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  • Thanks for the note- I hate being that guy because the person that I responded to is most likely a terrific guy. Having said that, if we are going to be critical, we must be researched. (something that I struggle w/ as well).
    An example would be my feelings of two talk radio clowns in DSM.

    Go Cyclones!
    I thought of a couple angles you could take with it, and you found a different one. hehe, Jared #2
    fORGOT TO ASK IF U MIGHT ALSO BE GOING TO THE MEN'S LAST GAME. If so I can bring it to the men's game. If u have a cell phone give me your number and we can meet before either game so u can try it on. It is on a hanger in a sports coat bag so it doesn't get dirty.
    By the way, the sports coat is in perfect shape, dry cleaned and pressed, has a walking cy on the breast pocket. It is size 46 or 48. It has shrunk from nonwearing in my office closet but is in perfect shape for anyone else to wear.
    Do you go to the women's games at all? Looking to trade this Wild Bill sports coat for 2 clone cones if you want it. Would bring to the Sat nite game so you could have your pic with Wild bill and his clone.. Email me back if u want to do so.
    Oh, that's rough! At least you've got medicine (and hidden it. Wow!).

    It was halftime when I called in, so it was "quieter." Our rules for unscheduled PTO are that it's for any reason as long as you call in one hour prior to your shift. Before leaving the house seemed too early, and this way kept him from asking a lot of questions.

    Sounded like they had fun with it until I got in.
    Nice job:smile: A Dr.s appointment works for a good reason.

    With all the fun I've had razzing you about this, I used an hour of PTO to go to work late after the Baylor game. I called in from my seat in Hilton. That was fun.
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