CyValley Aug 31, 2008 Thanks for letting me know that. I scratched my head over that. Maybe it wasn't me, then. (grin)
kurecabinboy Aug 6, 2008 Thank you for giving me some "street cred" with my take on the season ticket sales!
LindenCy May 13, 2008 Ha, that was a funny comment about the process theology. I am definitely not a process man myself, just reviewing books. :smile:
Ha, that was a funny comment about the process theology. I am definitely not a process man myself, just reviewing books. :smile:
C C CyAg May 12, 2008 Thanks. They may actually be right the family has some problems. My point is base your decision on facts of each individual, not personal feelings and beliefts that may or may not be the same. Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks. They may actually be right the family has some problems. My point is base your decision on facts of each individual, not personal feelings and beliefts that may or may not be the same. Thanks for the feedback.