Realignment Megathread (All The Moves)


SuperFanatic T2
Apr 10, 2006
Eastern Iowa
It’s of course possible that you and the unequal revenue people are right but again it’s never once been brought up in any other conference besides the big 12 which did not go well. Have to agree to disagree on this one

I don't believe conferences will go to an unequal revenue model. I believe big names will end up leaving conferences to form their own type league to maximize their return on their brand name.


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SuperFanatic T2
Jun 21, 2009
Way up there
Id like to take as many pac 12 schools as possible but i kind of also like the idea of grabbing the mountain time zone schools to get to 16 and then wait out the acc so see if you can grab some of those leftovers.
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Minister of Economy
SuperFanatic T2
Aug 10, 2011
Why is everyone valuing private Stanford over public Ivy Cal?

You’re talking top ten school on the planet either way if we’re still pretending to care about that.

If it’s divisive politics, having friends who graduated from Stanford, it was “woke” back in the 90s.

It’d be a coin flip choice for me.

Ronald Reagan gave a speech condemning the "wildness" of Stanford and Berkeley... in 1966.

Those places are what they are. We all know what a phrase like "Berkeley politics" means.

Comes with the territory if you want them. Hard to stop a dog from chasing its own tail.


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SuperFanatic T2
Nov 18, 2008
Eventually they are going to have to trim off the dead weight. Purdue, Rutgers, Maryland. Makes no sense for these schools to be raking in 100M. Do we really need 2 Michigan schools long term? Probably not
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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
Rapids of the Cedar
Superconferences suuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

How the hell do you crown a “champion” when each team only plays about half the teams in the “conference”? How the hell do you determine the two “best” teams for your championship game when the schedules aren’t balanced?

We already see how it doesn’t work with 14 teams … how do we think it’s going to work with 20, or 22, or 24?

Seriously, if the B1G and SEC expand to 40 or 48 programs, nobody else in the country should ever schedule a game with one of their schools again, in any sport. Let them have their “super” playground and they can have their own playoffs and crown their own champions, just the two of them. If the response is, “what about the media money we lose by not playing them?” … how much media money is going to be left once they’re getting $100, $150, $175 million per team for their “super” conferences? You know, play em non-con all you want, they’re never gonna let you be part of their club. Best to leave them in their own playground and make something work outside of that.

And this is why nobody is asking me to take over as commissioner of anything. :D


Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
I don't believe conferences will go to an unequal revenue model. I believe big names will end up leaving conferences to form their own type league to maximize their return on their brand name.
Something will happen, always has. Why take way less than you are worth is what the conferences are saying. The top teams will say that when the conferences are maxed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
Well, the Rose Bowl just got more awkward. And much closer to dead.
I mean if the PAC implodes the Rose will just be a NY6 bowl, or the B1G against another conference. Its not like they dont renegotiate every other conference tie in every few years. Its just they have been historically locked to the Rose. The Big 12 has had tie ins with the Cotton, Fiesta, Sugar, Orange etc during different time periods.


Feb 28, 2006
It’s of course possible that you and the unequal revenue people are right but again it’s never once been brought up in any other conference besides the big 12 which did not go well. Have to agree to disagree on this one

I didn't use to believe unequal revenue would take root out of sake of stability... but then started to realize that any instability it did make would directly benefit those in the super leagues. Nobody in the SEC or BIG is going to care if the bottom feeders that make less leave their leagues because there will always be teams willing to take their place. It only hurt in a really small league where any turnover had huge consequences.

That's my reasoning for thinking that ISU making 45 mil a year in a competitive Big 12 is far better than making 50 mil in the BIG of the 2030's where we're really only ever competing for top third of a division.


Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
May 25, 2012
Rural U.S.A.
The Big 10 may go for Oregon and Washington next. After that, they would try to decide between Colorado and Stanford (to woo Notre Dame).

Notre Dame last stated that they didn't want to join the BIG because the only school that was similar was Northwestern. If the BIG states, we now have USC and can add Stanford, does that make you more comfortable? I can't see Notre Dame in the SEC, even if the SEC has Vanderbilt and and adds Miami and Duke (assuming Duke basketball doesn't fall off the table).

Notre Dame freaking hates the Big 10. They will join the ACC or Pac 12 first. If Notre Dame actually joined the ACC, Miami, Clemson and Florida State would probably stay too.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2016
One thing to consider is if
Notre Dame freaking hates the Big 10. They will join the ACC or Pac 12 first. If Notre Dame actually joined the ACC, Miami, Clemson and Florida State would probably stay too.

Today has changed everything. If Notre Dame is ever joining a conference it will be the B1G or the SEC. Those are the only choices for ND now. The ACC is beyond redemption; as soon as it is tenable with the GOR, the valuable schools will bail for those two leagues.
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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
Driftless Region
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None of this makes any sense, but if the Big 10 was going past 16, and they were doing it with 4 Pac12 schools, then why is there only news of them going to 16 with 2 Pac 12 schools?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
This tweet is probably just spitballing and doesn't even rise to the level of informed speculation...but if the B1G poaches from the SEC or vice versa, *that's* when the sht really hits the fan.

Yeah, I'm trying to think if ANY team would want to switch.

I really can't think of a single one. Maybe Texas if they hadn't already just joined SEC. I could see them genuinely preferring USC, Mich, Ohio State, Stanford, Oregon, Washington over the SEC.

That's about it though, I think every other school in that group of 30 would prefer to stay where they are (or schools like Vandy and NW that would never get asked to move) including Missouri. The money difference would have to be huge and I don't think it is.

Who knows though, in a decade if one conference is paid way more than the other the Big Whatever and SEC might get a taste of their own medicine.
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