Question for Hok fans?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Where did I say ISU was better, or going to do any of this s***?

You were puffing your chest about better recruiting. My point was simply that recruiting isn't everything; personally, I find much of it to be vastly overrated. Recruits are worthless without coaching and development. Frankly, to say that ISU can't maintain success because our recruiting class is worse than yours is dishonest and disrespectful.

See? This is why I don't like hokdom.

That's the bully mentality of hokdom. I don't follow recruiting, but looked and their numbers aren't crazy better than ISU's, but here they are, having to brag about it.

Total Hayden Fry big fish in a small pond ******** way of thinking. They still talk about all those amazing 8-3 seasons Fry put out there.

I live out of state--what do people think of Hayden Fry? Arrogant and decent teams for a while.
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
This kinda surprised me. It certainly caught the attention of a few Iowa fans I know who aren't necessarily the most diehard fans (grads, funny how that works). I thought of the TOE stuff as kinda lame and unoriginal, but it definitely pissed them off. I guess I don't really get why. Is the Iowa Fan ego so fragile that they literally need us to say their name?

I think TOE fans put a lot of stock in being the premier team in the state. Being referred to as just the Team Out East lessens the perceived importance of the team. And of course some TOE fans base their personal self esteem on how good their favorite football team is, so it's also a personal insult to them.

For many years Iowa was the only team that had any national relevance in the state. The 80s and early 90s were a dark time for Iowa State. We're still in some ways digging out of that hole from an image and recognition perspective.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2016
So AP votes are legit to use now? I'm confused

How can you be confused by my post?

The post I was responding to was most likely referencing the AP Poll and had incorrect information. I simply corrected him. Take it up with him as to what poll is legit to use.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
How can you be confused by my post?

The post I was responding to was most likely referencing the AP Poll and had incorrect information. I simply corrected him. Take it up with him as to what poll is legit to use.

Well do you think AP votes are legit to use?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2016
I don't hate Fry at all. He hated ISU though

Just curious as there seems to be a lot of hostility towards him on this board, not saying its coming from you. And I had never seen him called Raisin Face until seeing it on this board.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2006
Robins, Iowa
There were no illusions of national title runs when Niang was an upperclassmen?

I dont believe that for a second.

That team was close, but I sure didn't think they were good enough to win it all. NCAA tourney is a funny beast and strange things can and usually do happen. The year he broke his foot there was at least a chance that ISU would have gotten to the final 4.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2014
Keep trolling your own fanbase. It is quite comical. You guys do support your teams I will give you that. But you are not better at it than Iowa. It took you 100 plus years to get a coach to jump on the bandwagon with. Now ISU has fans from everywhere after an 8 win season. Talk about fair weather.

Wow, this is "Hawkeyes on mah belly" kind of stupid. Honestly you sound bitter. ISU fans are excited and you are reacting negatively.
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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 23, 2006
Ankeny, IA
There were no illusions of national title runs when Niang was an upperclassmen?

I dont believe that for a second.

There is a huge difference between thinking your team had a puncher's chance of a title versus "national title runs."

To put this in terms more easily understandable, Iowa had a "puncher's chance" at a football title in 2015...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2017
To Thinker, Gonzo, Dexter, and especially YeahFuddyDuddy. Why the hell are dickless, mangina, soy boy, winy ******* who can't even get laid ... posting post again and again and again on another teams board ? Are you clueless morons ? Go post on your own ******* board ... there are tons of ISU fans here and you don't see them going to post on hawk boards ... do you ? Cause we got some class and some dignity and some self respect. That's why. Might want to learn just a little bit from that and know where you are wanted and where you aren't.

As for the original comment, I did some research last night while waiting to have my account approved so I could post. Site is here:

Some stats: In 20 years of coaching Fry had EIU in the top 10 twice. KF 4 times in the watered down B1G. That would be 6 times in 39 years or once every 6.5 yrs. If you wanna go back further ... prior to Fry, Iowa was not ranked once in the prior 18 years. So that would be 6 times in 57 years. Or once every approximately 10 years.

