, that was pretty funny as we'd swim from one end to the other as a group messing with him and he'd eventually give up and come back after we left to lock up. Our last night we were fed up with this place so we jumped the pool fence at night and put all the outdoor furniture into the pool which had a 12 foot deep end. The next morning we were heading out around 3 or 4am and had to wake up Apu to check out who was sleeping face down on the front desk. Was pretty eventful week just at the hotel to say the least and after some complaints to Days Inn all we got were responses that each one is privately owned and we'd have to take up the complaints with the local manager. How about inspecting the place and possibly removing their franchise for not being up to par with corporate standards?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2006
Northwest Arkansas
Being in the hotel industry, I can vouch Travman, that was Day's Inn standards!

Being in the industry gives you a much better eye when staying at other hotels, as you already know the nasty stuff (I travel with my own universal remote vs. touching the hotel supplied ones, those are the highest germ concentrated things in the room), and will only drink out of plastic wrapped cups. Nasty stuff in hotel rooms, no matter how well they clean them. I also wouldn't sleep with the bed blankets or bedspread near your face, or touching your skin for that matter, as they are not washed more than a handful of times a year.

Worst hotel experiance for me is a tie between the Pelican Inn in Shreveport, which had a stench that wouldn't go away, and the roaches were as big as me. If Tony's kick would have been good at the end however, I would have a better outlook on it, I am sure.

The other is a little hunter's/fisherman type place that we have to stay at when going to the in-laws family reunion in Texas. First time I stayed there, there were dead minnows still in the full-size fridge. This past year, the toilet had a sign next to it that said not to flush anything solid. Unfortunatley, they didn't elaborate on what solid really meant, but I wasn't about to test them.