And here is the truth no Hawk fan will every admit. Iowa is bit better than ISU in football, that's all. A little bit better. Yes, we want to be where you are ... 7-9 wins every year and a bowl game. But the truth is we play in a better football conference and can't dodge the good teams. Our schedule is considered one of the toughest in the nation ... pretty much every year and YOURS ISN"T. In fact, swap our schedules are our records wouldn't be all that much different. For example take this upcoming year ... if we beat you ... we likely get 7 wins ... if we don't we'll likely get 6. If you were to play our schedule you'd likely do the same. Ditto for your schedule for us. You'll likely get 8-9 wins ... 9 if you beat us. And if we played YOUR SCHEDULE ... we'd get 8 if we beat you and 7 if we didn't.

The difference isn't that big. And that is what pisses us off. Your attitude ... just get off your ******* high horses. You ain't our big brother and are BARELY better than us over the last 20 years and the difference is getting smaller every year. With Campbell ... we are at the crossing point where we will eclipse you and leave you behind. And that's what brings out the EIU idiots and the ********. Can't accept the fact that ISU will be outdoing EIU on a regularly basis ... so rather than accept reality ... they morph into trolls and liars and dickless soy boys ... trolling on another teams site ... trying to piss people off ... all because they are too immature to accept reality. EIU is about to become the "little brother" and that just pisses them off to no end ... Please, please just take your football and go home. Nobody wants EIU trolls here. So please just shut the **** up and go back where you came from. You ain't convincing anyone anyway, so you're just wasting your breath.

Very first post for the win.

I dont want to be too mean or snarky, but you a very wrong with most of what you claim.

Last 20 years are not close
ISU winning percentage is 38%
Iowa winning percentage is 60%

ISU schedule has been bolstered by playing a team that has a 60% winning percentage in Iowa. Iowa schedule is watered down because of that. That is a fact.

ISU got most of their good seasons before last year in a terrible Big 12 North. Which is way worse than the big 10 west. Iowa has been consistent with either the legends, west, or regular big schedule.

As far as saying the Big 12 is better? Not so much last year IMO. The big 10 and big 12 are pretty even historically. Either fan base could argue their case. I will give the nod to the big 12, but recently and going forward the big 10 could be better. Texas and Baylor are not their prime anymore. Nebraska is in the big. Missouri is gone. Oklahoma is the cream of the crop. TCU and OSU are right there. Big 12 used to be top heavy but looks to have a lot of mediocre teams outside those 3. In the Big 10 you got Michigan, OSU, Penn State, and Wisconsin. MSU Northwestern and Iowa have been good recently. I see a lot of similar teams in each league.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
There is a huge difference between thinking your team had a puncher's chance of a title versus "national title runs."

To put this in terms more easily understandable, Iowa had a "puncher's chance" at a football title in 2015...

And when we lost a very close game to the eventual champion, without one of our best players. It's not a big leap to say we could have beaten them with Niang. And if we could beat them, it stands to reason we could have beaten the teams that they beat later on in the tournament. Their margin of victory over us was less than the rest of the games they played in that tournament.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
ISU got most of their good seasons before last year in a terrible Big 12 North. Which is way worse than the big 10 west.

How was the Big 12 North way worse than the Big 10 West? If anything the Big Ten West is probably worse IMO
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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2017
I believe you can only use Sagarin for teams that do not get coaches votes or AP votes on this site. So that would exclude about 40 teams from consideration. Dont know how you will compare evenly matched teams that are in the 26-40 range but to each their own.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
I believe you can only use Sagarin for teams that do not get coaches votes or AP votes on this site. So that would exclude about 40 teams from consideration. Dont know how you will compare evenly matched teams that are in the 26-40 range but to each their own.

AP votes. Derp
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